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Created November 28, 2014 16:43
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diff --git a/l10n_it_vat_registries/ b/l10n_it_vat_registries/
index 6065f1d..39f144d 100644
--- a/l10n_it_vat_registries/
+++ b/l10n_it_vat_registries/
@@ -19,17 +19,14 @@
-from openerp.osv import fields, osv
+from openerp import models, fields, api, _
-class account_tax_code(osv.osv):
+class account_tax_code(models.Model):
_inherit = ""
- _columns = {
- 'is_base': fields.boolean(
- 'Is base',
- help="This tax code is used for base amounts (field used by "
- "VAT registries)"),
- 'exclude_from_registries': fields.boolean(
- 'Exclude from VAT registries'),
- }
+ is_base = fields.Boolean(
+ string='Is base',
+ help="This tax code is used for base amounts \
+ (field used by VAT registries)")
+ exclude_from_registries = fields.Boolean(
+ string='Exclude from VAT registries')
diff --git a/l10n_it_vat_registries/ b/l10n_it_vat_registries/
index d55f3b8..42b1263 100644
--- a/l10n_it_vat_registries/
+++ b/l10n_it_vat_registries/
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
-from report import report_sxw
-from tools.translate import _
+from import report_sxw
+from openerp import _
import logging
from datetime import datetime
diff --git a/l10n_it_vat_registries/wizard/ b/l10n_it_vat_registries/wizard/
index 1a219b7..f5ed63e 100644
--- a/l10n_it_vat_registries/wizard/
+++ b/l10n_it_vat_registries/wizard/
@@ -19,104 +19,105 @@
-from osv import fields, osv
-from tools.translate import _
+from openerp import models, fields, api, _
+class wizard_registro_iva(models.TransientModel):
-class wizard_registro_iva(osv.osv_memory):
- def _get_period(self, cr, uid, context=None):
- ctx = dict(context or {}, account_period_prefer_normal=True)
- period_ids = self.pool.get('account.period').find(cr, uid, context=ctx)
+ @api.model
+ def _get_period(self):
+ ctx = dict(self._context or {}, account_period_prefer_normal=True)
+ period_ids = self.env[
+ 'account.period'].find(self._cr, self.env.user, context=ctx)
return period_ids
_name = "wizard.registro.iva"
- _columns = {
- 'period_ids': fields.many2many(
- 'account.period', 'registro_iva_periods_rel', 'period_id',
- 'registro_id', 'Periods',
- help='Select periods you want retrieve documents from',
- required=True),
- 'type': fields.selection([
- ('customer', 'Customer Invoices'),
- ('supplier', 'Supplier Invoices'),
- ('corrispettivi', 'Corrispettivi'),
- ], 'Layout', required=True),
- 'journal_ids': fields.many2many(
- 'account.journal', 'registro_iva_journals_rel', 'journal_id',
- 'registro_id', 'Journals',
- help='Select journals you want retrieve documents from',
- required=True),
- 'tax_sign': fields.float(
- 'Tax amount sign',
- help="Use -1 you have negative tax amounts and you want to print "
- "them prositive"),
- 'message': fields.char('Message', size=64, readonly=True),
- 'fiscal_page_base': fields.integer('Last printed page', required=True),
- }
- _defaults = {
- 'type': 'customer',
- 'period_ids': _get_period,
- 'tax_sign': 1.0,
- 'fiscal_page_base': 0,
- }
- def print_registro(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
- if context is None:
- context = {}
- wizard = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0]
- move_obj = self.pool.get('account.move')
- obj_model_data = self.pool.get('')
- move_ids =, uid, [
- ('journal_id', 'in', [ for j in wizard.journal_ids]),
- ('period_id', 'in', [ for p in wizard.period_ids]),
+ period_ids = fields.Many2many(
+ 'account.period',
+ 'registro_iva_periods_rel',
+ 'period_id',
+ 'registro_id',
+ string='Periods',
+ default=_get_period,
+ help='Select periods you want retrieve documents from',
+ required=True)
+ type = fields.Selection([
+ ('customer', 'Customer Invoices'),
+ ('supplier', 'Supplier Invoices'),
+ ('corrispettivi', 'Corrispettivi'),
+ ], 'Layout', required=True,
+ default='customer')
+ journal_ids = fields.Many2many(
+ 'account.journal',
+ 'registro_iva_journals_rel',
+ 'journal_id',
+ 'registro_id',
+ string='Journals',
+ help='Select journals you want retrieve documents from',
+ required=True)
+ tax_sign = fields.Float(
+ string='Tax amount sign',
+ default=1.0,
+ help="Use -1 you have negative tax \
+ amounts and you want to print them prositive")
+ message = fields.Char(string='Message', size=64, readonly=True)
+ fiscal_page_base = fields.Integer(
+ string='Last printed page',
+ default=0,
+ required=True)
+ def print_registro(self):
+ move_obj = self.env('account.move')
+ obj_model_data = self.env('')
+ move_ids =[
+ ('journal_id', 'in', [ for j in self.journal_ids]),
+ ('period_id', 'in', [ for p in self.period_ids]),
('state', '=', 'posted'),
- ], order='date, name')
+ ], order='date, name')
if not move_ids:
- self.write(
- cr, uid, ids,
- {'message': _('No documents found in the current selection')})
+ self.message = _('No documents found in the current selection')
model_data_ids =
- cr, uid, [
- ('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'),
- ('name', '=', 'wizard_registro_iva')
- ])
+ [('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'),
+ ('name', '=', 'wizard_registro_iva')])
resource_id =
- cr, uid, model_data_ids, fields=['res_id'])[0]['res_id']
+ self._cr,
+ self.env,
+ model_data_ids,
+ fields=['res_id'])[0]['res_id']
return {
'name': _('No documents'),
- 'res_id': ids[0],
+ 'res_id':,
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'wizard.registro.iva',
'views': [(resource_id, 'form')],
- 'context': context,
+ 'context': self._context,
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
datas = {'ids': move_ids}
datas['model'] = 'account.move'
- datas['fiscal_page_base'] = wizard.fiscal_page_base
- datas['period_ids'] = [ for p in wizard.period_ids]
- datas['layout'] = wizard['type']
- datas['tax_sign'] = wizard['tax_sign']
+ datas['fiscal_page_base'] = self.fiscal_page_base
+ datas['period_ids'] = [ for p in self.period_ids]
+ datas['layout'] = self.type
+ datas['tax_sign'] = self.tax_sign
res = {
'type': '',
'datas': datas,
- if wizard['type'] == 'customer':
+ if self.type == 'customer':
res['report_name'] = 'registro_iva_vendite'
- elif wizard['type'] == 'supplier':
- res['report_name'] = 'registro_iva_acquisti'
- elif wizard['type'] == 'corrispettivi':
+ elif self.type == 'supplier':
+ res.report_name = 'registro_iva_acquisti'
+ elif self.type == 'corrispettivi':
res['report_name'] = 'registro_iva_corrispettivi'
return res
- def on_type_changed(self, cr, uid, ids, j_type, context=None):
- res = {}
- if j_type:
- if j_type == 'supplier':
- res['value'] = {'tax_sign': -1}
+ @api.onchange('type')
+ def on_type_changed(self):
+ if self.type:
+ if self.type == 'supplier':
+ self.tax_sign = -1
- res['value'] = {'tax_sign': 1}
- return res
+ self.tax_sign = 1
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