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Last active September 13, 2019 06:50
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esp32 rust

ESP32 Rust

Build LLVM for X86 (rustc) and Xtensa

  1. git clone
  2. git clone llvm-xtensa/tools/clang
  3. mkdir llvm-xtensa-build && cd llvm-xtensa-build
  4. cmake ../llvm-xtensa -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="Xtensa;X86" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Ninja"
  5. cmake --build . -j X

Build & install rustc

  1. git clone --single-branch --branch xtensa-target rust-xtensa
  2. cd rust-xtensa && ./configure --llvm-root=$PATH_TO_LLVM_BUILD
  3. set prefix in cargo.toml, e.g. prefix=/opt/xtensa
  4. rust-lang/rust#40108 (comment)
  5. rustup toolchain link xtensa-esp32-elf /opt/xtensa
  6. rustup default xtensa-esp32-elf

Generate your project!

  1. cargo install cargo-generate
  2. cargo generate --git
  3. Edit setenv's CUSTROM_RUSTC and run source setenv e.g. CUSTOM_RUSTC=/home/estrom/git/rust-xtensa
  4. Debug builds are buggy, use xargo build --release

Known issues

Undefined reference to .L (MabezDev/xtensa-rust-quickstart#1) Add "--emit", "llvm-bc,link", to rustflags in .cargo/config.

xargo build may faild due to buggy debug builds, instead build in release mode xargo build --release.

Xtensa binutils / gcc

Resources used

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