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Created May 28, 2018 13:31
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extern crate env_logger;
extern crate rusoto_ec2;
fn main() {
use rusoto_ec2::Ec2;
// my VPC case in ap-northeast-1 region
let image_id = "ami-7a1be605";
let subnet_ids = ["subnet-823cd2ea", "subnet-813cd2e9", "subnet-1248393a"];
let instance_types = [
// Adding the line below causes `Err(Unknown(""))` error
// "m4.xlarge",
let launch_specifications = instance_types
.flat_map(|instance_type| {
.map(|subnet_id| rusoto_ec2::SpotFleetLaunchSpecification {
image_id: Some(image_id.to_owned()),
spot_price: Some("0.001".to_owned()),
instance_type: Some(instance_type.to_string()),
subnet_id: Some(subnet_id.to_string()),
weighted_capacity: Some(1.0),
block_device_mappings: Some(vec![
rusoto_ec2::BlockDeviceMapping {
device_name: Some("/dev/sda1".to_owned()),
ebs: Some(rusoto_ec2::EbsBlockDevice {
delete_on_termination: Some(true),
volume_size: Some(20),
volume_type: Some("gp2".to_owned()),
let ec2_client = rusoto_ec2::Ec2Client::simple(Default::default());
let resp = ec2_client
.request_spot_fleet(&rusoto_ec2::RequestSpotFleetRequest {
spot_fleet_request_config: rusoto_ec2::SpotFleetRequestConfigData {
iam_fleet_role: "arn:aws:iam::274147449864:role/AmazonEC2SpotFleetTaggingRole"
launch_specifications: Some(launch_specifications),
target_capacity: 0,
println!("{:?}", resp);
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