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Forked from nicdaCosta/Grep.js
Created January 28, 2013 11:33
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Author : Nic da Costa ( @nic_daCosta )
Created : 2012/11/14
Version : 0.2
(c) Nic da Costa
License : MIT, GPL licenses
Basic function that searches / filters any object or function and returns matched properties.
This receives either a string or regex as the initial parameter( strSearch ), the sencond parameter ( isRecursive == Bool) is
used to determine whether to search the property's properties should the current property be of type object / function.
Main area of use would be for DevTools purposes, when needing to find a specific property but only part of
the property name is known.
Is now an inherited method on any Object / Function due to Object.prototype.
Thus can go ObjectName.Grep( 'SearchTerm' ).
eg: navigator.Grep( 'geo' );
var foo = function(){}; foo.Grep( 'proto' );
*Tested in Chrome Dev Tools*
Object.prototype.Grep = function( strSearch , isRecursive ) {
// Checks if seach string is not empty/undefined
if ( !strSearch ) {
return this;
// Used to prevent maxing out callstack for sub-lookups due to __proto__ == Object
isRecursive = isRecursive || false;
// Declare necessary local variables to hold necessary values
var objToIterate = this,
typeOfObject = typeof objToIterate,
objKeys = [],
objResult = {};
// if item that needs to be iterated over is an object or function, get all properties ( including non enumerable properties )
if ( typeOfObject === 'object' || typeOfObject === 'function' ) {
objKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames( objToIterate );
// Loop through all the properties
objKeys.forEach( function( item ) {
var itemValue;
Initially check if search phrase is a regular expression, if so check if there is a match, else
check if key matches search string, if so add, if not, check if object and iterate through object's keys
if ( ( strSearch instanceof RegExp ) ? item.match( strSearch ) : item.toLowerCase().indexOf( strSearch.toLowerCase() ) >= 0 ) {
itemValue = objToIterate[ item ];
else if ( typeof objToIterate[ item ] === 'object' && !isRecursive ){
itemValue = objToIterate[ item ] , strSearch , true );
// Check if Item Value has a value, if so, add to results
if ( itemValue ) {
objResult[ item ] = itemValue;
} );
// checks if objResult is empty, if so, return empty string.
return ( Object.getOwnPropertyNames( objResult ).length ) ? objResult : '';
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