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Forked from rfezzani/
Created July 19, 2023 13:33
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Crop extraction from tiled TIFF image file directory without whole page loading using tifffile
from tifffile import TiffFile
import numpy as np
def get_crop(page, i0, j0, h, w):
"""Extract a crop from a TIFF image file directory (IFD).
Only the tiles englobing the crop area are loaded and not the whole page.
This is usefull for large Whole slide images that can't fit int RAM.
page : TiffPage
TIFF image file directory (IFD) from which the crop must be extracted.
i0, j0: int
Coordinates of the top left corner of the desired crop.
h: int
Desired crop height.
w: int
Desired crop width.
out : ndarray of shape (imagedepth, h, w, sampleperpixel)
Extracted crop.
if not page.is_tiled:
raise ValueError("Input page must be tiled.")
im_width = page.imagewidth
im_height = page.imagelength
if h < 1 or w < 1:
raise ValueError("h and w must be strictly positive.")
if i0 < 0 or j0 < 0 or i0 + h >= im_height or j0 + w >= im_width:
raise ValueError("Requested crop area is out of image bounds.")
tile_width, tile_height = page.tilewidth, page.tilelength
i1, j1 = i0 + h, j0 + w
tile_i0, tile_j0 = i0 // tile_height, j0 // tile_width
tile_i1, tile_j1 = np.ceil([i1 / tile_height, j1 / tile_width]).astype(int)
tile_per_line = int(np.ceil(im_width / tile_width))
out = np.empty((page.imagedepth,
(tile_i1 - tile_i0) * tile_height,
(tile_j1 - tile_j0) * tile_width,
page.samplesperpixel), dtype=page.dtype)
fh = page.parent.filehandle
jpegtables = page.tags.get('JPEGTables', None)
if jpegtables is not None:
jpegtables = jpegtables.value
for i in range(tile_i0, tile_i1):
for j in range(tile_j0, tile_j1):
index = int(i * tile_per_line + j)
offset = page.dataoffsets[index]
bytecount = page.databytecounts[index]
data =
tile, indices, shape = page.decode(data, index, jpegtables,
im_i = (i - tile_i0) * tile_height
im_j = (j - tile_j0) * tile_width
out[:, im_i: im_i + tile_height, im_j: im_j + tile_width, :] = tile
im_i0 = i0 - tile_i0 * tile_height
im_j0 = j0 - tile_j0 * tile_width
return out[:, im_i0: im_i0 + h, im_j0: im_j0 + w, :]
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