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Created September 18, 2023 18:24
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Complete list of Starfield Console Commands with SFSE on. Minimally Edited.

Console Commands

Command Description
Show Show script value
ShowVars Show variables on object. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with [player|sv]
ShowGlobalVars Show all global variables.
ShowQuestVars Show quest variables. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with [svq QuestID]
ShowQuests List quests.
ShowQuestAliases Show quest aliases. [ShowQuestAliases QuestID]
SetPapyrusQuestVar Set a Papyrus property on the specified quest.
SetPapyrusVar Set a Papyrus property on the selected ref.
SetQuestAliases Set quest aliases. [SetQuestAliases QuestID]
ClearQuestAliases Clears quest aliases. [ClearQuestAliases QuestID]
SetQuestLocationAliasDebug Sets a debug location for a quest alias before it starts.
SetQuestRefAliasDebug Sets a debug ref for a quest alias before it starts.
ToggleCombatStats Command removed. Use TDT and switch to COMBAT INFO page.
ToggleAI Toggle AI processing for selected reference, or for all references if none selected.
ToggleCollisionGeometry (TCG) Show collision geometry.
ToggleVolumeGeometry (TVG) Show volume geometry.
ToggleMaterialGeometry (TMG) Show material geometry.
ToggleStairsGeometry Show stairs geometry.
ToggleBorders Show border lines for each cell.
ToggleSky (TS) Show/Hide the Sky.
ToggleWireframe Show the world as wireframe.
ToggleCollision Toggles collision detection and disables gravity.
ToggleDebugText Show debug numbers on the screen.
ToggleMenus Hide all the menus. Used for taking screen shots.
TogglePrimitives Show/Hide all primitives.
ShowScenegraph Create a window with the full game scene graph or the scene graph of the selected reference. SSG 1 for PC overlay version.
ShowScenegraph Create a window with the full game scene graph, open to the node corresponding to the selected reference (if any).
ToggleMagicStats (TMS) Show magic stats.
ShowAnim Show Animation and Actor status.
Show1stPerson Show the 1st person Model from the 3rd person camera. If in 3rd person mode it will show both.
Help Show this help.
ToggleNavMesh Toggle blocked display.
TogglePathLine Toggle path display.
PickRefByID Select a reference by id for the console.
PickLastRef Select the last created ref for the console.
PickNextRef Select the the next ref in the center of the screen outside the console
PickNextActor Select the the next actor in the center of the screen outside the console
PickClosestActor Select the the closest actor to the player
PickClosestShip Select the the closest ship to the player's ship
GetSelectedRef Get the currently selected ref
IsLastRef Check if this is one of the last created refs
SetLightingPasses 4 (0/1) values. amb|diff|tex|metal ex: 1010
TriggerUIEffect Toggles a specific UI scene.
Particle Particle system debug.
CharacterLight Configures character lighting.
ShowLightBounds Toggles the rendering of light bounds on/off.
VatsTarget Show VATS targeting information.
ToggleScalableAmbientOcclusion Configures SAO settings.
ToggleMotionBlur Configures motion blur settings.
ToggleContrastAdaptativeSharpening Toggle ContrastAdaptativeSharpening
ToggleTAA Toggles temporal anti-aliasing on/off.
ToggleFSR1 Toggle FSR1
ToggleFSR2 Toggle FSR2
ToggleVRS Toggle VRS
VisualizeData Visualize specified data set (Pass input, GBuffer, or Pass output)
ToggleHandsCulled Cull/Uncull 1st person hands
ToggleLensFlare (LF) Toggles lens flare rendering on/off.
RenderLocalMap Saves the local 2D minimap to an image file on disk.
SetLODObjectDistance Sets LOD Distance values for LOD0, LOD1, LOD2, and LOD3.
CenterOnCell Moves the player to the specified cell.
SetGameSetting Sets the value of a GameSetting.
SetINISetting Sets an INI setting value.
GetINISetting Prints an INI setting value to the console.
CenterOnExterior Moves the player to the exterior cell specified by the (X, Y) cell coordinates.
CalcPathToPoint Shows the pathfinding path from the player's location to the location of the selected reference.
CalcLowPathToPoint Shows the pathfinding path from the player's location to the location of the selected reference. Ignores locks, allows disabled doors, ignores min use
ToggleRainOcclusion toggles rain occlusion
ToggleDetection Toggles AI detection for all AI.
ToggleHighProcess Toggles AI processing for AI in the High Processing list.
ToggleLowProcess Toggles AI processing for AI in the Low Processing list.
ToggleMiddleLowProcess Toggles AI processing for AI in the MiddleLow Processing list.
ToggleMiddleHighProcess Toggles AI processing for AI in the MiddleHigh Processing list.
ToggleAiSchedules Toggles processing of all AI's editor schedules.
SpeakSound Forces the selected actor to speak the specified sound.
GetSFSEVersion EDITOR'S NOTE: Only if SFSE is installed.
GameComment Adds a comment about the game to the GameCommentDB. (Ex. This monster is too hard)
ToggleCellNode (TCN) Toggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor, 1-Marker, 2-Land, 3-Water, 4-Static, 5-Active
SetCameraFOV Change the camera's field of view (in deg): default 75
ToggleGodMode Toggle God mode (infinite health/stamina/magicka).
ToggleScripts Turn Script processing on/off
ToggleConversations Toggle conversation stats
ToggleFullHelp Toggle Full Help
ShowQuestLog Show Quest Log
ShowFullQuestLog Show all log entries for a single quest
DumpModelMap Dump model map contents to file
CenterOnWorld (COW) [COW worldname -10 5]
ToggleGrass Toggle grass display.
CreateGrassAt Create a single piece of grass at specified worldspace coordinates.
AddFaceAnimNote Add Face Anim Note is no longer supported.
RefreshINI Refresh INI settings from file.
ToggleEmotions Toggle NPC facial emotions.
AddDecal Adds a new impact decal onto the selected reference.
TestCode Used by programmers to quickly test local code.
PlayerSpellBook Add all spells to player.
PrintAiList (pai) Printed Ai Lists.
ShowQuestTargets Show current quest targets
HairTint () 3 ints, RGB
SaveGame (save) SaveGame <filename>
LoadGame (load) LoadGame <filename>
DisplayPlayerIDs DisplayPlayerIDs
SetDisplayPlayerID SetDisplayPlayerID <filename>
TestAllCells TestCells
RenderTestCell runs Render Test on player's current parent cell
RenderTestHere runs Render Test on player's current position
SaveWorld Save hkWorld <filename>
ReloadCurrentClimate Reloads values from the current climate
ReloadCurrentWeather Reloads values from the current weather
TestSeenData Visually displays the current seen data
TestLocalMap Simulates the local map. (1 or 0 for FOW on or off)
MoveToQuestTarget Move player to current quest target.
PrintNPCDialog Prints NPC dialog
ShowSubtitle show all dialog subtitles (1 shows always, 0 hides always)
ShowRenderPasses display render passes for the next frame
FreezeRenderAccumulation only re-render geometry visible during this frame
OutputMemContexts Output Mem Context info to a file
OutputMemStats Output Mem Stats info to a file
SetMemCheckPoint Set the current memory checkpoint (value, optional context name)
GetMemCheckPoint Get the current memory checkpoint (optional context name)
IncMemCheckPoint Increment the current memory checkpoint (optional context name)
OutputAllocations Output memory allocations (file, optional context name, optional start context, optional end context)
AddWatchAddress Adds an address range to watch out for.
RemoveWatchAddress Removes an address range that we no longer want to watch.
ToggleDetectionStats Show the detection stats of the current selected Ref.
SetTargetRefraction Sets the refractive value of the target
ToggleCharControllerShape Toggle char controller shape type.
ShowHeadTrackTarget Show the head track target if set from look function
SetTranslucency Set translucency runtime values.
VisualRefPosition Places an axis object at the ref position.
RevertWorld (rw) Revert the world
OutputArchiveProfile Output Archive profile info to a file
QuitGame Exit game without going through menus.
Screenshot Take a screenshot (optional use HDR)
SaveIniFiles Writes all the .ini files.
SetDebugText Sets which debug text is shown.
GetDebugText Gets which debug text is shown.
ToggleLiteBrite Toggles lite brite render mode (no shadows/no lighting mode).
RunMemoryPass Runs a cleanup memory pass
ResetMemContexts Reset Max Mem Contexts
ShowWhoDetectsPlayer Show who detects the player
ToggleCombatAI (tcai) Toggles ALL Combat AI
ToggleGamePause (tgp) Toggles game pause state
StepOneFrame Advances the game one frame
AEConnect Reconnects to the animation editor
ToggleFlyCam Toggles the Free Fly camera (UFO cam).
ToggleFXCam Toggles the FX camera.
BeginTrace Creates a trace file (Xenon only)
RunCellTest Runs a cell test
StartAllQuests Starts all quests
CompleteAllQuestStages (caqs) Sets all quest stages
WasteMemory (wm) Allocates some memory (in MB).
SetHudGlowConstants Set parameters for HUD glow.
CloseFile Force-closes an open ESP/ESM file.
SendSherlockDebugText Shows a Sherlock debug page.
OutputMemStats Output Mem Stats info to a file
PlayExplosion Plays explosion seq in selected obj
SetTargetDOF Sets the depth of field based on the target
ToggleFullScreenMotionBlur Toggles Full screen motion blur
SetMovementType Temporarily change an actor's movement type
SetVel () Sets Velocity on a reference
DebugCombat Debugs combat systems
ToggleCombatDebug Toggles combat debug info
DebugPathing Debugs pathing systems
TogglePathingInfoFunction Toggle pathing information.
ShowInventory Shows reference inventory [1 = Show Armor Addons]
ShowInventoryVars (siv) Shows reference inventory script data
ResetPerformanceTimers Resets the performance timers
ToggleDebugDecal Toggle debug displays for decal creation : 0-Wireframe, 1-Solid, 2-Occlusion Query, 3-Transform
ToggleDecalRendering Toggle decal rendering
SetImageSpaceModifiersEnable Set imagespace modifiers enable: 0-Off, 1-On
SetUFOCamSpeedMult Set speed mult for free camera. (Speed Mult, Look Mult Optional)
ToggleTestLight Toggle test light (radius, magnitude).
PlaceLocationMarker PlaceLocationMarker x y z (optional name) (optional color )
ClearLocationMarkers Delete all location markers in the player's current cell.
SetGlobalRadialBlur Set parameters for the global radial blur
OutputTextureUseMap Writes out texture use map data to file.
ClearScreenBlood Clear screen blood
ResetDialogueFlags Debug resets SayOnce, TalkedToPc, etc.
GetValueInfo (GetAVInfo) Get details about a reference actor value.
ToggleBoundVisGeom Toggles bound visualization for a ref
SetConsoleOuputFile (scof) Sets the given file as target for console output.
PlayVATSCameras Play this set of VATS cameras for the next VATS playback.
SetTargetFalloff Sets the falloff of the target
ToggleActorMover Toggles actor movement through pathing system
CopySaves Copy save games from the host machine or a memory stick (ms).
ForceFileCache Enumerates Miles samples and streams
DumpNiUpdates Dumps the next frame's calls to NiNode/NiAVObject::UpdateDownwardPass to NiDump*.xls (only Debug/PIX 360 builds)
ToggleDepthBias toggles depth bias for decals on or off
EnablePartRepair () Enable/Disable the ability to repair a spaceship part
UpdateVFX Update the visual fx
WaitBatchFile Pause a "Batch File" for a set amount of time.
RefuelSpaceship Refuels the selected ship, or the player's spaceship if none is selected
ModifyFaceGen Modify FaceGen Functionality
DamagePart DamagePart <part> #
EvalActorTextures Evaluate actor texture usage and possible memory savings from not using the uppermost MipMap level.
CreateSaveData Creates save data.
CreateGameData Creates game data.
LoadFlashMovie Loads a Flash movie for the GUI
ShowMenu Show or create a menu
HideMenu Hide or close a menu
RecvAnimEvent Simulate recieving an animation event from an animation graph.
RunConsoleBatch Run a console batch file
LTGraph Sets the input-to-player movement graph
RTGraph Sets the input-to-camera movement graph
ToggleHeapTracking Toggle Heap Tracking
TogglePoolTracking Toggle Pool Tracking
RumbleManager (RM) RumbleManager
InstallMemoryTracker (IMT) Install Memory Tracker
UninstallMemoryTracker Uninstall Memory Tracker
CheckMemory Check Memory
SetStackDepth Set Stack Depth
PathToRef Force actor to path to reference.
StartAIControlledRobotTest Starts player pathing memory test.
TestHandleManagerWarnAndKillSDM (THMWAKS) Purely for testing: lists every un-destroyed handle, then destroys it.
SetFaceTarget (SFT) Force actor to face a reference.
PrecomputedLOSGeneration Perform various generation functions based on the specified input string.
PrecomputedLOSDebug Perform various debug functions based on the specified input string.
GenerateCoverEdges Generate cover edges for the current cell.
GenerateCoverDebug Debug cover edge generation.
