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Created August 29, 2019 16:35
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// Write an algorithm to check if the sum of any two elements in an
// array/list matches a given target, and return their indexes in
// an array.
// Parameters: [0, 6, 8, 4], 10
// Result: [ 1, 3]
// Parameters: [20, 18, 5, 4, 10, 22], 42
// Result: [ 0, 5]
const sumContainsTarget = (arr = [] , target ) => {
const params = {};
for(let i = 0; i< arr.length; i++) {
params[arr[i]] = i
for( let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const nextNumber = target - arr[i];
if(params[nextNumber]) {
return [i, params[nextNumber]]
return [];
const result = sumContainsTarget([0, 6, 8, 4], 10);
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