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Created August 11, 2019 20:47
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//========================= utils ========================================
const url = n => `${n})`;
const sumalos = arr => arr.reduce( (acc, v) => acc + v, 0);
const res = r => r.json();
// get sqrt using api.mathjs
async function getSqrt(number) {
const request = await fetch(url(number))
return request.json()
async function getSumSqrt(numbers = [1,4,9,16]) {
const n1 = await fetch( url(numbers[0]) ).then(res);
const n2 = await fetch( url(numbers[1]) ).then(res);
const n3 = await fetch( url(numbers[2]) ).then(res);
const n4 = await fetch( url(numbers[3]) ).then(res);
console.log(sumalos([n1, n2, n3, n4])); // 10
// same feature as previous but using Promise.all (works for whatever array size)
async function sumSqrts(numbers = [1,4,9,16]) {
const myPromises = async (num) => await fetch(url(num)).then(res) );
const myResultArray = await Promise.all(myPromises);
console.log(sumalos(myResultArray)) // 10 by defualt
// notice that every async function will always return a promise.
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