GenerateTraversalData (gtd) Generate traversal data for the current cell/ref.
SetPathSprinting Force actor to sprint.
SetAnimGraphVar Set an animation graph variable.
SetBloodParam Set blood parameters.
RegisterPrefix (RPRFX) Register all resources at a path prefix.
ToggleEventLog Show a log of misc. events for the selected debug REFR.
ExportPerfTrackingData Export performance monitor tracking data to a file.
DisplayGraphVariable Gives control of variable filters used on the animation debug text page.
ToggleMotionDriven Toggles motion driven animation
ToggleControlsDriven Toggles controls driven character
ToggleGUIOverlay Toggles the graphical overlay
ModifyGUIOverlay Modifies a graphical overlay
AddCustomOverlay Adds a custom overlay
SetCustomOverlayForm Sets the form for a custom overlay
CloseCustomOverlay Closes a custom overlay
SetActionComplete Sets all active actions on actor in scene complete
SetConsoleScopeQuest Sets the scope quest for all console functions. No param clears current scope quest.
GetDistanceFromActorsPath Prints out the distance from a reference to an actor's path.
ClearConsole Clears the console log
ToggleMarkers Toggle markers
KillAllProjectiles (kap) Kill all projectiles
PlayTerrainEffect (PTFX) Plays a terrain effect at target REFR
CellInfo Toggle Cell Info
Timing Toggle Timing Info
Polygons Toggle Mesh Render Info
Actors Toggle Actor Info
Quest Toggle Quest Event Info
Particles (Particles) Toggle Particle Info
Memory Toggle Memory Info
FileStreamerStats File streamer stats
SetGraphicMemoryHysteresis Set graphic memory hysteresis
AllocateGraphicMemory Allocate graphic memory to check hysteresis
ShowNodes Show nodes- [All], [Off]
ShowBones Show bones toggle
ShowBonesFlags Show bones flags
ShowBonesDepth Show bones depth
ShowBonesNameFilter Show bones name filter
SaveDebugTextPages Save Debug Text Pages settings to .ini file.
OutputFixedStringTable (OFST) Output the fixed string table to a file.
AttachPapyrusScript (APS) Attaches a papyrus script to a reference
SaveHavokSnapshot Saves a Havok snapshot of the hkpWorld the player is currently in
SetNPCWeight (SNPCW) [0-100]: Sets the weight of an NPC and reloads his 3D to visualize the weight change
ShowClosestLocationForSphere (SCLFS) Finds the closest location where a sphere can fit in the navmesh, and displays it
PrintShaderMacros (PSM) Given a shader and technique ID, prints the macros used to compile its shader.
ToggleAudioOverlay Toggle the Audio Debug Overlay.
TogglePapyrusLog Toggle the Papyrus Log Overlay.
ToggleContextOverlay Toggle the Context Overlay.
ForceOutOfMemory Forces an OOM state.
ToggleMovement Toggles all actor movement
ToggleAnimations Toggles all actor animations
SetWarning Params: Name [0/1]. 0 is default for 2nd param.
TestFadeNodes (TestFN) Test all BSShaderProperties in the scene graph for BSFadeNode pointer integrity.
ShowLowMaxHeights (slmh) Shows or hides the low res max height data.
ShowHighMaxHeights (shmh) Shows or hides the high res max height data.
EnableStoryManagerLogging Enable story manager logging.
DumpPapyrusStacks (dps) Dumps all Papyrus stack information to the log
DumpPapyrusTimers Dumps all Papyrus timer registrations to the log
DumpPapyrusLOSEvents Dumps all Papyrus LOS event registrations to the log
DumpPapyrusDistanceEvents Dumps all Papyrus distance event registrations to the log
DumpPapyrusPersistenceInfo (dppi) Dumps everything in Papyrus persisting the reference called on, or passed in
DumpPapyrusEventRegistrations Dumps all Papyrus event registrations for the specified object (and script)
RunCompaction Run a pass of compaction if possible.
ToggleImmortalMode Toggle Immortal mode (health/stamina/magicka can decrease but never go to zero).
SetSubgraphToDebug Subgraph To Debug
EnableRumble Enables / disables rumble.
HavokVDBCapture Havok VDB Capture
ToggleNavmeshInfo toggle a view mode similar to the map camera and displays navmesh infos
PlaySyncAnim Play Sync Anim
SetFormKnown Sets the known flag on a form
SetDebugQuest Sets the quest to be the only one startable for its event type.
SetQuestAliasLogging Turns alias logging on/off for a quest.
SetRace Sets the passed in actor's race.
FindForm (find) Find a form
StartPapyrusScriptProfile (StartPSP) Starts profiling a Papyrus script.
StopPapyrusScriptProfile (StopPSP) Stops profiling a Papyrus script.
StartPapyrusFormProfile (StartPFP) Starts profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
StopPapyrusFormProfile (StopPFP) Stops profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
StartPapyrusStackRootProfile Starts profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script.
StopPapyrusStackRootProfile Stops profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script.
TogglePapyrusGlobalProfiler (TPGP) Toggles Papyrus global profiling on and off (profiles *everything*).
PrintQuestSceneInfo Prints to the Quest Inf file the current state of scenes.
IsInvulnerable Is the actor invulnerable?
CollisionMesh Toggle Mesh Collision Info
HavokWorldStep (hkstep) Toggle bhkWorld Havok Step Info
IsolateRendering Enable isolated rendering for selected object.
ToggleWaterCurrentGeometry Displays or hides water current geometry
PerformAction Performs the specified action on the selected actor.
StartTrackPlayerDoors Starts tracking player-activated teleport doors.
StopTrackPlayerDoors Stops tracking player-activated teleport doors.
CheckPlayerDoors Compares the Tracked Player path with the quest target path.
SetInChargen Toggles aspects of Chargen Mode on/off [savingDisabled][waitingDisabled][activationMessageDisabled]
ForceReset Force the game to run a full reset.
ForceCloseFiles Close masterfile & plugins. Useful for letting CreationKit save to a plugin that is also loaded in-game. See also HotLoadPlugin. [Caution: Use at own risk! Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
HotLoadPlugin (HLP) Load or reload the named plugin. Useful for getting changes without restarting. See also ForceCloseFiles. [Caution: Use at own risk! Modified running quests will be stopped (and restarted if possible). Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
GenerateBendableSpline (Spline) Generate a bendable spline geometry instance.
ReloadScript () Reloads the specified Papyrus script
TestAim Test an actor's aim
TestLook Test an actor's looking
PushCamera Push camera to editor
MoveToEditorCamera Move to the editor camera
MoveToEditorSelection Move to the editor selection
PlaceFurnitureTester (PFT) Place actor, who will use the selected furniture. Can specify actor type via optional parameter.
DumpConditionFunctions Output the current counters for condition function calls.
ReloadAnimationGraphs Reload the currently loaded animation graphs.
ToggleWeaponOverlay Toggle the weapon overlay.
ForceDetect Forces the selected actor to detect the specified actor.
ChangeAnimArchetype (caa) Change the selected actor's anim archetype
ChangeAnimFlavor Change the selected actor's anim flavor
SetAngryWithPlayer Set the angry with player flag
ForceRepath Force the actor to repath
ForcePathFailure Force the actor's path to fail
DumpFormList Dump the contents of the given formlist to the console output
TraceAnimationEvents Trace an actor's animation events
ShowMods Show all property mods on an object
DumpInputEnableLayers Dumps all currently used input enable layers to the console
AttachMod Attach a mod to an object
RemoveMod Remove a mod from an object
SpawnTemplatedObject Spawn a ref to a templated object.[object, ilevel, pkeyword1, pkeyword2]
CallFunction Calls a papyrus function on the targeted ref. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters
CallQuestFunction (cqf) Calls a papyrus function on a quest. Second parameter is the function, the rest are parameters
CallGlobalFunction (cgf) Calls a global papyrus function. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters
ResetInputEnableLayer Resets all control disables on a specific input enable layer
ForceEnablePlayerControls (fepc) Force-enables the player's controls, regardless of layers, see EnablePlayerControls
ResetForceEnabledPlayerControls Resets all force-enabled player controls
GetActorRefOwner Prints the owner of the currently selected reference.
SetActorRefOwner (saro) Sets ownership of the currently selected reference to the specified actor (or if no actor is specified, to the player).
HasActorRefOwner (haro) Returns 1 if the currently selected reference has an owner, or 0 otherwise.
SetOutfit Change the default outfit for the actor
PassTime Passes the given number of hours as if the player were sleeping.
LinkLocations Links two locations under the given keyword.
ShowLinkedLocations Outputs all locations linked to the given one under the given keyword.
SetLinkedRef Links the current ref to the given one under the given keyword.
ResetContainer Resets the currently selected container, or if you specify "1", then it'll reset all containers.
SetSceneForDebug Sets the current debug scene.
PreloadExterior Preloads the exterior data for the currently selected ref.
TestPath Debug function to test a path.
ToggleControlsOverlay Toggle Controls Overlay
Refresh Debug function to refresh a reference.
DynamicResolution Change the dynamic resolution settings
TestLoadingMenu Debug function to open/close the Loading menu in the Loading thread.
RecalcInstanceData Debug function recalc instance data for the selected ref or all loaded refs if nothing is selected.
ToggleReferencePose Toggles forcing an animgraph for the selected actor to be in the reference pose. May specify "target" or "rig" as well.
SetPersistLocation Debug function to set the persist loc on a reference.
SetLocationRefType Debug function to set the loc ref type for a location on a reference.
ShowLocData Debug function to dump data about a location.
ReserveLoc Debug function to reserve a location so it can't be used for most aliases.
UpdateAwakeSound (UAS) Update the selected actor's current conscious loop.
SetHarvested Mark the current reference as Harvested or not..
PauseScene Pause or unpause the specified scene
SpawnDupe Make a duplicate ref of the selected ref
DisableDistantReferences Disable references more than a certain distance from the selected ref
FireAssert Fire an assert (with text passed, if available).
ForcePersistent Force a reference to become persistent
PlayActionCamera (pac) Play this action camera on the reference with a target reference
StopActionCamera Stop the action camera
ChangeStance Change the actor's stance
AuditionWwiseEvent Set of commands for auditioning Wwise events.
AuditionReverbForm (arf) Force a given Reverb form to be active.
SetWwiseState (sws) Sets a global Wwise State
BuildAnimationData (bad) Build the animation data for the actor
SwitchSkeleton Toggles between standard and chargen skeletons for an actor.
GetHelloorGreeting () Prints out the info id for actors hello/greeting to actor param. One of these should be the player.
SetBoneTintRegion Add bone tint data to an object's 3d given a region ID (integer) of that object.
SendDialogueEvent Sends a dialogue event for the selected and target actor
SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysSucceed () player will always succeed at speech challenge
SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysFail () player will always fail at speech challenge
RunMaterialsAnalysis (rma) Compares the materials of the selected reference
CaptureMessages () Captures DebugString, USER1 and USER2 messages using a Message Event Listener and sends the outout to CaptureMessage.lua
SetGpuMemoryPriority () Sets the GPU memory priority.
CaptureMessage on to turn on else off
ToggleTrijuice Toggles Trijuicing in the renderer (may slightly degrade texture filtering quality in exchange for improved performance).
SetPresentThreshold (spt) Set percentage (0 - 100) of scanlines covered before swap threshold is hit: default 0 (always swap)
LinkFullAccount Link full BNet account to game-account: link <username> <password>
IsLoggedIn (isonline) Is the player logged in to
GetLegalDocs (getlegaldocs) Retrieves a list of all required legal documents
AcceptLegalDoc Accepts a legal document based on its ID: acceptlegaldoc <id>
GetDataAttachment Prints data from Profile Data Attachment: getattachment <type> <id>
DeleteDataAttachment Deletes a Profile Data Attachment: deleteattachment <type> <id>
UploadCharacterData Uploads character data payload as bnet Profile Data Attachment.
GetAttachmentLeaderboard (getattachmentleaderboard) Gets attachment leaderboard page: getattachmentleaderboard <attachment type> <leaderboard type>
LoadUnityData Gets character data from leaderboards and caches it.
MakeUnityNPC Updates NPC with data from unity cache.
SetVolumetricLightingParameters (vl) Set volumetric lighting parameters.
StartWorkshop (workshop) Enter Workshop mode if the player is within the buildable area of a Workshop.
ToggleVBlankOptim Toggles VBlank optim
AddKeyword Add the given keyword to the reference.
RemoveKeyword Remove the given keyword on the reference.
SetAmbientParticlesEnabled Enables(1)/disables(0) ambient particles.
RemoveOutpost () Removes the given Outpost and all built items.
SetESRAMSetup Force specific ESRAM setup (-1 for automatic setup)
CallStackTraceDepth Set the callstack depth when tracing it.
CommandedActivate Commands selected actor to use a reference
EnableGalaxyMode Enables/Disables galaxy mode.
ToggleStarFieldDebug Toggles the StarField debug on or off
SetStarFieldCoordinateScale () Sets the StarField coordinate scale.
SetStarSystemScale (sss) Sets the star system scale.
