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Last active November 16, 2021 10:29
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import tushare as ts
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, date
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
start_date = date(2015, 1, 1)
hs300 = 0
start_amount = 10000000
start_index = 0
debt_amount = start_amount
latest_index_trade_date = start_date
latest_debt_trade_date = start_date
latest_ratio = 0
def rebalance(d, index):
global debt_amount, hs300, latest_index_trade_date
total = debt_amount + hs300 * index # 计算下持仓总量
target_hs300 = (total * latest_ratio) / index # 交易后的 HS300 持仓
target_debt_amount = total * (1 - latest_ratio) # 交易后的债券持仓
diff_hs300 = target_hs300 - hs300 # HS300 交易差
diff_debt_amount = target_debt_amount - debt_amount # 债券交易差
# 更新持仓
hs300 = target_hs300
debt_amount = target_debt_amount
# TODO: 计算交易手续费
# 更新交易数据
latest_index_trade_date = d
def trade(d, ratio, index):
global debt_amount, hs300, latest_index_trade_date, latest_ratio
total = debt_amount + hs300 * index # 计算下持仓总量
target_hs300 = (total * ratio) / index # 交易后的 HS300 持仓
target_debt_amount = total * (1 - ratio) # 交易后的债券持仓
diff_hs300 = target_hs300 - hs300 # HS300 交易差
diff_debt_amount = target_debt_amount - debt_amount # 债券交易差
# 更新持仓
hs300 = target_hs300
debt_amount = target_debt_amount
# TODO: 计算交易手续费
# 更新交易数据
latest_index_trade_date = d
latest_ratio = ratio
def calc_ratio(d, pe, debt):
ratio = 1.0 / pe * 100.0 / debt
ret = 0
if ratio > 2.4:
ret = 1.0
elif ratio > 2.1:
ret = 0.7
elif ratio > 1.8:
ret = 0.6
elif ratio > 1.5:
ret = 0.3
# print(d, 'pe=', pe, '风险收益率=', 1.0/pe * 100.0, '无风险收益率=', debt, '股债比=', ratio)
return ret
def get_debt_day_rate(debt):
return (1.0 + debt / 100.0) ** (1/365) - 1.0
def increase_debt(d, debt):
global latest_debt_trade_date
days = (d - latest_debt_trade_date).days
latest_debt_trade_date = d
debt_amount * np.power(1.0 + get_debt_day_rate(debt), days)
def process(d, pe, index, debt):
ratio = calc_ratio(d, pe, debt)
debt_amount = increase_debt(d, debt)
if (ratio == latest_ratio) and ((d - latest_index_trade_date).days > 180):
rebalance(d, index)
elif ratio != latest_ratio:
trade(d, ratio, index)
df_index = pd.read_csv('index.csv', index_col=0)
df_debt = pd.read_csv('debt.csv')
df = df_index.merge(df_debt, left_on='trade_date', right_on='trade_date')
df = df.sort_values(by='trade_date')
latest_print_date = date(1970, 1, 1)
result = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['trade_date', 'index_close', 'pe_close', 'debt_close', '股债比', 'debt_holding', 'index_holding', 'ratio', 'yield', 'index_yield', 'amount'])
for index, row in df.iterrows():
d = datetime.strptime(str(int(row['trade_date'])), '%Y%m%d').date()
if d <= start_date:
process(d, row['pe'], row['close_x'], row['close_y'])
if start_index == 0:
start_index = row['close_x']
total = debt_amount + hs300 * row['close_x'] # 当前总资产
result = result.append({
'trade_date': d,
'index_close': row['close_x'],
'pe_close': row['pe'],
'debt_close': row['close_y'] / 100,
'股债比': 1/row['pe']/row['close_y'] * 100,
'debt_holding': debt_amount,
'index_holding': hs300 * row['close_x'],
'ratio': latest_ratio,
'yield': (total / start_amount) ** (1/((d - start_date).days / 365)) - 1,
'index_yield': (row['close_x'] / start_index) ** (1/((d - start_date).days / 365)) - 1,
'amount': total,
}, ignore_index=True)
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