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Last active June 10, 2020 15:55
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Helm Semantics

Helm Semantics

Helm Commands


$ helm install --dry-run --debug ./mychart
$ helm install --dry-run --debug --set favoriteDrink=slurm ./mychart
$ helm install --dry-run --debug --namespace foo --tiller-namespace foo --name my-chart .


$ helm upgrade --namespace foo --tiller-namespace foo --wait --install --version 0.1.2 --name my-chart


$ helm template --name foobar .


$ helm package .


Builtin Variables

  • Release.Name: the release name
  • Release.Time: the time of the release
  • Release.Namespace: the namespace to be released into (if the manifest doesn’t override)
  • Release.Service: the name of the releasing service (always Tiller).
  • Release.Revision: the revision number of this release. It begins at 1 and is incremented for each helm upgrade.
  • Release.IsUpgrade: this is set to true if the current operation is an upgrade or rollback.
  • Release.IsInstall: this is set to true if the current operation is an install.
  • Chart.Name: Chart.yaml name value
  • Chart.Version: Chart.yaml version value
  • Chart.Maintainers: Chart.yaml maintainers value


The scope of variables is redefined within statements (loop, control structure, named templates). It means that . (.Release.Foobar ...) isn't available or redefined inside the statement.

The special $ is always binded to root scope, for example $.Release.Name is still valid within a loop or a if statements.


Interpolate variable with:

{{ .Release.Name }}
{{ .Values.key }}

Assign variable:

{{- $relname := .Release.Name -}}


Function call:

{{ functionName arg1 arg2...}}
{{ quote .Values.key }}


Pipelines call and chaining:

{{ .Values.key | quote }}
{{ .Values.key | upper | quote }}
{{ .Values.key | default "tea" | quote }}

Flow Control

Control Structure

  • if/else
{{ if PIPELINE }}
  # Do something
{{ else if OTHER PIPELINE }}
  # Do something else
{{ else }}
  # Default case
{{ end }}
  • with
{{- with }}
  drink: {{ .drink | default "tea" | quote }}
  food: {{ .food | upper | quote }}
{{- end }}
  • range
{{- range .Values.list }}
    - {{ . | title | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $index, $topping := .Values.pizzaToppings }}
  {{ $index }}: {{ $topping }}
{{- end }}

Named Templates (functions)

  • define declares a new named template
  • template imports a named template
  • block declares a special kind of fillable template area

Define a named template someNamedTemplate usually in _helpers.tpl:

{{- define "someNamedTemplate" -}}
  {{ functions ...}}
{{- end -}}

Render someNamedTemplate and pass the current scope with . (accessing builtin objects):

{{ template "mychart.someNamedTemplate" . }}

template is an action and not a function; pipelining is not supported.

Include someNamedTemplate and pass the current scope with . (accessing builtin objects):

{{- include "mychart.someNamedTemplate" . | nindent 4 }}

include is a function and support pipelining to other functions like nindent.


The operator is placed at the front of the statement.

Operators list:

  • eq
  • ne
  • lt
  • gt
  • and
  • or
  • not
{{/* true when the variable .Values.key exists and is set to "foo" */}}
{{ if and .Values.key (eq .Values.fooString "foo") }}
    {{ ... }}
{{ end }}
{{/* true when the variable .Values.key is set or .values.notkey is not set */}}
{{ if or .Values.key (not .Values.notkey) }}
   {{ ... }}
{{ end }}


{{- text -}}
{{ indent 2 "mug:true" }}

Best Practices

Chart Name

  1. lowercase letters and numbers
  2. start with a letter
  3. no uppercase letters
  4. no underscore
  5. directory is the same as chart name

Ressource Labels

Name Status Description REC This should be the app name, usually {{ template "name" . }} Not Helm-specific. REC This should be the chart name and version: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}. REC This should always be {{ .Release.Service }}. It is for finding all things managed by Tiller. REC This should be {{ .Release.Name }}. Differentiating between different instances of the same application. OPT The version of the app and can be set to {{ .Chart.AppVersion }}. OPT Marking the different roles that pieces may play in an application. OPT When multiple charts or pieces of software are used together to make one application.
  • REC: recommended
  • OPT: optional


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