MoveToPlanet if target player ship, move to, or give path to pilot to <target> <1 to do full jump sequence>
SetOrbitSpeedScale Sets global orbit speed scale
InstanceNamingRules Export instance naming rule data to file INRExport.txt
GetOrbisModInfo Prints info relating to Orbis mod game data files.
ToggleSceneDebug show debug state for scene
SetFarClip Set far clip value. (-1 to clear override)
ToggleOverdraw Toggle overdraw
RecordScene Capture screen shots of scene. (Scene EditorID, [FPS 60 default])
LandOnPlanet (lop) Land on a planet. (lop <planetname> <lon> <lat> <deg or rad>)
TakeOffToSpace Take off to space.
PreviewBodyResources (pbr) Previews resources for a planet.
SendAffinityEvent (AffinityEvent [ObjRef]) Run an affinity event on an optional object reference.
AddPower AddPower <part> #
RemovePower RemovePower <part> #
MatlockCapture Force matlock to realize a capture.
ToggleSnapNodeMarkers Toggle snap node markers.
SetVoiceType Set an override voice type on an actor
AddWorldSpaceToPlanet Adds a world space to a planet.
DebugDataProvider Set the name of the UI Data Provider we want to debug
LoadAll3D Load all queued 3D
PrintAllMenus (pam) Print all active menus
PrintAllInputContexts (paic) Print the input context stack
AddPlotToBody (AddPlot) Plot a route to this body
ReloadFaceData Reload face data
SetGravityScale Sets gravity scale on a ref's parent cell
PreviewBlock PreviewBlock <blockname> <biome>
ExportTerrainTextures Export terrain textures
ExportTerrainGrids Export terrain grids
ExportTerrainHeightMap Export terrain height map
ExportTerrainSplatMap Export terrain splat map
ExportTerrainMaterialIndexMap Export terrain material index map
ExportTerrainFiles Export terrain files
UpdateTerrainClipmaps Refresh Terrain Clipmaps
ToggleDebugCamera Toggle debug camera <mode name>
CyclePrevDebugCamera Cycle to previous debug camera
CycleNextDebugCamera Cycle to next debug camera
ToggleDebugCameraControls Toggle debug camera controls
SetImGuiWindowFunction (siw) Activate an ImGui window
InvokeUIEvent `Invokes a ui
HotReloadUI Hot Reloads the User Interface SWFs.
SetPosRelativeToRef Script function to set the position of the picked ref relatively to another ref (defaulted to the player).
FaceRef Make a ref face towards another ref (defaulted to the player), with an extra angle offset.
SetWorkshopItem Set the Workshop menu's Node Cursor to the currently selected reference, if any.
GenerateNavMesh Generates nav-mesh on the current cell.
LandOnPlanetAnimated land players spaceship with animation
startNewGame Command to trigger new game on main menu without UI
ForceBleedout Force an actor to enter bleedout
ForceConditionFormTrue Force a condition form to true. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1
ForceConditionFormFalse Force a condition form to false. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1
LandOnPlanetBiome Land on a planet's biome. (lopb <planetname> <biome index> [(centered)0/1])
LandOnPlanetMarker Land at a marker on the current planet
TestAllPlanets TestPlanets
ClearLinkedRef clear a linked reference
SetLocalTime Sets the local time on the current planet, optionally updating the galaxy sim.
ReloadMaterials Reloads all materials.
PlacementOnCell Test overlay placement on a cell. (poc <cellindex.x> <cellindex.y>
ToggleWorkshopFlyCam Toggle workshop flycam
CheckBiomeMarker Finds uses in the loaded area of the given biome marker
TestBiomePlanet (tbp) Creates a full planet set to use the given biome exclusively and puts the player there.
PreviewPattern PreviewPattern <patternname> <biome>
SetHavokDynamic Set reference motion to dynamic with optional mass in kg
SetHavokKinematic Set reference motion to kinematic
SetHavokActive Set reference havok activity
SetHavokLOD Set reference collision lod
SetHavokLinearVelocity Set reference linear velocity
SetHavokAngularVelocity Set reference angular velocity
SetHavokCollisionLayer Set havok collision layer
SetHavokRagdollFriction Set havok ragdoll friction
SetHavokParam Set havok param
ShowHavokRagdollValues Show havok ragdoll values
StartHavokPartTest Start/reset havok particles test
StopHavokPartTest Stop havok particles test
SetOrientation Set reference orientation
ToggleDebugText3D Toggle in game debug text
ToggleBiOverlay Toggle the BI Overlay.
ToggleMetricViewer Spawn Metric Viewer.
PrintMessage Print a message to the screen(print <message> <time> <clear previous messages flag>
AddDebugText Add debug text to a reference(AddDebugText <debug text> <size> <color> <background color> <border color> <offsetX> <offsetY> <offsetZ> <pinned flag>
DisableActorPackage Disable or enable an actor's package(DisableActorPackage <0/1>
StopBatchFile Stop a running batchfile
CenterOnSpaceCell move to the specified space cell, optionally specify a ship
DependencyGraphDump Dump Dependency Graph
ToggleExperimentalShaders Toggles experimental shaders on/off.
SetTestPlanetAndBiome Sets a test planet and biome for interior testing with biome markers. (stpb [planetname] [biome form | biome index]>)
ShiftWorldOrigin Shift the world origin coordinates (ShiftWorldOrigin <opt X> <opt Y>
ScanAllWorlds Scan all celestial bodies
ClearAllWorlds Clears all knowledge of celestial bodies
StartRobotQuestTester (srqt) Starts the quest testing robot on the player
PauseRobotQuestTester Pauses or resumes the quest testing robot on the player
CopyAppearance Copies customization data from one actor to another. If no source actor is provided, the player will be used.
HotloadPlugin Hotload plugins
ToggleWwiseProfiler Toggles the wwise profiler
SpawnParticleSystem Spawns a particle system on a refr
RemoveWorkshopItems Remove all built items at the specified Workshop Activator.
ToggleHerdDebugHighlight Show highlight the herd of this ref it is has oneRef.
ToggleLockTerrainUpdate (TLTU) Toggle the lock preventing the terrain manager from updating the clipmap center
SetTerrainClipmapCenter Set the center of the clipmap and lock the terrain updates
CreateGoto Create a goto string for the current position and print it to the console
Goto Goto a location passed by a string
ApplyChargenMorph set the weight of a morph ex: apcm <morphname> <value(float)>
SetEyeColor usage : iclr <color> | list
ToggleDepthLeak Toggle Depth Leak Visualization
SetHeadPart Sets the headpart by name, type 'shp <type> list' to see all available headparts of type. name is NOT prefixed by Race_Sex_Type, i.e. 'shp hair Bob' to set Human_Male/Female_Hair_Bob. Type argument can be abbreviated to the first letter, ex: 'shp beard <type>' is the same as 'shp b <type>'
TestAllWeathers Transitions through all weathers
TestClimateWeatherTransitions Iterates through all possible weather transitions within a climate
SetHairColor hclr <color> | list
SetFacialHairColor fhclr <color> | list
SetEyebrowColor ebclr <color> | list
SetSkinTone sst <number corresponding to skin tone index>
RegenFCT pick actor ref, do 'fct'
MoveContainerContentToUnfilledContainers Transfer container's content down the line to unfilled containers.
TestSaveLoad Run a test for the save load system
GetCurrentCell Displays the name & ID of the cell containing the camera.
PrintTraceRefObject Print Trace For Object stack array to file
BakeFCT create and write the Face Customization Texture output to disk
KillParticleSystems Kills a particle systems on a refr
GetPronoun pron
AddWorldSpaceToPlanetBiome Adds a world space to a planet's biome.
PickPlayer Select the player character
PickMenuPaperDoll Select the menu PaperDoll
QuickSave performs a quicksave
QuickLoad performs a quickload
LoadMostRecent loads the most recent save
SaveAndQuit performs a save and quits to main menu
SaveAndQuitToDesktop performs a save and quits to desktop
CreateFutureSave (createfuturesave) performs a save with a a future minor version
MessageBoxSelect selects a button on the active message box
SetPCMWorldSpace Sets the planet content to be preferred.
CompleteResearch Completes a Research Project
DumpReferences Writes out a file with info on all existing references.
SetVsync Set Vsync Enable/Disable
SetOutpostOverlay Given a Workshop Activator, sets its overlay for Outpost.
PridBreak When a debugger is attached, this breaks execution & puts the prid target on the stack
SetTeethCustomization (tcst) usage : tcst <color> | list
ExitPilotSeat Exits the pilot seat
ExitShip (es) Exits the ship
EnterAllSystems Mark all systems as entered to allow system inspect
SetJewelryColor usage : jclr <color> | list
PromoteFromUnloaded (pfu) Promotes a reference from unloaded data for testing purposes
WatchSaveLoad Sets a reference to be the save/load watched form for debug purposes
DeriveGeneticParentAppearance Derives genetic appearance information from one NPC and applies it to an actor. If no source actor is provided, the player will be used.
LODTest Distant LOD visual test tool
TimeMultRequest tmr <GlobalMult> [PlayerMult] [Operation]
TimeMultPrintRequests tmpr
ToggleLightingHeatmap Toggles the lighting heatmap visualization
CONSOLE_FUNCTION_START_PIANOROLL record player events for playback
CONSOLE_FUNCTION_STOP_PIANOROLL (pianostop) stop recording
CONSOLE_FUNCTION_PLAY_PIANOROLL (pianoplay) play back events
DamageCellObjects Damage objects in a given cell.
UseNearestTeleportDoor Use the nearest teleport door to the player
TestUnrevertibleChanges Applies an unrevertible change to the selected ref in order to test form reconstruction
MoveToNearestOverlay Move to the nearest overlay to the player
ForcePCMBlockCoord Force the next block coord to be used

Script Functions

Function Description
GetWantBlocking Returns 1 if the selected actor wants blocking, or 0 otherwise.
GetDistance Get the distance between two objects.
AddItem Adds the specified item to the inventory/container of the selected reference.
SetEssential Sets the specified actor as essential(1) or non-essential(0).
Rotate Rotates the object along the specified X/Y/Z axis at a given speed.
GetLocked Is the ref object locked? Returns unlocked(0), locked(1), or broken(2).
GetPos Returns the position of the reference along the specified X/Y/Z axis.
SetPos Sets the position of the reference on the specified X/Y/Z axis.
GetAngle Returns the angle of rotation for the reference on the specified X/Y/Z axis (in degrees).
SetAngle Sets the angle of rotation for the reference along the specified X/Y/Z axis (in degrees).
GetStartingPos Returns the starting position of the reference along the specified X/Y/Z axis.
GetStartingAngle Returns the starting angle of the reference on the specified X/Y/Z axis (in degrees).
GetSecondsPassed Returns the number of seconds that the current script has been running.
Activate Forces the currently selected reference to activate the given reference. May specify NormalActivate(1) which triggers OnActivate block or ForceActivate(0) which skips script handlers.
GetValue (GetAV) Get a reference's value for the given property. [player.getvalue luck]
SetValue (SetAV) Set a reference's value for the given property. [player.setvalue luck, 75]
ModValue (ModAV) Modify a reference's value for the given property. [player.modvalue luck, -10]
SetAtStart Moves the selected reference to its starting location+rotation.
GetCurrentTime Returns the current game hour (float value between 0.0 and 23.999).
PlayGroup (PlaySeq) Play a Gamebryo sequence. [ref.PlaySeq Open]
LoopGroup Forces the currently selected reference to loop the given AnimGroup.
SkipAnim Not implemented.
StartCombat Forces the currently selected reference to initiate combat with the provided actor.
StopCombat Forces the currently selected reference to stop combat with whatever they're fighting.
GetScale Returns the size scale for the currently selected reference.
IsMoving Is the actor moving?
IsTurning Is the actor turning?
GetLineOfSight (GetLOS) Returns 1 if the currently selected reference can currently see the provided target, or 0 otherwise.
AddSpell Adds the specified spell to the currently selected reference's list of spells.
RemoveSpell Removes the specified spell to the currently selected reference's list of spells.
Cast Forces the currently selected actor to cast the specified spell at the specified target.
GetButtonPressed Gets which button is pressed, or returns -1 if no buttons are pressed.
GetInSameCell Is the reference in the same cell? (Returns 1 for Yes, or 0 for No).
Enable Enables the selected reference into the world.
Disable Disables the selected reference from the world.
GetDisabled Returns 1 if the selected reference is disabled, or 0 if it is not disabled.
MenuPaused Returns 1 if the game is paused at a menu, or 0 if the game is not paused at a menu.
PlaceAtMe Places a number of objects at the currently selected reference. [object][count][distance][direction][forcepersist]
GetCameraShipSize Retrieve the ship size in context of ship cameras.
GetDisease Does the ref object have a disease?
FailAllObjectives Fail all of a quest's objectives
GetClothingValue What is the clothing value for the ref object?
SameFaction Are the two references in the same faction?
SameRace Are the two references the same race?
SameSex Are the two references the same sex?
GetDetected Is the first reference detected by the second?
