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Created March 9, 2022 14:54
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A layout group, based on that lays items out in columns rather than rows
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
/// <summary>
/// Layout Group controller that arranges children in columns, fitting as many on a line until total height exceeds parent bounds
/// </summary>
public class HorizontalFlowLayoutGroup : LayoutGroup
public float Spacing = 0f;
public bool ChildForceExpandWidth = false;
public bool ChildForceExpandHeight = false;
private float _layoutWidth;
public override void CalculateLayoutInputVertical()
var minHeight = GetGreatestMinimumChildHeight() + + padding.bottom;
SetLayoutInputForAxis(minHeight, -1, -1, 1);
public override void SetLayoutHorizontal()
SetLayout(rectTransform.rect.height, 0, false);
public override void SetLayoutVertical()
SetLayout(rectTransform.rect.height, 1, false);
public override void CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal()
_layoutWidth = SetLayout(rectTransform.rect.height, 0, true);
protected bool IsCenterAlign
return childAlignment == TextAnchor.LowerCenter || childAlignment == TextAnchor.MiddleCenter ||
childAlignment == TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
protected bool IsRightAlign
return childAlignment == TextAnchor.LowerRight || childAlignment == TextAnchor.MiddleRight ||
childAlignment == TextAnchor.UpperRight;
protected bool IsMiddleAlign
return childAlignment == TextAnchor.MiddleLeft || childAlignment == TextAnchor.MiddleRight ||
childAlignment == TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
protected bool IsLowerAlign
return childAlignment == TextAnchor.LowerLeft || childAlignment == TextAnchor.LowerRight ||
childAlignment == TextAnchor.LowerCenter;
/// <summary>
/// Holds the rects that will make up the current column being processed
/// </summary>
private readonly IList<RectTransform> _columnList = new List<RectTransform>();
/// <summary>
/// Main layout method
/// </summary>
/// <param name="height">Height to calculate the layout with</param>
/// <param name="axis">0 for horizontal axis, 1 for vertical</param>
/// <param name="layoutInput">If true, sets the layout input for the axis. If false, sets child position for axis</param>
public float SetLayout(float height, int axis, bool layoutInput)
var groupWidth = rectTransform.rect.width;
// Height that is available after padding is subtracted
var workingHeight = rectTransform.rect.height - - padding.bottom;
// Accumulates the total width of the columns, including spacing and padding.
var xOffset = IsRightAlign ? padding.right : (float)padding.left;
var currentColumnWidth = 0f;
var currentColumnHeight = 0f;
for (var i = 0; i < rectChildren.Count; i++)
// LowerAlign works from back to front
var index = IsRightAlign ? rectChildren.Count - 1 - i : i;
var child = rectChildren[index];
var childWidth = LayoutUtility.GetPreferredSize(child, 0);
var childHeight = LayoutUtility.GetPreferredSize(child, 1);
// Max child width is layout group with - padding
childHeight = Mathf.Min(childHeight, workingHeight);
// Apply spacing if not the first element in a column
if (_columnList.Count > 0)
currentColumnHeight += Spacing;
// If adding this element would exceed the bounds of the column,
// go to a new line after processing the current column
if (currentColumnHeight + childHeight > workingHeight)
// Undo spacing addition if we're moving to a new line (Spacing is not applied on edges)
currentColumnHeight -= Spacing;
// Process current column elements positioning
if (!layoutInput)
var w = CalculateColumnHorizontalOffset(groupWidth, xOffset, currentColumnWidth);
LayoutColumn(_columnList, currentColumnHeight, currentColumnWidth, workingHeight,, w, axis);
// Clear existing column
// Add the current column width to total width accumulator, and reset to 0 for the next column
xOffset += currentColumnWidth;
xOffset += Spacing;
currentColumnWidth = 0;
currentColumnHeight = 0;
currentColumnHeight += childHeight;
// We need the largest element height to determine the starting position of the next line
if (childWidth > currentColumnWidth)
currentColumnWidth = childWidth;
if (!layoutInput)
var w = CalculateColumnHorizontalOffset(groupWidth, xOffset, currentColumnWidth);
// Layout the final column
LayoutColumn(_columnList, currentColumnHeight, currentColumnWidth, workingHeight,, w, axis);
// Add the last column's width to the width accumulator
xOffset += currentColumnWidth;
xOffset += IsRightAlign ? padding.left : padding.right;
if (layoutInput)
if (axis == 0)
SetLayoutInputForAxis(xOffset, xOffset, -1, axis);
return xOffset;
private float CalculateColumnHorizontalOffset(float groupWidth, float xOffset, float currentColumnWidth)
float h;
if (IsLowerAlign)
h = groupWidth - xOffset - currentColumnWidth;
else if (IsMiddleAlign)
h = groupWidth * 0.5f - _layoutWidth * 0.5f + xOffset;
h = xOffset;
return h;
protected void LayoutColumn(IList<RectTransform> contents, float columnHeight, float columnWidth, float maxHeight, float yOffset, float xOffset, int axis)
var yPos = yOffset;
if (!ChildForceExpandWidth && IsCenterAlign)
yPos += (maxHeight - columnHeight) * 0.5f;
else if (!ChildForceExpandWidth && IsRightAlign)
yPos += (maxHeight - columnHeight);
var extraHeight = 0f;
if (ChildForceExpandHeight)
var flexibleChildCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < _columnList.Count; i++)
if (LayoutUtility.GetFlexibleWidth(_columnList[i]) > 0f)
if (flexibleChildCount > 0)
extraHeight = (maxHeight - columnHeight) / flexibleChildCount;
for (var j = 0; j < _columnList.Count; j++)
var index = IsRightAlign ? _columnList.Count - 1 - j : j;
var columnChild = _columnList[index];
var columnChildHeight = LayoutUtility.GetPreferredSize(columnChild, 1);
if (LayoutUtility.GetFlexibleHeight(columnChild) > 0f)
columnChildHeight += extraHeight;
var columnChildWidth = LayoutUtility.GetPreferredSize(columnChild, 0);
if (ChildForceExpandWidth)
columnChildWidth = columnWidth;
columnChildHeight = Mathf.Min(columnChildHeight, maxHeight);
var xPos = xOffset;
if (IsCenterAlign)
xPos += (columnWidth - columnChildWidth) * 0.5f;
else if (IsLowerAlign)
xPos += (columnWidth - columnChildWidth);
if (axis == 1)
SetChildAlongAxis(columnChild, 1, yPos, columnChildHeight);
SetChildAlongAxis(columnChild, 0, xPos, columnChildWidth);
yPos += columnChildHeight + Spacing;
public float GetGreatestMinimumChildHeight()
var max = 0f;
for (var i = 0; i < rectChildren.Count; i++)
var w = LayoutUtility.GetMinHeight(rectChildren[i]);
max = Mathf.Max(w, max);
return max;
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