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Где взять ключ от тлеющего ущелья

Где взять ключ от тлеющего ущелья

Где взять ключ от тлеющего ущелья

Тлеющее ущелье
Ключ от Тлеющего ущелья - Вещи

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Ключ от Тлеющего ущелья - Предметы

Wowhead Client клиент Wowhead — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями! Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Комментарии Комментарий от Falcore This is the key used to open the door between Loch Modan and the Searing Gorge. It is obtained by completing a quest line that starts with killing Margol the Rager http: The quest ends at "At Last! So anyway the trick is that you can get trough without the key if you are a Hunter or Shaman. Simply do like the following movie clip: Комментарий от leethal Me want this key. Why not orc get this key when orc want it? Orc will kill dorfs until orc has this key. Комментарий от Otiman The key is pretty much redundant since they put a flight path in at Thorium Point all those patches ago. Used to be that you either went through from Lakeshire, across burning steppes, and through blackrock mountain, or around the back of horde town Kargath not exactly ideal for alliance. Then you would do this quest first up so you could get back easily. Комментарий от Kopaka Thanks for the tip Rinor.. Комментарий от Invisible if u horde or not sham,go up on gates,where territory will be searing gorge,aggro guard neat the gates. Комментарий от Assassin Man So EASYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Комментарий от Mazq Tip for all Warlocks: D Use hellfire when ur standing almost inside the door and it must say that ur inside Searing Gorge. Комментарий от brianroyer As any class with a DoT Then proceed to pull a spider from yds away from the gate while constantly refreshing your DoT so the creature does not actually take damage. Then let the spider kill you while you are hugging the gate. This will spawn your ghost at the Searing Gorge Spirit Healer instead of Loch Modan. Комментарий от SuBw00FeR 2. Комментарий от Firsk It still works! This is working for version 2. Комментарий от Chocopie Can be opened with http: Комментарий от Patriarcha in wotlk still working good, far sight the door and move camera, gl. Комментарий от sndance the trick still works in 3. Комментарий от Thesteini This key is only obtainable by the Alliance, sadly. Комментарий от Jaratha I did this and did not resurrect at the Loch Modan Spirit Healer, but rather at the one near the Cauldron in Searing Gorge. However, upon running back to the gate as a ghost, I found I could run through and rez on the other side. Комментарий от TheBestHunter as Rinor said, hunters can do it too Комментарий от FerFuxAke As of 3. Комментарий от unoscop The door can also be opened by a lockpicking rogue. Комментарий от BEZERK If your horde, and a blacksmith, the Arcanite Skeleton Key could open the door just fine. Just make sure you have the 2 that you get from creating it. Otherwise you will get stuck inside the pass. One key to get in, one key to get out Комментарий от Korzak No longer works for Hunters. Комментарий от Eirwen Is there any way to get in without the key? I just want the exploration credit. Комментарий от NeoBlackheart Go the long way if your a horde. Комментарий от comccoy Definitely still works for Shamans as of 3. Комментарий от Hypotenuse Still works for shamans in 3. Комментарий от Lysdexia Is the key needed for exit? I just let a Blood Elf paladin into the tunnel in hopes that the key is needed to exit. The chance to trap a Horde player in the tunnel was just too tempting. Though why you would use one to do so is beyond me. Комментарий от bden Patch 3. You have to work at it for a second. Your vision is obstructed since you can only farsight on the gate but if you move your screen around you still eventually get it. Комментарий от Nyito You keep this key if you got it as alliance, then transferred factions. I got it on my Draenei pally, who has since been changed to a Blood Elf. I still have it. Комментарий от nbartal There are several solutions - The one which I have used was to die in Dun Morogh, then run as a ghost all the way to a spirit healer in searing gorge, relog, and then resurrect at the spirit healer inside searing gorge. Комментарий от Abomnivous this key stays in your inventory when you faction change was a pleasant surprise. Комментарий от Zykour Interestingly enough if you are Allliance and faction change to Horde you will keep the key, whereas other Alliance-only keys are lost. So if you are planning on going Horde anytime soon make sure to do this quest, seeing as it may be your last chance to get it. Once there you can get yourself killed and resurrect at Thorium Point graveyard. Комментарий от Aramaru With this latest patch, it appears Blizzard has removed this key from the game.. Комментарий от Tostos Thanks for the information dude. Комментарий от theracen would this working with the engineering farsight item,the glitch i mean. Комментарий от katilady Opened Searing Gorge side with Hunter Eagle Eye just now. This DOES still work. Комментарий от adashiel If you faction change to Horde, you will lose the key. However, if you switch back to the Alliance, you can retrieve it like other lost keys by visiting a Locksmith. RESPBREAK DELIM adashiel DELIM. Комментарий от CowardlyCow Another way around it is to have a Titanium skeleton Key which equals a lockpicking skill of I used that to open the gate. No deaths or anything. May be able to use a different skeleton key of a lower level. See if a Blacksmith will make you some. Комментарий от Zansoa97 Using Eagle Eye to push the lever still works as of 4. I did it about 5 minutes ago and all you need to do is get the eagle eye to hit the roof of the inside and then push the lever. A good mace that helps is: Eagle Eye If you use this macro you can keep casting it without having to exit Eagle Eye and then cast a new one. You can use this trick for Unlimited Range on the Eagle Eye too. Комментарий от Iamfivebears As of Cataclysm, this key is useless. The door separating Searing Gorge from the Valley of Kings in Loch Modan has been removed. The key remains in your inventory if you already have it, but it is most likely unobtainable now, as evidenced by the removal of the Keymaster achievement. Комментарий от psxchelly Will Blizz ever stop annoying us? They took out The Keymaster achievement, without a whisper or passing comment, not even a Feat of Strength. This sucks for all of us who did the endless rep grinding for the keys, yet they leave the Key to Searing Gorge on our keyring which was only a small quest chain, that was removed Комментарий от Aezay Even though patch 4. The key is no longer obtainable, but if you had it before the patch, you will still have it after. Комментарий от monotonerobot It would appear that as of The Shattering the tunnel to the Searing Gorge is no longer gated. This item will remain in the keyring of any who hold it already, but is no longer available. Комментарий от changedx Stonewrought Pass connecting Loch Modan and Searing Gorge no longer has a locked gate. Thus no need for the key which has been removed from the game. Комментарий от MoarHeroisms A blue post confirms that come patch 4. Wonder what Pebblebitty will do now Комментарий от remikskr This key is being removed with the release of 4. Комментарий от Aislinana My Ode to Key to Searing Gorge: Key to my heart! You were there, in stormy weather! Let me in to Searing Gorge Patch 4. Thank you, thank you. You will be missed Key to Searing Gorge, I worked so hard on that quest. Комментарий от darylcheshire I understand this key was important to raiding MC before the Thorium Point FP was made. Посмотреть в 3D Сравнить Найти лучше При написании комментария, просим вас не забывать про следующее: Ваш комментарий должен быть на русском языке, иначе он будет удален. Не уверены как правильно составить комментарий? Тогда прочтите наше замечательное руководство! У вас может возникнуть желание проверить написание своего комментария перед тем, как поместить его на сайт. Задавайте вопросы на наших форумах , чтобы получить гарантированный ответ. Просмотрите изображение, используя форму ниже. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. 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