GetDead Is the reference dead?
GetItemCount How many of the specified item does the reference have?
GetGold How much gold/currency does the specified reference have?
GetSleeping Is the reference asleep?
GetTalkedToPC Has this reference talked ot the PC before?
Say Forces the selected actor to say to the player a message from the specified topic.
SayTo Forces the selected actor to say to the given actor a message from the specified topic.
ShowHelpMessage Display a UI message box (usually used for tutorials).
StartQuest Tries to start the given quest (optionally can specify 1 after the quest to indicate a force-start).
StopQuest Stops the given quest.
GetQuestRunning (GetQR) Is the given quest running?
SetStage Sets a quest stage using the Papyrus mechanisms to ensure fragments and stages don't fire off early if the quest isn't started.
GetStage What stage is the given quest in?
GetStageDone Is the given quest past the given stage?
GetFactionRankDifference What is the difference in ranks between the specified references in the specified faction?
GetAlarmed Is the reference in an alarmed state?
IsRaining Is it raining?
GetAttacked Has the reference been attacked?
GetIsCreature Is the reference a creature?
GetLockLevel What is the ref's lock level?
GetShouldAttack Should the given reference attack the specified target?
GetInCell Is the reference in the specified cell?
GetIsClass Is the reference the specified class?
GetIsRace Is the reference the specified race?
GetIsSex Is the reference the specified sex?
GetInFaction Is the reference in the specified faction?
GetIsID Is the reference a ref to the specified base object?
GetFactionRank What is the reference's rank in the specified faction?
GetGlobalValue What is the value of the specifed global variable?
IsSnowing Is it snowing?
FastTravel (ft) Player Fast Travel to Marker
GetRandomPercent Gives a random integer between 0 and 99 inclusive
RemoveMusic Removes the specified currently playing music type.
WouldBeStealing Check if taking a ref would be stealing by an actor
GetLevel What is the reference's level?
IsRotating Test if the act ref is rotating currently.
RemoveItem Remove item from ref object.
GetLeveledEncounterValue Gets an adjusted encounter level value for the called on ref.
GetDeadCount How many of the specified creature/NPC are dead?
AddToMap (ShowMap) Adds the specified map marker to the map (also optionally you can specify '1' after the map marker name to allow fast-travel to this marker).
StartConversation Start a conversation [Bob.StartConversation Joe, SecretTopic]
Drop Forces the reference to drop the specified item.
AddTopic Adds a new top-level topic for the current reference.
ShowMessage Display a Message Box -- a message box with at least 1 button that stops game time.
SetAlert Set the alert flag (which makes an actor draw his weapons) for the currently selected ref to 0 or 1.
GetIsAlerted Is the Actor in an alerted state?
Look Forces the currently selected actor to look at the specified target (also optionally you can specify '1' after the target to force the actor to turn to its target).
StopLook Stops forcing an actor to look at a target.
EvaluatePackage (evp) Force actor to evaluate its current AI package.
SendAssaultAlarm Calls an assult crime on the actor passed in or a faction if it is passed in.
EnablePlayerControls (epc) 15 optional (0/1) values. movement|fighting|pov|looking|sneaking|menu|activate|journal|vats|favorites|running|handscanner|takeoff|gravjump|fartravel ex: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
DisablePlayerControls (dpc) 13 optional (0/1) values. movement|fighting|pov|looking|sneaking|menu|activate|journal|vats|favorites|running|handscanner|takeoff|gravjump|fartravel ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GetPlayerControlsDisabled (gpc) 5 optional (0/1) values. movement|fighting|looking|sneaking|menu ex: 1 0 0 1 1
GetHeadingAngle What is the angle of the target object relative to my current heading?
PickIdle Picks an idle animation for the currently selected actor to play towards its current target.
IsWeaponMagicOut Is the actor's weapon/magic drawn/drawing?
IsTorchOut Does the actor have a torch pulled out?
IsShieldOut Does the actor have a shield equipped? (If so its always out)
CreateDetectionEvent Adds a new detection event for the specified actor (can also optionally specify '1' if the event is a sound event).
IsActionRef Returns 1 if the specified reference is the current action-reference for the current reference, or 0 otherwise.
IsFacingUp Is the actor's body facing up?
GetKnockedState What is the actor's knocked out state? (0=Normal, 1=Knocked Out, 2=Knocked Down)
GetWeaponAnimType What is the actor's weapon's animation type? (0=Unarmed, 1=One-handed weapon, 2=Two-handed weapon, 3=Bow weapon)
IsWeaponSkillType What is the actor's weapon's skill? (0=Unarmed, 1=Blade, 2=Blunt, 3=Marksman)
GetDistanceFromCelestialBody Get the distance from a celestial body. (Optional: 1 to get the distance from the surface, 0 to get it from the body center.
IsWaiting Is the actor in a waiting state?
IsIdlePlaying Is the reference playing an idle animation?
CompleteQuest Sets the specified quest to the "completed" state.
Lock Locks the selected reference to the specified lock level (can also specify 1 after the lock level to indicate LockAsOwner).
UnLock Unlocks the selected reference (can also specify 1 to indicate UnlockAsOwner).
IsIntimidatedbyPlayer Determine if the ref is currently intimidated by the player
IsPlayerInRegion Is the player currently in the given region?
GetActorAggroRadiusViolated Returns true if the actor is currently in a guard state because his aggro radius has been violated.
GetCrimeKnown Returns 1 if the given crime (int) is known between the given criminal (actor) and victim (actor).
SetEnemy Makes one faction an enemy (0) or neutral (1) to another faction.
SetAlly Makes one faction an ally (0) or friend (1) of another faction.
GetCrime Has the given actor committed a crime against the ref actor?
IsGreetingPlayer Is the ref actor currently greeting the player?
StartMisterSandMan Determine how many favor points it would cost to activate this reference.
IsGuard Is this actor a guard?
ReloadForm Reload the selected reference or specified form
ReloadResources Reload resources belonging to the selected reference or specified form
GetStaminaPercentage (GetStamina) Gets the ref actor's stamina as a percentage.
HasBeenRead Has the reference (a book) been read by the player?
GetDying Is the reference dying?
GetSceneActionPercent Tells if a scene action is a precentage done only used for dialogue scene actions.
WouldRefuseCommand Check if an actor would do a command for the player on a ref.
SameFactionAsPC Is the reference in the same faction as the player?
SameRaceAsPC Is the reference the same race as the player?
SameSexAsPC Is the reference the same sex as the player?
GetIsReference Is the given reference the same as this reference?
SetFactionRank Sets the actor's rank in the given faction to the given value.
ModFactionRank Modifies the actor's rank in the given faction by the given value.
KillActor (kill) Kills the target actor.
ResurrectActor (resurrect) Resurrects the target dead actor.
IsTalking Test if an actor is currently talking.
GetComponentCount How many of the specified components does the reference have?
GetCurrentAIProcedure Gets the current AI procedure type.
GetTrespassWarningLevel Gets the current tresspassing warning level.
IsTrespassing Is the current reference actor trespassing?
IsInMyOwnedCell Returns true if the currently referenced actor is in a cell that is owned by them.
GetWindSpeed Get the current wind speed.
GetCurrentWeatherPercent (getweatherpct) What is the current weather percent (only < 1 if transitioning from another weather).
GetIsCurrentWeather (getweather) Returns true if the specified weather matches the current weather type.
IsContinuingPackagePCNear Is the current actor continuing an AI package for the player?
SetCrimeFaction Set the crime faction for a reference.
GetIsCrimeFaction Determine if the crime faction of the ref is the same as the param.
CanHaveFlames Can the current ref have flames on it?
HasFlames Does the current ref have flames on it right now?
AddFlames Adds flames onto the current ref.
RemoveFlames Removes flames from the current ref.
GetOpenState Get the given ref's open state.
MoveToMarker (MoveTo) Moves the current ref to the given marker (with an optional X/Y/Z offset).
GetSitting Is the reference sitting?
GetFurnitureMarkerID Gets the furniture marker ID for the current furniture.
GetIsCurrentPackage Is the actor currently running the specified package?
IsCurrentFurnitureRef Is the ref actor currently using the given furniture ref?
IsCurrentFurnitureObj Is the ref actor currently using any furniture matching the object name?
SetSize (CSize) Shrink/Grow an actor. [player.shrink 0.0 or radius]
RemoveMe Removes the item from a container or character's inventory and optionally places it into the given container.
DropMe Drops the item from a container or character's inventory.
GetFactionReaction Get the reaction value between the two provided factions.
SetFactionReaction Sets the reaction value between the two provided factions to the specified value.
ModFactionReaction Modifies the reaction value between the two provided factions by the specified amount.
GetDayOfWeek Gets the current day of the week. Return values are 0-6 for mon-sun.
IgnoreCrime Sets the current actor's "ignores crime" flag to either ignore crime (1) or don't ignore crime (0).
GetTalkedToPCParam Has this reference talked to the PC before?
RemoveAllItems Removes all items from this reference's inventory. Optionally places them into the specified container (can also specify 1 after the container to change ownership of the items, and another 1 after that to ignore container weight limits).
WakeUpPC Wakes the PC up from sleeping after the specified number of hours (use '0' to wake the player up immediately).
IsPCSleeping Is the player sleeping currently?
IsPCAMurderer Is the player a murderer?
SetCombatStyle (setcs) Set the actor's combat style.
ReloadFile Reload the specified file
SelectPlayerSpell (spspell) Equips the specified spell into the player's hand (0=Left, 1=Right).
HasSameEditorLocationAsRef Is this ref's editor loc the same loc as the given one, taking into account any keyword filters?
HasSameEditorLocationAsRefAlias Is this ref's editor loc the same loc as the given alias on our owner quest, taking into account any keyword filters?
GetEquipped Does the actor have the specified item equipped?
Wait Makes the current actor wait where they are (only works if they are using a Follow or Escort AI package).
StopWaiting Makes the current actor stop waiting (only works if they are using a Follow or Escort AI package).
IsSwimming Is the current actor swimming?
ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds Gets the number of seconds elapsed for this script.
SetCellPublicFlag (setpublic) Set public flag on cell. [setpublic MyCell 1]
GetPCSleepHours Gets the number of hours (float) that the player is sleeping for.
SetPCSleepHours Sets the number of hours (int) that the player is sleeping for.
GetAmountSoldStolen Gets the amount of stolen things the player has sold.
ModAmountSoldStolen Modifies the amount of stolen things that the player has sold.
GetIgnoreCrime Is the current actor ignoring crime?
GetPCExpelled Is the player currently expelled from the given faction?
SetPCExpelled Set the player to be expelled (1) or allowed (0) in the given faction.
GetPCFactionMurder Has the player murdered a member of the given faction?
SetPCFactionMurder Sets (1) or clears (0) the status of whether the player has murdered a member of the given faction.
GetPCEnemyofFaction Is the player currently an enemy of the given faction?
SetPCEnemyofFaction Sets (1) or clears (0) the enemy status for the player with the given faction.
GetPCFactionAttack Has the player attacked a member of the given faction?
SetPCFactionAttack Sets (1) or clears (0) the status of whether the player has attacked a member of the given faction.
StartScene Starts the Scene in a quest with the given ID.
StopScene Stops the Scene in the Quest with a given id.
GetDestroyed Is the current reference destroyed?
SetDestroyed Sets whether the current reference is destroyed (1) or not destroyed (0).
GetActionRef (getAR) Gets the ref ID for the current reference's action target.
GetSelf (this) Gets the ref ID for the current reference.
GetContainer Gets the ref ID for the current reference's container.
GetForceRun Is the current actor being forced to run?
SetForceRun Sets the current actor's force-run state (1=ForceRun, 0=Normal).
GetForceSneak Is the current actor being forced to sneak?
SetForceSneak Sets the current actor's force-sneak state (1=ForceSneak, 0=Normal).
AdvancePCSkill (AdvSkill) Give the player the given amount of skill usage [advskill onehanded 100]
AdvancePCLevel (AdvLevel) Bring up the level up menu so player can level.
HasMagicEffect Determines whether or not the current reference is being affected by the given magic effect.
GetDefaultOpen Returns 1 if this object is open by default.
SetDefaultOpen A value of 1 will make the object open by default.
ShowClassMenu Bring up the class menu in char gen.
ShowLooksMenu (SLM) ShowLooksMenu no second parameter will bring up the Looks menu, parameter=1 the Haircut, parameter=2 the Plastic surgery
Spawn Spawns a number of the given object.
ShowNameMenu Bring up the class menu in char gen.
SetOpenState A value of 1 will make the object open.
ResetReference (RecycleActor) Optional destination reference.
IsSpellTarget Determines whether or not the current reference is being affected by the given magic item.
GetVATSMode Is the game in VATS mode currently?
GetPersuasionNumber Gets the persuasion number for the current actor.
GetVampireFeed Is the player in a Sandman condition?
GetCannibal Is the player a Cannibal?
GetIsClassDefault Is the player's class equal to the specified class default?
GetClassDefaultMatch Is the current actor's class equal to the specified class default?
