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Created December 16, 2012 12:13
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define postgresql::db ($name, $ensure=present){
case $ensure {
present: {
exec { "Create $name postgres db":
command => "createdb $name",
unless => "test \$(psql -tA -c \"SELECT count(*)=1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_database where datname='${name}';\") = t",
absent: {
exec { "Remove $name postgres db":
command => "dropdb $name",
user => "postgres",
onlyif => "test \$(psql -tA -c \"SELECT count(*)=1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_database where datname='${name}';\") = t",
default: {
fail "Invalid 'ensure' value '$ensure' for postgres::database"
define postgresql::lib::hstore($db_name) {
exec {"pg_installlib_hstore_${cluster_name}_${db}":
user => "postgres",
command => "psql -f /usr/share/postgresql/hstore.sql ${db_name} ",
unless => "psql -tA -c \"SELECT ''::hstore;\" ${db_name}",
require => Postgresql::Db["${db_name}"],
define postgresql::lib::trgm($db_name) {
exec {"pg_installlib_trgm_${cluster_name}_${db}":
user => "postgres",
command => "psql -f /usr/share/postgresql/trgm.sql ${db_name} ",
unless => "psql -tA -c \"SELECT show_limit();\" ${db_name}",
require => Postgresql::Db["${db_name}"],
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