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Created December 4, 2019 22:44
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ZnClient subclass with cache
ZnClient subclass: #ZnCachingClient
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'Zinc-HTTP-CachingClient'
"Execute the currently set up request to generate a response.
If the request was performed before, retrieve the cached version.
Return the #contents of the response, if any."
^ self request method = #GET
ifTrue: [ self executeCached ]
ifFalse: [ super execute ]
| requestHash cachedFileReference |
requestHash := (MD5 hashMessage: self request url asString) hex.
cachedFileReference := FileLocator localDirectory / 'zinc-cache'
/ requestHash.
^ cachedFileReference exists
ifTrue: [ cachedFileReference contents ]
ifFalse: [ | result |
result := super execute.
response isSuccess
ifTrue: [ cachedFileReference
writeStreamDo: [ :ws | ws nextPutAll: result ] ].
result ]
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