GetInCellParam Is the reference in the specified cell?
GetPlayerDialogueInput What is players last input to dialogue?
GetCombatTarget Gets the current actor's combat target (ref ID).
GetPackageTarget Gets the current actor's package target (ref ID).
ShowSpellMaking Bring up the spellmaking menu.
GetVatsTargetHeight Get the current VATS command limb 3d target delta height from the player.
SetGhost A value of 1 will make the NPC act as a 'ghost'.
GetIsGhost Returns 1 if the actor is acting as a 'ghost'.
EquipItem (EquipObject) Makes the current actor equip the specified item (can optionally add '1' after the item to indicate a force-equip).
UnequipItem (UnEquipObject) Makes the current actor unequip the specified item (can optionally add '1' after the item to indicate a force-unequip).
SetClass Sets the specified class for the current actor.
SetUnconscious A value of 1 will be unconscious.
GetUnconscious Returns 1 if is unconscious.
SetRestrained A value of 1 will be restrained.
GetRestrained Returns 1 if is restrained.
ForceFlee (Flee) Forces a actor to flee if destination or cell is passed in uses them
GetIsUsedItem Is the current used item the specified base object?
GetIsUsedItemType Is the current used item the specified base type?
IsScenePlaying Tells if a scene on a quest is active.
IsInDialogueWithPlayer True if actor is currently in a dialogue state with player.If no action actor then just if player is in dialogue
GetLocationExplored Is the parameter location explored?
SetLocationExplored Set or clear the location explored flag on the parameter location.
ForceRefIntoAlias Force the calling ref into the specified alias on the scope quest.
EmptyRefAlias Clear the ref currently in the specified alias on the scope quest.
GetIsPlayableRace Is the reference a playable race?
GetOffersServicesNow See if NPC is offering service in its current AI package.
GetGameSetting (GetGS) Gets the value of the given GameSetting.
StopCombatAlarmOnActor (SCAOnActor) Stop combat and alarms on this actor.
HasAssociationType Is true if the ref has the association type with the actor that is passed in.
HasFamilyRelationship (Family) Gets if the actor has a relationship to the actor.
SetWeather (sw) Sets the active weather to the specified type
HasParentRelationship (IsParent) Gets if the actor has a parent type relationship to the other actor.
IsWarningAbout Gets if the actor is warning about the object or form list that was passed in.
IsWeaponOut Returns whether the actor's weapon (2) or fists (1) are out. 0 if not.
HasSpell Does the actor have the given spell?
IsTimePassing Returns true if the player is sleeping, waiting, training, or traveling.
IsPleasant Is the weather pleasant?
IsCloudy Is the weather cloudy?
TrapUpdate Run through the trap object and damage or push the actors that are colliding with it.
ShowQuestObjectives (SQO) Shows the list of current quest objectives
ForceValue (ForceAV) Does modav XXX (value - getav XXX). [player.forceav luck 25]
IncrementPCSkill (IncPCS) Increase the player's skill by one point. [IncrementSkill onehanded]
DoTrap Perform a trap's effects on the current reference.
EnableFastTravel (EnableFast) Sets if a player can fast travel from anywhere currently in the game.
IsSmallBump Test if the act ref is doing a small bump reaction used to give different dialogue.
GetParentRef Gets the parent ref ID for the parent of this reference.
AnimAction_EffectHasKeyword A magic effect has either started or ended on the Target reference. Does it have a specific keyword?
GetBaseValue (GetBaseAV) Get the base value of a property on the reference. [player.getbasevalue luck]
IsOwner Get the ownership of the ref.
SetOwnership Sets the ownership of the ref.
IsCellOwner Get the ownership of the given cell.
SetCellOwnership Sets the ownership of the given cell.
IsHorseStolen Is this horse stolen?
SetCellFullName Changes the given cell's full name to the provided new name.
SetActorFullName Sets the current actor's full name to the provided new name.
IsLeftUp Is the actor's left side facing up? Used for quadrapeds.
IsSneaking Is the actor sneaking?
IsRunning Is the actor running?
GetFriendHit How many times has the player hit this actor as a friend?
IsInCombat Is this actor currently in combat?
SetPackDuration (SPDur) Set the duration of an AI package if you want to end in under an hour.
PlayMagicShaderVisuals (PMS) Plays the given magic shader on the current reference.
PlayMagicEffectVisuals (PME) Plays the given magic effect on the current reference.
StopMagicShaderVisuals (SMS) Stops the given magic shader on the current reference.
StopMagicEffectVisuals (SME) Stops the given magic effect on the current reference.
ResetInterior Resets the provided cell to its original state.
IsAnimPlaying Is the provided animation playing on the current actor?
SetActorAlpha (SAA) Sets the actor's alpha fade percentage.
EnableLinkedPathPoints Enables path grid linked path points for the current reference.
DisableLinkedPathPoints Disables path grid linked path points for the current reference.
IsInInterior Is the reference in an interior cell?
ForceWeather (fw) Forces the active weather to the specified type, without transition.
ToggleActorsAI Toggles AI on/off for the current actor.
IsActorsAIOff Is AI processing enabled for the current actor?
IsWaterObject Water condition used for drinking animation.
GetPlayerAction Determines what is the recent action that the actor is reponding to from the player.
IsActorUsingATorch Is the current actor using a torch?
SetLevel Sets an actors level and recalcs him if he is not the player.
ResetFallDamageTimer Reset the fall timer to stop fall damage on an actor.
IsXBox Is current platform the XBox?
GetInWorldspace Is the reference in the specified cell?
ModPCMiscStat (ModPCMS) Modifies the provided player's misc. stat by the given amount.
GetPCMiscStat (GetPCMS) Gets the value of the provided misc. stat for the player.
GetPairedAnimation (GPA) See if this reference is currently playing a paired animation.
IsActorAVictim Is the current actor the victim of a crime?
GetTotalPersuasionNumber Gets the total persuasion change number for the current actor.
SetScale Set the scale of an object
ModScale Modify the scale of an object
GetIdleDoneOnce Is the current actor's idle done once?
KillAllActors (killall) Kills all actors in the loaded area (and optionally specify the killer).
GetNoRumors Checks the no rumors flag on the actor.
SetNoRumors Sets the no rumors flag on the actor.
Dispel Dispels the given spell from the specified target.
GetCombatState Test the state of this actor in the combat manager.
TriggerHitShader (ths) Triggers the "you're being hit" shader on the screen as if the player were taking damage. Optionally allows you to specify the strength of the hit.
GetWithinPackageLocation Determine whether the subject is within this package location.
Reset3DState Resets the animation and physics for this reference.
IsRidingMount Returns whether or not the actor is riding a mount.
DispelAllSpells Dispels all magic effects coming from spells on the current actor.
IsFleeing Determine if an actor is currently fleeing from something.
AddAchievement Add an achievement to the player's profile.
DuplicateAllItems Duplicates and copies all items from the current reference's inventory/container into the given target inventory/container.
IsInDangerousWater Is the current actor in water marked as dangerous?
EssentialDeathReload Displays a message to the player that an essential character has died. "With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."
SetShowQuestItems Shows (1) or hides (0) quest items in the inventory.
DuplicateNPCStats Copies the stats and level of the current actor from the specified actor.
ResetHealth Resets the health of the current reference to full.
SetIgnoreFriendlyHits (sifh) Set whether an actor should ignore friendly hits (0-no, 1-yes)
GetIgnoreFriendlyHits (gifh) See if an actor is ignoring friendly hits
IsPlayersLastRiddenMount Is this the last mount that the player has ridden on?
SetActorRefraction (sar) Sets the amount of refraction applied to the current actor.
SetItemValue Sets the sell-value for the current item.
SetRigidBodyMass Sets the Havok mass for an object.
ShowViewerStrings (svs) Prints the current object's viewer strings into the console.
ReleaseWeatherOverride (rwo) Release the weather currently overriding the system.
SetAllReachable Sets the given path as "all points reachable".
SetAllVisible Sets the "all points visible" flag on the current actor.
SetNoAvoidance Sets the "no avoidance" flag on the current actor.
SendTrespassAlarm Send a crime alarm. It is sent by the one commiting the crime.
SetSceneIsComplex If 1 then the scene is complex enough to turn on aggressive optimizations.
Autosave Triggers an auto-save to occur.
StartMasterFileSeekData Starts the masterfile seek data.
DumpMasterFileSeekData Dumps out the masterfile seek data.
IsActor Is the current reference an actor?
IsEssential Is the current actor marked as essential?
PreloadMagicEffect Preloads a magic effect so that when it is later triggered, it can play instantly without having to load first.
ShowDialogSubtitles Enables (1) or disables (0) showing subtitles for dialogue.
SetPlayerResistingArrest Sets the player to resisting arrest which makes guards attack him.
IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace Is the player moving to a new area that they haven't visited before?
GetIsCurrentLocation Is the ref currently in the given location or one of its children?
GetIsCurrentLocationAlias Is the ref currently in the given location of our owner quest?
GetTimeDead Get the amount of time that has passed since this actor was dead.
HasLinkedRef Does the ref object have the given linked ref?
GetLinkedRef Gets the ref ID of the ref object's linked ref.
DamageObject (do) Applies the provided amount of damage to the current reference.
IsChild Is the reference a child?
GetStolenItemValueNoCrime Get the value of player stolen items that no crime was reported for.
GetLastPlayerAction Return the most recent action taken by the player.
IsPlayerActionActive Is the provided action in the player's active actions list?
SetTalkingActivatorActor Sets a new talking activator actor reference for the current reference.
IsTalkingActivatorActor Gets the talking activator actor reference for the current reference.
ShowBarterMenu (sbm) Bring up the bartering menu.
IsInList Is the reference in the specified list?
GetStolenItemValue Get the value of player stolen items which had crimes was reported for them.
AddPerk Adds the given perk to the current actor.
GetCrimeGoldViolent (getviolent) Gets what the violent crime gold is for the actor in a particular faction.
GetCrimeGoldNonviolent (getnonviolent) Gets what the nonviolent crime gold is for the actor in a particular faction.
ShowRepairMenu (srm) Bring up the repair menu in dialog.
IsOwnedBy Check to see if the action ref is owned by the param actor.
AddNote (AN) Add a new note to the player.
GetCommandDistance Get how far form the player the actor doing the command is.
GetCommandLocationDistance How far from the player is the location of the command action?
AddToFaction (Addfac) Adds the current actor to the given faction with the specified faction rank.
RemoveFromFaction (Removefac) Removes the current actor from the given faction.
DamageValue (DamageAV) Damage the value of the given property.
RestoreValue (RestoreAV) Restore the value of the given property.
TriggerHUDShudder (hudsh) Trigger shudder effect on HUD. Params=Intensity/Duration.
GetObjectiveFailed Is the given objective flagged as failed?
SetObjectiveFailed Sets the given objective flagged as failed (1) or un-failed (0).
SetGlobalTimeMultiplier (sgtm) Sets the global time multiplier for the world. Values greater than 1 speed up time, whereas values between 0 and 1 slow down time.
GetHitLocation What BGSBodyPartDefs::LIMB_ENUM was hit. -1 = none, 0 = torso, ...
IsPC1stPerson (pc1st) Is the player playing in 1st person mode?
PurgeCellBuffers (pcb) Forcibly unloads all unattached cells in cell buffers.
PushActorAway Push one actor away from another using a given force.
SetActorsAI Sets AI processing for the current actor to either enabled (1) or disabled (0).
ClearOwnership Removes ownership information for the current reference.
GetCauseofDeath What killed the actor?
ShowDependencyGraph (sdg) Show the dependency graph for the specified object
IsWeaponInList Is the current weapon in the form list
PlayIdle Play this idle on the current actor.
ApplyImageSpaceModifier (imod) Adds an imagespace modifier to the active list
RemoveImageSpaceModifier (rimod) Removes an imagespace modifier from the active list
IsBribedbyPlayer Is the actor ref in a bribed state with the player?
GetRelationshipRank Get the rank of the current relationship between two NPCs.
SetRelationshipRank Set the rank between two NPC's.
SetCellImageSpace Sets the given imagespace for the provided cell.
GetStrongestEnemyHasKeyword (gsehk) Tests if the player's strongest enemy has the given Keyword.
GetVATSValue Gets the specified VATS value for the given VATS value query.
IsKiller Is the specified actor the killer for the current actor?
IsPlayerInShipTargetingMode Is Player in Ship Targeting Mode.
GetFactionCombatReaction Return what kind of faction combat relation the two factions have.
IsShipTargetInShipTargetingMode Is the specified object the ship currently targeted in Ship Targeting Mode.
EvaluateSpellConditions (esc) Recompute the active/inactive status of all of the active effects in the list by reevaluating their conditions.
ToggleMotionBlur (tmb) Toggle Motion Blur for the selected reference
Exists Does the current reference exist (1), or is it null (0)?
GetGroupMemberCount Gets how many members are in the current actor's combat group.
GetGroupTargetCount Gets how many targets are in the current actor's combat group targets list.
