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Created March 3, 2020 11:38
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use rayon::prelude::*;
fn main() {
std::thread_local!(static CLIENT: std::cell::RefCell<Option<reqwest::Client>> = std::cell::RefCell::new(None));
|thread| {
CLIENT.with(|c| {
*c.borrow_mut() = Some(reqwest::Client::new());
|pool| {
pool.install(|| {
(0..20).into_par_iter().for_each(|_| {
CLIENT.with(|ref_client| {
let client = ref_client.borrow();
let client = client.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
rt.block_on(async {
let resp = client.get("").send().await.unwrap();
let status = resp.status();
let body = resp.text().await.unwrap();
println!("{} {}", status, body.len());
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