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Last active September 27, 2018 04:14
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PySimpleGUI Code
import matplotlib
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pylab
import seaborn as sns
from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasAgg
import matplotlib.backends.tkagg as tkagg
import tkinter as Tk
# PDF Generation:
#import pdfkit
# GUI:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
######### GUI ##########
def Graphing(canvas, figure, loc=(0, 0)):
figure_canvas_agg = FigureCanvasAgg(figure)
figure_x, figure_y, figure_w, figure_h = figure.bbox.bounds
figure_w, figure_h = int(500), int(300)
photo = Tk.PhotoImage(master=canvas, width=figure_w, height=figure_h)
canvas.create_image(loc[0] + figure_w/2, loc[1] + figure_h/2, image=photo)
tkagg.blit(photo, figure_canvas_agg.get_renderer()._renderer, colormode=2)
return photo
def GenerateGraph():
y = np.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.4, size=200)
y = y[(y > 0) & (y < 1)]
x = np.arange(len(y))
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.92, bottom=0.08, left=0.10, right=0.95, hspace=0.25,
fig = plt.gcf()
return fig
def NightMode():
###### Matplot ########
fig = GenerateGraph()
figure_x, figure_y, figure_w, figure_h = fig.bbox.bounds
####### Columns ########
col1 = [[sg.Text('App Name:'), sg.InputText('App')],
[sg.Text('Tester Name:'), sg.InputText('Leonardo')],
[sg.Text('Browser Type (IE):'), sg.InputText('FF')],
[sg.Checkbox('Enable MySQLDatabase')],
[sg.Checkbox('PDF Generation', default = True)],
[sg.Checkbox('HTML Generation', default = True)],
[sg.Checkbox('Graph Generation')],
[sg.Checkbox('Email Reporting')]]
col2 = [[sg.T("These settings are for your Topanga MySQL Database.")],
[sg.Text('Topanga MySQL Database IP:'), sg.InputText('')],
[sg.Text('Topanga MySQL Username:'), sg.InputText('')],
[sg.Text('Topanga MySQL Password:'), sg.InputText('')],
[sg.Text('Topanga MySQL Port:'), sg.InputText('')],
[sg.ReadButton(" Connect Database ")]]
col3 = [[sg.T("These settings should be customized to your apps needs.")],
[sg.Text('User URL:'), sg.InputText('https://')],
[sg.Text('Admin URL:'), sg.InputText('https://')],
[sg.Text('Patient Last Name:'), sg.InputText('')],
[sg.Text('Patient Last Four SSN:'), sg.InputText('')],
[sg.Text('Patient Other Reason for Visit:'), sg.InputText('My gravity is wearing off')],
[sg.Text('Oracle Login Name:'), sg.InputText('')],
[sg.Text('Oracle Login Password:'), sg.InputText('')],
[sg.Text('Database IP Address:'), sg.InputText('')],
[sg.Text('Database Port:'), sg.InputText('')]]
col4 = [[sg.T("Graphing")]]
# center menu
colm = [[sg.T("")],[sg.T('Topanga ∩(^-^)∩ Test Anatomy', justification="center"),
sg.ReadButton("Create a Topanga")]]
col5 = [[sg.T("Screenshots")]]
col6 = [[sg.T("Reporting")]]
col7 = [[sg.T('Logging')]]
col8 = [[sg.T('Notes:'), sg.InputText('')]]
######### Tabs #########
tab1 = [[sg.T("General Settings", text_color='blue')],
tab2 = [[sg.T("Database Settings", text_color='blue')],
tab3 = [[sg.T("Custom Settings", text_color='blue')],
tab4 = [[sg.T("Graphing", text_color='blue')],
[sg.Column(col4, pad=(0, (0, 0)))], [sg.Canvas(size=(figure_w, figure_h), key='canvas')]]
tab5 = [[sg.T("Screenshots", text_color='blue')],
tab6 = [[sg.T("Reporting", text_color='blue')],
tab7 = [[sg.T("Logging", text_color='blue')],
tab8 = [[sg.T("Notes", text_color='blue')],
layout = [[sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('General Settings', tab1),
sg.Tab('Database Settings', tab2),
sg.Tab('Custom App Settings', tab3)]])],
[sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('Graphing', tab4),
sg.Tab('Screenshots', tab5),
sg.Tab('Reporting', tab6),
sg.Tab('Logging', tab7),
sg.Tab('Notes', tab8)]])],
window = sg.Window("Topanga ∩(^-^)∩", grab_anywhere=False, auto_size_text=False).Layout(layout).Finalize()
#fig = GenerateGraph()
fig_photo = Graphing(window.FindElement('canvas').TKCanvas, fig)
while True:
b, v = window.Read()
if b is None:
### The two functions are below:
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