SetObjectiveCompleted Set objective completion status: 0-Off, 1-On
SetObjectiveDisplayed Set objective displayed status: 0-Off, 1-On
GetObjectiveCompleted Get objective completion status: 0-Off, 1-On
GetObjectiveDisplayed Get objective displayed status: 0-Off, 1-On
SetImageSpace Sets a new given imagespace.
PipboyRadio (prad) Control the Pipboy radio. Enable, Disable, Tune
RemovePerk Removes the given perk from the current actor.
DisableAllActors (DisAA) Disable all other actors than our selected actor. If selected is not an actor then disable all actors.
GetIsFormType Is the current reference an instance of the form type specified?
GetIsVoiceType Does the reference have the specified voice type?
GetPlantedExplosive Does the current actor have the AI package of a planted explosive?
CompleteAllObjectives Complete all of a quest's objectives
IsScenePackageRunning Is the reference actor running a scene package?
GetHealthPercentage Gets the current actor's health as a percentage of its total health.
GetActiveBoostDuration Get the duration in seconds that the current actor's spaceship has been boosting for if the boosters are active, or zero if they aren't.
GetIsObjectType Test if a reference is of the object type passed in.
`` Unused.
PlayerVisualDetection (PVD) Gets the player's visual detection value for the current ref.
PlayerAudioDetection (PAD) Gets the player's audio detection value for the current ref.
ExitGame (exit) Exits the game.
GetIsCreatureType Is this reference the specified creature type?
HasKey Determines whether a actor has a key to the reference.
IsFurnitureEntryType Is the actor's current furniture marker of the given entry type?
ShowWarning Shows the player a warning message-box containing the given text.
EnterTrigger Triggered when entering a function.
MarkForDelete Marks a ref for deletion.
SetPlayerAIDriven Turn control of the player driven by AI on and off.
GetInCurrentLocationFormList Is the ref currently in the given location or one of its children?
GetInZone Is the current ref in the specified zone?
GetVelocity Gets Velocity on a reference
GetGraphVariableFloat Get the float value in the specified behavior graph variable on the calling ref.
HasPerk Does the current actor have the given perk?
GetFactionRelation Gets the faction fight reaction value between the current actor and the given actor.
IsLastIdlePlayed Is the current actor's last-played idle animation the given one?
SetNPCRadio (snr) Enable/Disable NPC radio playback: 0-Off, 1-On
SetPlayerTeammate Makes the current actor a teammate of the player (1) or removes their teammate status (0).
GetPlayerTeammate Is the current actor a teammate of the player?
GetPlayerTeammateCount How many teammates does the player currently have?
OpenActorContainer Open the container of a teammate so you can take things or add them.
ClearFactionPlayerEnemyFlag Set that the Player isn't an enemy of the given faction.
ClearActorsFactionsPlayerEnemyFlag Sets that the Player isn't an enemy of any factions that are currently mad at them.
GetActorCrimePlayerEnemy Is this actor an enemy of the player because of a crime being committed?
GetCrimeGold Gets what the crime gold is for the actor in a particular faction.
SetCrimeGold Sets the value of the crime gold for the actor in a particular faction by the amount passed in.
ModCrimeGold Mods the value of the crime gold is for the actor in a particular faction by the amount passed in.
GetPlayerGrabbedRef Gets the ref ID of the object that the player is currently grabbing.
IsPlayerGrabbedRef Is the player grabbing the current ref?
PlaceLeveledActorAtMe Spawns and places a new instance of a leveled actor at the player's location.
GetKeywordItemCount How many items with the specified keyword does the reference have?
`` Unused.
GetBroadcastState Returns the current broadcast state of the radio station.
SetBroadcastState Sets the current broadcast state of the radio station.
StartRadioConversation Forces a radio station to play a conversation with the given (optional) topic. If no topic is present a default radio topic will be used.
GetDestructionStage Returns the destruction stage for the current reference.
ClearDestruction Clear the destruction done to the selected reference.
CastImmediateOnSelf (cios) Forces the current actor to cast the given spell on themselves (for making them use certain abilities).
GetIsAlignment Does the current actor have the specified karma alignment? (0=Good, 1=Neutral, 2=Evil, 3=VeryGood, 4=VeryEvil)
ResetQuest Resets the specified quest.
SetQuestDelay Adds a specified script processing delay for the given quest.
IsProtected Is the ref object protected?
GetThreatRatio Calculates the ratio between the combat strength of the specified actor to the combat strength of the current actor.
MatchFaceGeometry Changes the face geometry of the specified actor to match that of the current actor.
GetIsUsedItemEquipType Is the current item's equip slot the given slot type?
GetPlayerName Displays the player name entry UI so the player can enter their character name.
FireWeapon Fires the given weapon using the specified ammo.
PayCrimeGold Has the ref actor pay the fine for his crime for a particular faction.
GetPlayerActivated See if a Actor has been recently activated by the player.
MatchRace Changes the race of the specified actor to match that of the current actor.
GetFullyEnabledActorsInHigh Get the number of fully enabled high-process actors.
SexChange Change the selected npc from a male to a female or female to a male.
IsCarryable Returns true if the ref can be picked up and added to a container.
GetConcussed Is the current actor concussed?
SetZoneRespawns Sets whether the given zone respawns (1) or not (0).
GetBiomeScanPercent Returns the biome scan percentage of this object type. 0 if it's not part of this biome.
GetMapMarkerVisible Is the current ref a visible map marker?
ResetInventory Resets the inventory of the current actor.
PlayerKnows Is the Known flag set on the given form?
GetPermanentValue Get the value of a property ignoring temporary modifiers. [player.getpermanentvalue luck]
EPMagic_EffectIsDetrimental The passed in reference is a temp reference whose referring object is a Magic Effect. Is the Magic Effect marked Detrimental?
GoToJail Sends the Player to "jail" and takes his stuff if param tells it to.
CanPayCrimeGold Function to see if ref actor can pay the fine for his crimes to a faction.
ServeTime Get actor out of jail by serving his time.
GetDaysInJail How many days does the current ref have to serve in jail?
EPAlchemyGetMakingPoison Unused.
EPAlchemyEffectHasKeyword Unused.
ShowAllMapMarkers (tmm) Shows/hides map markers (1 shows, 0 hides)(1 travel(default), 0 no travel)(1 all, 0 all but hidden(default)).
GetAllowWorldInteractions Sets arReturnValue to true (1.0) if the reference is NOT an actor with a package with its "World Interactions" flag unchecked.
ResetAI Resets the AI package on the current actor.
SetRumble Creates rumble in the controller (left motor) (right motor) (duration)
`` Unused.
GetPerkRank Returns the rank of a given perk on an actor.
GetLastHitCritical Was the last hit against this actor a critical hit?
AddMusic Adds the specified music to the music playlist.
`` Unused.
LastCrippledCondition Get last crippled actor value on an actor.
HasSharedPowerGrid (spg) Does given reference share the same power grid?
IsCombatTarget Is the current actor in combat with the specified actor?
TriggerScreenBlood (tsb) Trigger screen blood
GetVATSRightAreaFree Check to see if a VATS camera can fit on the right side.
GetVATSLeftAreaFree Check to see if a VATS camera can fit on the left side.
GetVATSBackAreaFree Check to see if a VATS camera can fit on the back side.
GetVATSFrontAreaFree Check to see if a VATS camera can fit on the front side.
GetIsLockBroken Is this lock broken?
NotUsed Not used.
IsWindowsPC Is current platform PC?
GetVATSRightTargetVisible Is the target visible from the right?
GetVATSLeftTargetVisible Is the target visible from the left?
GetVATSBackTargetVisible Is the target visible from the back?
GetVATSFrontTargetVisible Is the target visible from the front?
AttachAshPile Places an ash pile at the selected actor's feet.
SetCriticalStage Sets the stage for the critical effect on the actor.
IsInCriticalStage Is the actor in the critical stage?
RemoveFromAllFactions Removes the selected actor from all factions.
GetXPForNextLevel How many experience points does the player need to reach the next level?
`` Unused.
ForceSave Forces the game to create a save.
GetInfamy Returns the number of total crime gold player has every gotten with a particular faction.
GetInfamyViolent Returns the number of total Violent crime gold the player has every gotten with a particular faction.
GetInfamyNonViolent Returns the number of total Non Violent crime gold player has every gotten with a particular faction.
GetTypeCommandPerforming Get the type of the command an actor is peforming.
Sin Calcuates the sine (or optionally, if you pass '1', the arcsine) of the given angle.
Cos Calcuates the cosine (or optionally, if you pass '1', the arc-cosine) of the given angle.
Tan Calcuates the tangent (or optionally, if you pass '1', the arctangent) of the given angle.
Sqrt Calculates the square root of the given value.
Log Calculates the logarithm of the given value in the specified base (or in base e if no base is specified).
Abs Calculates the absolute value of the given value.
GetQuestCompleted (GetQC) Has the given quest been completed?
GetSpeechChallengeSuccessScene Get success value of the player current speaking topic.
PipBoyRadioOff Disables the radio for the player.
AutoDisplayObjectives Set the flag in the HUD for showing the quest objectives.
IsGoreDisabled Is gore disabled?
`` Unused.
SetMinimalUse Set the door to minimal use and refresh the quest targets since the door's changed status may alter pathing to the quest targets.
IsSceneActionComplete Tells if a scene action has been completed.
ShowQuestStages (SQS) Prints quest stages for the specified quest into the console.
`` Unused.
ForceRadioStationUpdate (FRSU) Forces an update of the radio station's broadcasting state.
GetActorsInHigh Gets the number of actors that are in the "high" processing list currently.
HasLoaded3D Has the 3D geometry for this reference fully loaded?
DisableAllMines Disables all mines that are currently running.
SetLastExtDoorActivated Sets the specified door to be the player's last-used exterior door so we know where the player came in from.
KillQuestUpdates (KQU) Removes all quest updates from the UI.
IsImageSpaceActive Is the specified imagespace currently active?
HasKeyword Does the ref object use the keyword in the parameter data?
HasRefType Does the ref object use the location ref type in the parameter data?
LocationHasKeyword Does the ref object's current location use the keyword in the parameter data?
LocationHasRefType Does the ref object's current location use the location ref type in the parameter data?
CreateEvent Create a script event and send it to the story event manager.
GetIsEditorLocation Is the ref's editor loc in the given location or one of its children?
GetIsAliasRef Is the ref the given alias ref in our owner quest?
GetIsEditorLocationAlias Is the ref's editor loc in the given alias location of our owner quest?
IsSprinting Is the current actor sprinting?
IsBlocking Is the current actor blocking?
HasEquippedSpell (hasspell) Indicate whether or not the actor reference has a spell equipped in the given casting source.
GetCurrentCastingType (getcasting) Get the Casting Type of the actor's currently equipped spell.
GetCurrentDeliveryType (getdelivery) Get the Delivery Type of the actor's currently equipped spell.
EquipSpell Equip the given spell to an actor's specified casting source.
GetAttackState 0 = None, 1 = Draw, 2 = Swing, 3 = Hit, 4 = Next Attack, 5 = Follow Through, 6 = Bash
GetAliasedRef Gets the ref currently in the given alias on our owner quest.
GetEventData Get the event data for a story event.
IsCloserToAThanB Determine if a reference is closer to A than B.
LevelMinusPCLevel Subtract the player level from the target level and return the result.
`` Unused.
IsBleedingOut Is the reference actor bleeding out?
UnlockWord Unused.
TeachWord Unused.
AddToContainer Add the reference called on to the given container reference.
GetRelativeAngle Checks the relative angle between two references along the passed axis.
SendAnimEvent (sae) Send an event to the animation graph and an optional animation.
`` Unused.
`` Unused.
`` Unused.
GetMovementDirection Get the movement direction for an actor.
IsInScene Tells if the actor is in any scene.
GetRefTypeDeadCount Get number of the given ref count currently dead in the given location.
GetRefTypeAliveCount Get number of the given ref count currently alive in the given location.
ApplyHavokImpulse Applies an impulse of the passed magnitude to the reference along a passed axis.
GetIsFlying Gets whether or not the actor is flying.
IsCurrentSpell Indicate whether or not the actor reference has the specified spell equipped in the given casting source.
SpellHasKeyword Does the spell the actor currently want to cast have the given keyword?
GetEquippedItemType Returns the equip item ID for the item equipped in the player's hand.
GetLocationAliasExplored Is the parameter location alias explored?
SetLocationAliasExplored Set or clear the location explored flag on the parameter location.
GetLocationAliasRefTypeDeadCount Get number of the given ref count currently dead in the given location alias.
GetLocationAliasRefTypeAliveCount Get number of the given ref count currently alive in the given location alias.
IsWardState Indicate whether or not the actor reference's ward state is the one provided.
IsInSameCurrentLocationAsRef Is this ref's current loc the same loc as the given one, taking into account any keyword filters?
IsInSameCurrentLocationAsAlias Is this ref's current loc the same loc as the given alias on our owner quest, taking into account any keyword filters?
LocationAliasIsLocation Is the given loc alias filled the specified location?
GetKeywordDataForLocation Gets the data on the given location for the given keyword.
