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Created December 6, 2010 11:50
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class WordPress_Settings
* @var array
protected $_registry;
* Option Name
* @var string
protected $_optionName;
* Option values
* @var array
protected $_values;
protected $_latestSection = 'default';
public function __construct(array $options = array())
$options = array_merge(array(
'sanitize_callback' => '',
'sections' => array(),
'fields' => array()
), $options);
$this->_registry = $options;
$this->_values = get_option($this->_registry['option_name']);
public function init()
register_setting($this->_registry['option_group'], $this->_registry['option_name'], $this->_registry['sanitize_callback']);
foreach ($this->_registry['sections'] as $section) {
add_settings_section($section['id'], $section['title'], $section['callback'], $this->_registry['option_name']);
foreach ($this->_registry['fields'] as $field) {
add_settings_field($field['id'], $field['title'], $field['callback'], $this->_registry['option_name'], $field['section']);
* Adds a new section
* @param array $options
* @return WordPress_Settings
public function addSection(array $options)
if (!function_exists($options['callback'])) {
$options['callback'] = $this->fnEcho($options['callback']);
$this->_registry['sections'][] = $options;
$this->_latestSection = $options['id'];
return $this;
* Adds a field
* @param array $options
* @return WordPress_Settings
public function addField(array $options)
$options = array_merge(array(
'type' => 'text',
'section' => null
), $options);
if (in_array($options['type'], array('radio', 'select'))) {
$options['callback'] = $this->{"field".ucfirst($options['type'])}($options['key'], $options['options']);
} else {
$options['callback'] = $this->{"field".ucfirst($options['type'])}($options['key']);
$options['id'] = "{$this->_registry['option_name']}_{$options['key']}";
$options['section'] = $options['section'] ? $options['section'] : $this->_latestSection;
$this->_registry['fields'][] = $options;
$this->_latestSection = $options['section'];
return $this;
public function fnEcho($text)
return create_function('', "echo '$text';");
public function fieldText($key)
$html = sprintf('<input id="%s_%s" name="%s[%s]" size="40" type="text" value="%s" />', $this->_registry['option_name'], $key, $this->_registry['option_name'], $key, $this->_values[$key]);
return $this->fnEcho($html);
public function fieldPassword($key)
$html = sprintf('<input id="%s_%s" name="%s[%s]" size="40" type="password" value="%s" />', $this->_registry['option_name'], $key, $this->_registry['option_name'], $key, $this->_values[$key]);
return $this->fnEcho($html);
public function fieldTextarea($key)
$html = sprintf('<textarea id="%s_%s" name="%s[%s]" rows="7" cols="50" type="textarea">%s</textarea>', $this->_registry['option_name'], $key, $this->_registry['option_name'], $key, $this->_values[$key]);
return $this->fnEcho($html);
public function fieldCheckbox($key)
$checked = $this->_values[$key] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$html = sprintf('<input id="%s_%s" name="%s[%s]" type="checkbox" %s />', $this->_registry['option_name'], $key, $this->_registry['option_name'], $key, $checked);
return $this->fnEcho($html);
public function fieldRadio($key, $options)
$html = '';
foreach($options as $option => $label) {
$checked = isset($this->_values[$key]) && $this->_values[$key] == $option ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$html .= sprintf('<label><input name="%s[%s]" type="radio" value="%s" %s />%s</label><br />', $this->_registry['option_name'], $key, $option, $checked, $label);
return $this->fnEcho($html);
public function fieldSelect($key, $options)
$html = sprintf('<select id="%s_%s" name="%s[%s]" style="width: 250px">', $this->_registry['option_name'], $key, $this->_registry['option_name'], $key);
foreach($options as $option => $label) {
$selected = isset($this->_values[$key]) && $this->_values[$key] == $option ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
$html .= sprintf('<option value="%s" %s />%s</option>', $option, $selected, $label);
$html .= '</select>';
return $this->fnEcho($html);
public function addPage()
array($this, 'page')
public function page() {
<div class="wrap">
<div class="icon32" id="icon-options-general"><br></div>
<h2><?php echo $this->_registry['page_title']; ?></h2>
<form action="options.php" method="post">
<?php settings_fields($this->_registry['option_name']); ?>
<?php do_settings_sections($this->_registry['option_name']); ?>
<p class="submit">
<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save Changes'); ?>" />
$options = new WordPress_Settings(array(
'option_group' => 'sample_options',
'option_name' => 'sample_options',
'page_title' => 'vBulletin Connect Options',
'menu_title' => 'vBulletin Connect',
'capability' => 'administrator'
->addSection(array('id' => 'general', 'title' => 'General Settings', 'callback' => ''))
->addField(array('key' => 'forum_path', 'title' => 'Forum Path (Relative)'))
->addSection(array('id' => 'authentication', 'title' => 'Authentication Settings', 'callback' => '<p>Authentication integration settings.</p>'))
->addField(array('key' => 'authentication', 'title' => 'Enable vBulletin Login', 'type' => 'checkbox'))
->addSection(array('id' => 'publishing', 'title' => 'Content Publish Settings', 'callback' => '<p>Posts are published to desired forum with the user of your choice.</p>'))
->addField(array('key' => 'publishing', 'title' => 'Enable Content Publishing', 'type' => 'checkbox'))
->addField(array('key' => 'publishing_forum_id', 'title' => 'Forum ID'))
->addField(array('key' => 'publishing_user_id', 'title' => 'User ID'))
->addField(array('key' => 'publishing_content_tpl', 'title' => 'Content Template', 'type' => 'textarea'))
add_action('admin_init', array($options, 'init'));
add_action('admin_menu', array($options, 'addPage'));
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