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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Spanish cardinal number to integer conversion
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re;
class Tokenizer:
def __init__(self, inp):
self.tokens = inp.lower().encode('utf8')
self.substitutions = [
("á", "a"), ("é", "e"), ("í", "i"), ("ó", "o"), ("ú", "u"), ("[^\w]", " "),
("(^| )un( |$)", " uno "), ("(^| )veintiun( |$)", " veintiuno "), ("(^| )cien( |$)", " ciento "), ("(^| )millon( |$)", " millones "), ("(^| )y( |$)", " "),
("(^| )once( |$)", " diez uno "), ("(^| )doce( |$)", " diez dos "), ("(^| )trece( |$)", " diez tres "), ("(^| )catorce( |$)", " diez cuatro "),
("(^| )quince( |$)", " diez cinco "), ("(^| )dieciseis( |$)", " diez seis "), ("(^| )diecisiete( |$)", " diez siete "), ("(^| )dieciocho( |$)", " diez ocho "), ("(^| )diecinueve( |$)", " diez nueve "),
("(^| )veintiuno( |$)", " veinte uno "), ("(^| )veintidos( |$)", " veinte dos "), ("(^| )veintitres( |$)", " veinte tres "), ("(^| )veinticuatro( |$)", " veinte cuatro "),
("(^| )veinticinco( |$)", " veinte cinco "), ("(^| )veintiseis( |$)", " veinte seis "), ("(^| )veintisiete( |$)", " veinte siete "), ("(^| )veintiocho( |$)", " veinte ocho "), ("(^| )veintinueve( |$)", " veinte nueve "),
for (pattern, replace) in self.substitutions:
self.tokens = re.sub(pattern, replace, self.tokens)
self.tokens = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, self.tokens.split(" "))
self.index = 0
def empty(self):
return self.index == len(self.tokens)
def peek(self):
if not self.empty():
return self.tokens[self.index]
return "$"
def advance(self):
if not self.empty():
self.index = self.index + 1
units = dict(zip(["cero", "uno", "dos", "tres", "cuatro", "cinco", "seis", "siete", "ocho", "nueve"], range(0, 10)))
tens = dict(zip(["diez", "veinte", "treinta", "cuarenta", "cincuenta", "sesenta", "setenta", "ochenta", "noventa"], range(10, 100, 10)))
hundreds = dict(zip(["ciento", "doscientos", "trescientos", "cuatrocientos", "quinientos", "seiscientos", "setecientos", "ochocientos", "novecientos"], range(100, 1000, 100)))
def match_0_999(tks):
value = 0
match = False
if tks.peek() in hundreds:
value = value + hundreds[tks.peek()]
match = True
if tks.peek() in tens:
value = value + tens[tks.peek()]
match = True
if tks.peek() in units:
value = value + units[tks.peek()]
match = True
if match:
return value
return None
# handles numbers upto 999.999.999.999 (above the maximum value of a 32 bit integer)
def parse(tks):
accum = 0
m_0 = match_0_999(tks)
if tks.peek() == "$":
return m_0
if tks.peek() == "mil":
m_1 = match_0_999(tks)
if not m_0: m_0 = 1
if not m_1: m_1 = 0
m_0 = m_0 * 1000 + m_1
if tks.peek() == "$":
return m_0
if tks.peek() == "millones":
m_0 = m_0 * 1000000
if tks.peek() == "$":
return m_0
m_1 = match_0_999(tks)
if tks.peek() == "$":
return m_0 + m_1
if tks.peek() == "mil":
m_2 = match_0_999(tks)
if not m_1: m_1 = 1
if not m_2: m_2 = 0
if tks.peek() == "$":
return m_0 + m_1 * 1000 + m_2
def main():
inp = u"cero"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
inp = u"doscientos treinta y nueve"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
inp = u"veintiun mil doscientos treinta y nueve"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
inp = u"veintiun mil"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
inp = u"siete millones veintiun mil doscientos treinta y nueve"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
inp = u"siete millones mil doscientos treinta y nueve"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
inp = u"siete millones mil"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
inp = u"mil uno millones y mil"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
inp = u"novecientos mil siete millones veintiun mil doscientos treinta y nueve"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
inp = u"novecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa y nueve millones novecientos noventa y nueve mil novecientos noventa y nueve"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
inp = u"Un Millón trescientos ochenta y Siete Mil Ochocientos VEINTITRÉS"
print parse(Tokenizer(inp))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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