SetKeywordDataForLocation Sets the data on the given location for the given keyword to the given value.
GetKeywordDataForAlias Gets the data on the given loc alias for the given keyword.
SetKeywordDataForAlias Sets the data on the given loc alias for the given keyword to the given value.
LocationAliasHasKeyword Does the location in the given loc alias have the given keyword?
IsNullPackageData Determine whether a piece of package data currently contains a null value (e.g. a target that specifies "linked ref" in a package on an actor with no linked ref).
GetNumericPackageData Get the floating-point value of a numeric package data variable.
IsPlayerRadioOn Unused.
GetPlayerRadioFrequency Unused.
GetHighestRelationshipRank What is the actor's highest relationship rank?
GetLowestRelationshipRank What is the actor's lowest relationship rank?
HasAssociationTypeAny Does the actor have any relationships of the given type?
HasFamilyRelationshipAny Does the actor have any family relationships?
GetPathingTargetOffset For Idle selection, fetch the deired pathing offset.
GetPathingTargetAngleOffset For Idle selection, fetch the deired pathing rotation offset.
GetPathingTargetSpeed For Idle selection, fetch the desired pathing speed.
GetPathingTargetSpeedAngle For Idle selection, fetch the deired pathing rotation offset.
GetMovementSpeed Fetch the current movement speed.
GetInContainer Is this ref currently in the param ref?
IsLocationLoaded Is the parameter location loaded?
IsLocationAliasLoaded Is the parameter loc alias loaded?
IsDualCasting Indicate whether or not the actor reference is dual-casting.
DualCast Cause the reference actor to dual-cast the given spell.
GetVMQuestVariable Gets a value out of a Papyrus script (called on a specific reference or quest).
GetCombatAudioDetection (adcombat) Check the actor's audio detection value against his combat target to find out if they can hear their target.
GetCombatVisualDetection (vdcombat) Check the actor's visual detection value against his combat target to find out if they can see their target.
IsCasting Tests if the actor is currently casting a spell to be used by the animation system in idle manager.
GetFlyingState Gets the actor flight state.
SetCommandState Turns on or off the actor being in a doing a favor for the player state.
IsInFavorState Tests if the actor is in a favor state.
HasTwoHandedWeaponEquipped Sets arReturnValue to true (1.0) if the ref has a two-handed weapon equipped.
IsFurnitureExitType Is the actor's current furniture marker of the given exit type?
IsInFriendStatewithPlayer Determine if the ref is currently in a friend state with the player.
GetWithinDistance Checks to see if the called on ref is the given distance from the given ref.
GetValuePercent Gets the specified actor value for the called on actor as a percent of the max.
IsUnique Checks if the called on ref is an actor to a unique NPC.
GetLastBumpDirection For Idle selection, fetch the direction the actor was bumped from.
CameraShake Plays a screen shake.
GetInfoChallangeSuccess Get success value of the player current speaking info.
GetIsInjured Gets whether or not the actor is injured.
GetIsCrashLandRequest Gets whether or not the actor has a crash landing request.
GetIsHastyLandRequest Gets whether or not the actor has a hasty landing request.
UpdateQuestInstanceGlobal Updates the value for the given global in the given quests current instance data.
SetAllowFlying Tests and spends favor points if the player has the right amount of favor points with the actor ref.
IsLinkedTo Is the calling ref linked to the given one?
GetKeywordDataForCurrentLocation Gets the data on the calling ref's current location for the given keyword.
GetInSharedCrimeFaction Test if the actor shares the same crime faction as another actor.
GetBribeAmount Get the amount of gold it would take the player to bribe the actor.
GetBribeSuccess Test if the actor can be bribed by the player.
GetIntimidateSuccess See if the player can intimidate the actor.
GetArrestedState Test if the ref actor is being arrested.
GetArrestingActor Test if the act ref is arresting another actor.
ClearArrestState Turn off the actor's Arrested state.
HasVMScript Checks to see if the given script is attached to the given reference.
GetVMScriptVariable Gets a value out of a Papyrus script.
GetWorkshopResourceDamage Gets the workshop resource damage.
ShowDockedSpaceships Shows all the spaceships docked with the selection.
ForceLocationIntoAlias Force the given location into the specified alias on the scope quest.
HasValidRumorTopic See if a Ref has a valid Rumor topic to say for a particular quest or for any quest.
SetHorseActor Set the actor's horse to be used.
PlayReferenceEffect (pre) Apply a BGSArtObject visual effect to a reference.
StopReferenceEffect (sre) Stop playing a BGSArtObject visual effect on a reference.
PlayShaderParticleGeometry (pspg) Start the given shader particle geometry.
StopShaderParticleGeometry (sspg) Stop the given shader particle geometry.
ApplyImageSpaceModifierCrossFade (imodcf) Adds a crossfade imagespace modifier to the active list
RemoveImageSpaceModifierCrossFade (rimodcf) Remove a crossfade imagespace modifier from the active list
IsAttacking See if an actor is attacking.
IsPowerAttacking See if an actor is power attacking.
IsLastHostileActor See if an actor is the last hostile actor.
GetGraphVariableInt Get the int value in the specified behavior graph variable on the calling ref.
GetDockerOrientation Get the orientation of the first docker of a spaceship.
PlayImpactEffect (pie) Executes effects from an impact data set.
ShouldAttackKill See if an actor should be able to kill the other actor with an attack.
SendStealAlarm (steal) Send that the ref is being stolen by the param actor.
GetActivationHeight Get the value of the activation level for the ref actor.
SSLPI_ReplacePayloadHasKeyword See if the given BGSKeyword is in the Extra Forms in arData.
WornHasKeyword If the reference has inventory, do any of the worn items have the given keyword?
GetPathingCurrentSpeed For Idle selection, fetch the current pathing speed
GetPathingCurrentSpeedAngle For Idle selection, fetch the current pathing rotation offset
KnockAreaEffect (kae) Executes a knock effect on an area.
InterruptCast Perform InterruptCast on the target reference or actor.
AddFormToFormList Adds a form to a form list in game.
RevertFormList Removes all script added forms from a form list.
AddFormToLeveledList Adds a form to a leveled list in game.
RevertLeveledList Removes all script added forms from a leveled list.
GetWorkshopObjectCount Get the number of a given item placed in a workshop.
InstantUndock Instantly undock from all possible ships
EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword The passed in reference is a temp reference whose referring object is a MagicItem. Does it have the given keyword?
GetNoBleedoutRecovery Does the reference actor have the No Bleedout Recovery flag set?
SetNoBleedoutRecovery Set or clear the No Bleedout Recovery flag on the reference actor.
EPMagic_SpellHasSkill The passed in reference is a temp reference whose referring object is a MagicItem. Does the costliest effect in the spell have the specified skill?
IsAttackType Check if the actor's current attack type is the specified keyword.
IsAllowedToFly Is the reference actor allowed to fly?
HasMagicEffectOrSpellKeyword Does the ref object use the keyword in the parameter data?
IsCommandedActor Is the ref object an actor who has a commander?
IsStaggered Is the ref object an actor who is staggered?
IsRecoiling Is the ref object an actor who is recoiling?
HasScopeWeaponEquipped Returns true (1.0) if the actor has a weapon with a scope equipped.
IsPathing Is the ref object an actor who is pathing?
GetShouldHelp Should the given reference help the specified target?
HasBoundWeaponEquipped Returns true (1.0) if the ref has a bound weapon equipped.
GetCombatTargetHasKeyword (gcthk) Is the ref object an actor who has a combat target with the keyword?
UpdateLevel Update the player's level based on current skill usage amounts.
GetCombatGroupMemberCount (gcgmc) Get the member count for the actor's combat group
IsIgnoringCombat Determine if the ref is ignoring combat.
GetLightLevel (gll) Get the light level on an actor.
SavePCFace (spf) Save the PC face data on an actor.
SpellHasCastingPerk The passed in reference is a temp reference whose referring object is a MagicItem. Does it have the given keyword?
IsBeingRidden Checks whether the actor is currently ridden.
IsUndead Is this an undead actor?
GetRealHoursPassed Return the real hours of playtime passed.
UnequipAll Unequip all worn items from the given actor.
IsUnlockedDoor Is the given reference an unlocked door?
IsHostileToActor Is the given actor hostile to the specified target?
GetTargetHeight Get the delta on z between two references
IsPoison Is the object a Poison potion
WornApparelHasKeywordCount Is the given actor hostile to the specified target?
GetItemHealthPercent Gets the item health for the calling reference.
EffectWasDualCast Checks to see if the effect was dual-cast
GetKnockStateEnum What is the actor's knock state (knock-out, knock-down, etc.) enum value?
DoesNotExist Does the current reference not exist?
InstantDock Instantly dock with another ship, station, or docking port
GetSpeechChallengeSuccessGame Get success value of the player current speaking topic.
GetActorStance Get the actor's stance.
SpeechScenarioHasKeyword (hsk) See if Keyword is in current speech challenge game.
UnequipItemSlot Unequips whichever item is in the current actor's specified slot.
MountActor Mounts an actor.
DismountActor Dismounts an actor.
CanProduceForWorkshop Can the given reference produce resources for Workshop?
CanFlyHere Can the reference actor fly here?
EPIsDamageType Checks to see if one of the ExtraData forms on this actor is a BGSDamageType.
IsCurrentSpeechChallengeObject See if Speech Challenge Object is in current speech challenge game.
GetActorGunState Get the actor's gun state.
GetVoiceLineLength Get the length of the line the actor is saying.
ModPos Modify the position on a reference.
ObjectTemplateItem_HasKeyword Does the current Object Template Item have the given keyword?
ObjectTemplateItem_HasUniqueKeyword Does the current Object Template Item have the given Name?
ObjectTemplateItem_GetLevel What is the current Object Template Item's level?
MovementIdleMatches Checks whether the current large delta state matches the passed in start and end values.
GetActionData Gets the current action data.
GetActionDataShort Gets the current action data as a short.
GetActionDataByte Gets the current action data as a byte.
GetActionDataFlag Gets the current action data as a flag.
ModdedItemHasKeyword Does the modded item have the specified keyword?
GetAngryWithPlayer (gawp) Get the angry with player flag on an actor.
IsCameraUnderWater Is the camera under the water?
ModAngle Modify the angle on a reference.
IsActorRefOwner get the Actor ref ownership of the ref
HasActorRefOwner check whether the ref ever had Actor ownership assigned
PlaceThere (pt) Place a reference at the location in the center of the screen.
GetLoadedAmmoCount Gets the current loaded ammo count of an actor.
IsTimeSpanSunrise Check the current gamehour against the Sunrise timespan.
IsTimeSpanMorning Check the current gamehour against the Morning timespan.
IsTimeSpanAfternoon Check the current gamehour against the Afternoon timespan.
IsTimeSpanEvening Check the current gamehour against the Evening timespan.
IsTimeSpanSunset Check the current gamehour against the Sunset timespan.
IsTimeSpanNight Check the current gamehour against the Night timespan.
IsTimeSpanMidnight Check the current gamehour against the Midnight timespan.
IsTimeSpanAnyDay Check the current gamehour against the Day (any) timespan.
IsTimeSpanAnyNight Check the current gamehour against the Night (any) timespan.
CurrentFurnitureHasKeyword Check if the current furniture has the specified keyword.
GetWeaponEquipIndex Get the actor's weapon equip index.
KillAllHostile (kah) Kills all hostile actors in the immediate area.
IsOverEncumbered Is the actor overencumbered?
IsPackageRequestingBlockedIdles Is the package requesting no idles?
GetActionDataInt Gets the current action data as an int.
GetVATSRightMinusLeftAreaFree Calculates the difference between the right and left area free for playback cameras.
GetInIronSights Returns true if the actor is currently in iron-sights.
GetActorStaggerDirection Get the actor stagger direction.
GetActorStaggerMagnitude Get the actor stagger magnitude.
WornCoversBipedSlot Is the actor wearing anything targeting the specific biped slot?
GetInventoryValue Gets the total value of the inventory of the given ref.
IsPlayerInConversation True if Player is in the current conversation
IsInDialogueCamera True if in the DialogueCamera state
IsMyDialogueTargetPlayer Determine if the actor is currently speaking to the player used for camera.
IsMyDialogueTargetActor Determine if the actor is currently speaking to another actor used for camera.
GetMyDialogueTargetDistance True if in the DialogueCamera state
IsSeatOccupied True if the seat is occupied
IsPlayerRiding True if the player is riding the subject
IsTryingEventCamera True if trying to find/play an event camera
UseLeftSideCamera True if we want a left side camera
GetNoteType Get the type of note a ref is. (0=NT_UNUSED (Formerly NT_SOUND), 1=NT_VOICE, 2=NT_PROGRAM, 3=NT_TERMINAL)
LocationHasPlayerOwnedWorkshop Does the reference object's location have a player-owned Workshop in it?
IsStartingAction Is the actor starting an action?
IsMidAction Is the actor in the middle of an action?
