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Created September 11, 2023 13:17
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python stdlib ported to cpp
/* usage examples:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#include "pythonic.hpp"
auto x = 4;
auto y = 3.37;
string s = "text";
s = new str("text");
* /
/* TODO: see also*/
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
//using namespace std;
//using std::string;
#include <list>
#include <boost/any.hpp>
using boost::any_cast;
#include <typeinfo> // operator typeid
// TODO: python-like comments with "#"
/** global functions **/
#define print(o) std::cout << static_cast<std::string>(o) << std::endl
#define len(o) o.size()
#define type(o) typeid(o).name() // 2FIX: returned value is implementation-defined
//TODO: #define cmp(o1, o2) # Compare the two objects x and y and return an integer according to the outcome. The return value is negative if x < y, zero if x == y and strictly positive if x > y.
//NO(o must be of boost::any_cast type)? #define int(o) boost::any_cast<int>(o)
#define int(o) static_cast<int>(o)
#define long(o) static_cast<long>(o)
#define float(o) static_cast<float>(o)
#define double(o) static_cast<double>(o)
#define bool(o) static_cast<bool>(o)
//TODO: #define hex(int) # int->str (hex)
//TODO: #define oct(int) # int->str (oct)
//TODO: #define bin(int) # int->str (bin) (new in py2.6)
//TODO: #define chr(int) # int->char
//TODO: #define ord('c') # char->int
//TODO: #define repr(any)
// TODO: top level function aliases
//int (*holler)(const char*, ...) = std::printf;
// str class
// source
// see also
#include <cassert>
#include <sstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
class str : public std::basic_string<char> // Extends std::basic_string and adds more functionality
typedef std::basic_string<char> string_type;
str() : string_type() {}
str(const char * str) : string_type(str){}
str(const char * str, size_t n) : string_type(str,n) {}
str(size_t n , char c ) : string_type(n,c) {}
// TODO: constructor from any iterator
str upper()const { return _apply(std::toupper); }
str lower()const { return _apply(std::tolower); }
// TODO: replace -> boost::replace_first_copy(this, old, rep);
//str ltrim()const { return( return erase(0, find_first_not_of("\t\n\v\f\r "))); }
//str rtrim()const { return( return erase(find_last_not_of("\t\n\v\f\r ") + 1) ); }
//str trim()const { return ( ltrim(rtrim(s))); }
bool isdigit()const { return _isAllDigits(); }
bool islower()const { return _checkIf(std::islower); }
bool isupper()const { return _checkIf(std::isupper); }
bool isalpha()const { return _checkIf(std::isalpha); }
// size_t toSizeT()const { return _convertTo<size_t>(*this);}
bool startswith(const str& preFix)const { return substr(0,preFix.size()) == preFix; }
bool endswith(const str& suffix)const { return substr(size()-suffix.size()) == suffix; }
// TODO: find, index, count
//conversion function
operator const char*(){
return c_str();
typedef int(*ApplyFunc)(int);
//converts a string to a valid data type
template<typename ReturnType>
ReturnType _convertTo(const String& str)const{
std::stringstream convert;
convert << str ;
ReturnType data;
assert(!(convert >> data).fail() ); //make sure conversion was succesful
return data;
//takes in a function and returns a string with that function applied to the whole string
str _apply(const ApplyFunc& Applier )const{
str s;
std::transform( begin(),end(), //from start to end
std::back_insert_iterator<string_type>(s), //adjust str size
Applier); //while applying a function to it
return s;
//takes in a function and checks if it passes the function checking
bool _checkIf(const ApplyFunc& Applier)const{
for(size_t indx = 0; indx != size(); ++indx){
if(!Applier((*this)[indx]) )return false;
return true;
//A valid digit is 0-9, with the expection of '.' for floating point, and '-' for negative digits
//A valid here cannot end with any post-fix, ex : 3.14f or 124L is invalid!
bool _isAllDigits()const{
size_t start = 0;
if((*this)[0] == '-' )
start = 1;
for(; start < size(); ++start){
char value = (*this)[start];
if(!isdigit( value ) && value != '.' )
return false;
return true;
void _assertValidSize()const{
/* TODO: standard container classes -> extend standard containers and add more methods
// tuple
// list -> std::vector
NO? std::list
// dict -> std::unordered_map
// TODO: random class
class random
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