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Forked from alecho/object-mayhem.php
Last active October 23, 2018 23:14
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$gameName = 'War';
class Deck
/** Assume cards are face down in deck
* Botom card is in position 0 in the array
public $suits = ['S', 'H', 'C', 'D'];
public $indices = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14];
public $deck = [];
* Returns an array of arrays representing cards
* in a specific order.
public function __construct()
protected function create()
foreach($this->suits as $suit) {
foreach($this->indices as $index) {
$this->deck[] = $this->createCard($suit, $index);
return $this;
* Returns an array with suit and index _properties_
* of a playing card.
public function createCard($suit, $index)
return ['suit' => $suit, 'index' => $index];
* Iterate through a deck and print each card.
* Returns pointer to object.
public function printDeck()
echo '<pre>';
foreach($this->deck as $card) {
echo '</pre>';
return $this;
* Echo a card suitable for HTML display
public function printCard($card)
$suit = '';
if ($card['suit'] == 'S') {
$suit = '&spades;';
if ($card['suit'] == 'D') {
$suit = '&diams;';
if ($card['suit'] == 'C') {
$suit = '&clubs;';
if ($card['suit'] == 'H') {
$suit = '&hearts;';
$rank = $card['index'];
switch ($rank) {
case 11:
$rank = 'J';
case 12:
$rank = 'Q';
case 13:
$rank = 'K';
case 14:
$rank = 'A';
echo 'card = ' . $rank . $suit . '<br>';
* Shuffles a deck regardless of the deck's current
* state and returns the shuffled deck;
public function shuffleDeck()
return $this;
* Return the top card from the deck, shortening
* the deck by one card
public function getTopCard()
$card = array_pop($this->deck);
return $card;
* Returns the number of cards in the deck
public function sizeofDeck()
return count($this->deck);
* Separates cards into 2 arrays by by placing top card from deck
* into one hand then the other, putting new card on top of hand,
* until there are no cards left in the deck
* Two arguments are Hand objects
public function deal($hand1, $hand2)
$numcards = $this->sizeofDeck();
for($i=0; $i<$numcards;) {
$hand1->deck[] = $this->getTopCard();
$hand2->deck[] = $this->getTopCard();
* Add cards to bottom of deck (front of array)
* Argument is Hand object.
* Returns number of cards added to dec
public function addToBottom($morecards)
$numcards = $morecards->sizeofDeck();
for($i=0; $i<$numcards; $i++) {
return $numcards;
/** Adds a card to the bottom of the deck
* Argument is card to be added
public function addCardToBottom ($card)
array_unshift($this->deck, $card); // add to bottom of stack of cards
/** Adds a card to the top of the deck
* Argument is card to be added
public function addCardToTop ($card)
$this->deck[] = $card; // add to top of stack of cards
} // end of Deck class
class Hand extends Deck
public function __construct()
return $this;
} // end of Hand class
function battle ($player1, $player2, $battlepile)
// Make sure both players have cards to play
if ($player1->sizeofDeck() == 0) {
echo 'Player 1 out of cards!' . '<br>';
if ($player2->sizeofDeck() == 0) {
echo 'Player 2 out of cards!' . '<br>';
// Play top card from each players hand onto battle pile
$card1 = $player1->getTopCard();
echo 'Player 1 plays '; $player1->printCard($card1);
$card2 = $player2->getTopCard();
echo 'Player 2 plays '; $player2->printCard($card2);
// shuffle battle pile so cards are added to winner's hand in random order
// Compare cards, declare winner, and
// add all cards from battle pile to winner's hand
// If both cards have same rank, declare war
if ($card1['index'] > $card2['index']) {
echo '<strong>' . 'Player 1 wins this battle' . '</strong>' . '<br>';
} elseif ($card2['index'] > $card1['index']) {
echo '<strong>' . 'Player 2 wins this battle' . '</strong>' . '<br>';
} else {
echo '<strong>' . "It's WAR!" . '</strong>' . '<br>';
war ($player1, $player2, $battlepile);
function war ($player1, $player2, $battlepile)
// Make sure both players have cards to play
if ($player1->sizeofDeck() == 0) {
echo 'Player 1 out of cards!' . '<br>';
if ($player2->sizeofDeck() == 0) {
echo 'Player 2 out of cards!' . '<br>';
// One card each face down
// Then usual battle
battle ($player1, $player2, $battlepile);
// Create the deck and shuffle it
$startingdeck = (new Deck())->shuffleDeck()->printDeck();
// echo $startingdeck->sizeofDeck() . '<br>';
// Deal two hands, each with half the cards
echo 'Deal 2 hands ... ' . '<br>';
$player1 = new Hand(); // create object
$player2 = new Hand(); // create object
$startingdeck->deal($player1, $player2);
//echo 'Player 1 has ' . $player1->sizeofDeck() . ' cards' . '<br>';
//echo 'Player 2 has ' . $player2->sizeofDeck() . ' cards' . '<br>';
// create hand for played cards
$battlepile = new Hand();
// Battle until one player has no cards
while (($player1->sizeofDeck() > 0) && ($player2->sizeofDeck() > 0)) {
//for ($i=0; $i < 5; $i++) {
battle ($player1, $player2, $battlepile);
echo 'Player 1 has ' . $player1->sizeofDeck() . ' cards' . '<br>';
// $player1->printDeck();
echo 'Player 2 has ' . $player2->sizeofDeck() . ' cards' . '<br>';
// $player2->printDeck();
if ($player1->sizeofDeck() > 0) {
echo 'Player 1 WINS!!';
} else {
echo 'Player 2 WINS!!';
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<h1><?= $gameName ?></h1>
$deck = createDeck();
$deck = shuffleDeck($deck);
$result = deal($deck, 2);
$hands = $result['hands'];
foreach($hands as $num => $hand) {
echo '<h2>Hand ' . $num. '</h2>';
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