IsWeaponChargeAttack True if currently equipped weapon has a charging attack
IsInWorkshopMode True if the player is in workshop mode
IsWeaponChargingHoldAttack True if currently equipped weapon has an attack charged by holding an input
IsEncounterAbovePlayerLevel True if the ref this is called on is in a zone which is higher than player level.
IsMeleeAttacking See if an actor is melee attacking.
GetVATSQueuedTargetsUnique Returns the number of unique targets in the vats queue.
GetCurrentLocationExplored Is the ref object's current location explored?
IsPowered Indicates whether the selected reference is powered.
GetTransmitterDistance Get the distance from the given radio transmitter ref to the player.
GetCameraPlaybackTime Returns the amount of time since the beginning of dialogue/VATS playback
IsInWater Returns if an actor is in water or not.
GetWithinActivateDistance Checks to see if the called on ref is the given activate distance from the given ref.
IsUnderWater Returns if an actor is under water or not.
IsInSameSpace Returns if two refs are in the space.
LocationAllowsReset Returns if the ref's current location allows reset.
GetVATSBackRightAreaFree Checks if the back right area is unobstructed around an actor.
GetVATSBackLeftAreaFree Checks if the back left area is unobstructed around an actor.
GetVATSBackRightTargetVisible Checks if a target is visible from the back right area of an actor.
GetVATSBackLeftTargetVisible Checks if a target is visible from the back left area of an actor.
GetVATSTargetLimbVisible Checks if a target limb is visible from an actor.
IsPlayerListening Check if the player is currently listening to a given radio frequency.
GetPathingRequestedQuickTurn Should we use a fast turn in place for this actor?
EPIsCalculatingBaseDamage Is base damage being calculated using this entry point?
GetReanimating Check if the actor is reanimating.
GetCombatDialogueDataInt Gets the current Combat dialogue data as an int.
IsDocked Check if a spaceship is docked.
IsDockedWith Check if a spaceship is docked with a specific target
GetLastDialogueCameraHasKeyword 0/1 if last camera exists, -1 if no last camera
GetActionDataForm Gets the current action data as a form and compares it to the parameter.
IsInSpace Is an reference in space.
GetPilot Get the pilot of a spaceship
GetSpaceship Get the spaceship a ref is in
ShipContainsRef Does this spaceship contain a ref (player if no ref given)
IsInSpaceship Is this ref in a spaceship?
ShipHasActorInPilotSeat Is there any actor in the pilot seat of this spaceship?
ActorPackageHasRandomConversationsFlagOn Is this ref allowed random conversation
GetActorInShipPilotSeat Is the ref in this spaceship's pilot seat?
IsSpaceship Check if the ref is a spaceship.
GetInAcousticSpace Is this reference in the given acoustic space?
CurrentShipLanded Check if the ref is on a landed spaceship
IsDockedAsChild Check if a spaceship is docked as a child
PlayerHailResponse Player hail response.
IsHerdLeader Is actor a Leader.
HasHerdLeader Has a herd Leader.
TrySetPlayerHomeSpaceShip Attempt to set Player Home Ship. Returns true if home ship is set.
GetPlayerHomeSpaceShip Get Player Home Ship.
IsTrueForConditionForm See if the condition is true or false for the subject.
GetNumElementsInRefCollection Gets the number of elements in a ref collection
GetCurrentWeatherHasKeyword Check to see if the current weather has the provided keyword.
IsSnappedTo Is the given reference snapped to this other reference?
HasKeywordOnNode Checks for a specific keyword on the node that is snapped to.
HasKeywordOnStacked Checks for a specific keyword on the object I am stacked atop.
HasVisualDetection Checks if an actor has visual detection on another actor
HasSoundDetection Checks if an actor has sound detection on another actor
IsSuppressed Checks if the specified actor is suppressed
IsSpaceshipEngineDestroyed Check if a spaceship's engine is destroyed.
IsLanded Check if the ref is a landed spaceship
IsSpaceshipShieldsDestroyed Check if a spaceship's shields are destroyed.
IsSpaceshipGravDriveDestroyed Check if a spaceship's grav drive is destroyed.
GetNumberOfSpaceshipWeaponsDestroyed Get the number of destroyed spaceship's weapons.
GetIsCurrentLocationExact Is the ref currently in the given location?
GetIsEditorLocationExact Is the ref's editor location in the given location?
IsInThreatBackdown Has the actor already done threadbackdown for current radius reaction?
IsInsidePrimitive Check if the reference is inside a specified primitive.
GetCameraActorCount Returns the number of non-player actors who will talk in the scene
GetIsCurrentLocationAliasExact Is the ref currently in the exact given location of our owner quest?
IsJailInSystem See if the ref's crime faction has a jail in the player's current system.
BodyHasKeyword Does the ref object's current planetary body use the keyword in the parameter data?
BiomeHasKeyword Does the ref object's current biome use the keyword in the parameter data?
SystemHasKeyword Does the ref object's current planetary system use the keyword in the parameter data?
GetDistanceFromLocationWithKeyword Get the distance from the ref to any location with a specific keyword.
GetPlanetVisited Has the ref object's current planet been visited by the player?
IsLocalDay Check if the sun is up on the current planet.
SpeechChallengePreviousSceneHasKeyword Does the last speech challenge scene have a keyword?
GetBiomeMaskValue Get the ref object's biome mask on the terrain at its position.
BodyIsType Check if the planet type for the ref's planet matches the given keyword.
BodyIsAtmosphereType Check if the planet atmosphere type for the ref's planet matches the given keyword.
BodyIsTemperatureType Check if the planet temperature type for the ref's planet matches the given keyword.
GetBodyTemperature Get the planet temperature for the ref's planet.
GetBodyPressure Get the atmosphere pressure for the ref's planet.
GetBodyGravity Get the planet gravity for the ref's planet.
GetBodySurveyPercent Get the planet survey percent for the ref's planet.
IsPlayerLoitering Returns whether the player is loitering or not.
IsResearchComplete Check if a research project is completed.
BodyIsPlanetTraitKnown Does the ref object's current planetary body has a specific planet trait known by the player?
HasPerkCategory Checks if the owner of an activity is a perk of a certain category.
HasPerkSkillGroup Checks if the owner of an activity is a perk of a certain skill group.
CountAquiredPerkRanksByType Gets the total amount of acquired perk ranks.
IsScanned Check if a object has been scanned.
IsScannableKeywordRevealed Check if a scannable object has a piece of information revealed.
IsMyVictim Check if dead actor was killed by this actor or this actor's ally/friend or this actor's herd.
GetResourceScarcity Get produced resource scarcity.
CheckContrabandStatus Retrieve the ship's contraband status.
StartSequence (ses) Starts an EffectSequence on a set of refrs (whose forms have an effect sequence component)
StopSequence Stops all EffectSequences that are attached to a set of refrs
IsPlayerSpaceFarTravelling Check if the player is performing space far travel
IsPlayerSpaceFarTravelDeparture Check if the player is performing space far travel departure.
IsPlayerSpaceFarTravelArrival Check if the player is performing space far travel arrival.
BiomeHasWeather Check if the referenced object's biome has a chance for the given weather.
ToggleDistantLOD (tdl) Toggles the distant LODs
GetSystemSurveyPercent Get the total planet survey percent for the ref's system.
SystemBodyHasKeyword Does the ref object's current planetary system use the given keyword?
StartSequenceEx (ssx) Starts an EffectSequence on a single refr with additional options
GetShipGroupThreatRatio Calculates the threat ratio between the group of pilots defined by the subject's group vs. the group of pilots defined by the target's group.
IsOnGrazingTerrain Is the actor standing on grazing ground?
GetDistanceGalacticParsec Get the distance between two references in parsecs.
GetDistanceGalacticMegaMeter Get the distance between two references in mega meters.
GetShipToShipGroupThreatRatio Calculates the threat ratio between the ship (or pilot) of the subject vs. the group of ships allied to the target.
GetGroupMembersInRadiusCount Check if an AI has any combat group members within the radius.
GetShipPiracyValue Calculates the piracy value of the subject ref vs the target ref's group of allied ships.
GetDistanceFromCelestialBodyAliasParsecs Gets the distance from the given alias in terms of parsecs.
GetDistanceFromCelestialBodyAliasMegaMeters Gets the distance from the given alias in terms of mega meters.
ForceGPUCrash (FGC) Debug function for forcing a GPU crash to occur for testing GPU crash handling.
IsInsidePrimitiveTopAndBottom Check if the reference's top and bottom are in a specified primitive.
GetPlayerBountyCrimeFaction Check the last crime faction for player bounty.
GetIsFloating Gets whether or not the actor is floating.
LocationOrParentHasKeyword Determine if a location, or any of its parent locations, has a keyword.
IsCelestialBodyScanned (cbscnd) Get whether the celestial body is scanned.
LandAtPlanetMarker (lapm) Land on a planet at the specified marker
IsActorReactionInCooldown (aricd) Get whether an actor's reaction is in cooldown or not.
SetWindowMode (SWM) Sets the window mode to one of: WindowedBorderless, FullScreenBorderless, FullScreen, Windowed
RaytracingVisualization (rv) Sets the raytracing visualiation mode.
ToggleTextureRatio (ttr) Toggle Texture Ratio
BiomeSupportsCreature (bsc) Does the actor parameter resolve to a creature in the planet's biome's creature list?
SetDisplayMonitor (SDM) Sets the current display monitor and its display resolution.
SetWindowSize (SWS) Resizes the window to the given width and height.
EPMagic_SpellHasMagicEffect The passed in reference is a temp reference whose referring object is a MagicItem. Does it have the given Magic Effect?
SetRenderResolutionScale (SRRS) Sets the render resolution scale factor.
IsFacingActor Is the actor facing the refr?
IsSameVoiceType Does the reference share a voice type with the specified ref?
GetValueCurrentLocation (GetAVCL) Get an actor value from the reference's current location
IsBoostPackActive Is player's boost pack active?
GetTimeSinceLastBoostPackEnded Get time since last boost pack ended, in seconds.
EPGetLastCombatHitCritical Was the last combat hit we caused a Critical?
EPGetLastCombatHitKill Was the last combat hit we caused a kill?
EPGetLastCombatHitGunBash Was the last combat hit we caused a gun bash?
EPIsLastCombatHitLimbInCategory Check if the last combat hit limb in limb category
IsEditorLocationInsidePrimitive Check if the reference's editor location is inside a specified primitive
GetIsPronoun Does the reference NPC use the given pronoun?
GetDistanceGalacticLightYears Get the distance between two references in lightyears.
GetDistanceFromCelestialBodyAliasLightyears Gets the distance from the given alias in terms of lightyears.
IsOnPlayerHomeSpaceShip Is the ref on the player's home ship?
EPMagic_EffectHasKeyword The passed in reference is a temp reference whose referring object is a Magic Effect. Does the Magic Effect have the given keyword?
EPMagic_SpellIs The passed in reference is a temp reference whose referring object is a MagicItem. Does it match the given Magic Item?
IsPlayerSteadyingWeapon Is the player steadying their weapon?
ResourceVeinHasKeyword Checks to see if the resource produced by the vein where the ref is has the given keyword.
GetLastCombatHitActorConsecutiveHits Get the last combat hit actor consecutive hits.
GetCurrentAndLastWeatherHaveKeyword Check to see if the current and previous weather have the provided keyword.
IsPCEquippedWeaponNthAttack Is this the Nth attack with the currently equipped weapon
GetWaterDepth Get the depth of the water at the position.
AreHostileActorsNear (ahan) Check if hostile actors are near
GetPlayerGravityScale Get the gravity scale for the player, including modifiers
IsInSameGroup Returns true if the actor it is called on is in same herd group.
IsBoostPackHovering Is player's boost pack hovering?
GetUsedWeightCapacityConditionFunction Get the used weight capacity for actors, ships, containers. 1.0f is 100%
RecalculateTemplatedSpaceship (RTS) force a recalculation of a tempalted spaceship
BodyHasResource Does the ref object's current planetary body have the given resource? Optional integer 1 to include atmospheric resources.
GetPCIsReloading Returns true if the Player is currently reloading.
ActorExposedToSky Test if actor is exposed to sky
SpawnShip Spawn ship instance.
SpawnSpaceCell Spawn Space Cell.
GetQuetStarting (GetQS) Is the given quest starting?
BodyHasResourceWithKeyword Does the ref object's current planetary body have a resource with the given keyword? Optional integer 1 to include atmospheric resources.
HangMainThread Stall the main thread.
GetShipReactorClass Gets a value representing the ship reactor class (based on its index in the ShipClassOrder form list)
ShipReactorHasClassKeyword Check if the reactor of the supplied ship has the provided reactor class keyword (keywords in ShipClassOrder form list)
ForceCrash Trigger various kinds of crash to stress the crash handler. (specify "pv" for pure virtual call, "ip" for invalid parameter, or nothing for a regular access violation)
EPIsResistanceActorValue Is a specific resistance actor value passed into this check?
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StygianEmperor commented Oct 17, 2023

Do you happen to have a way to get a list for all the Actor Values as well? I've found two lists online so far which are both incomplete...

Bookmarking this regardless. Thanks.

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