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Created February 20, 2020 06:37
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Deploy Your Python Flask Web To Heroku
# Just a record of how to deploy flask to heroku
# original post from
# 1.Create a new project folder:
$ mkdir $PROJECT && cd $PROJECT
# 2.Add requirements.txt inside:
# 3.Install them:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# 4.Write Code ( In the same folder, add
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return "Hello World!"
# 5.add Procfile (this is used by Heroku to know how to run your code):
web: gunicorn main:app
# 6.Deploy on Heroku
# After installing heroku-cli and login, we initialize our folder as a git repo, create a Heroku app,
# then push our folder to that app via git:
$ git init && git add . && git commit -m "Initialize project"
$ heroku create $PROJECT
$ heroku git:remote -a $PROJECT
$ git push heroku master
# 7.Done! Your hello-world website should be live now at $
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