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Created March 25, 2013 01:08
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extern mod std;
use std::list::*;
struct Board {
black: u64,
white: u64
struct Position(int, int);
impl Position {
fn in_bounds(&self) -> bool {
let Position(x, y) = *self;
x >=0 && x < 8 && y >= 0 && y < 8
fn add(&self, other: Position) -> Position {
let Position(x, y) = *self;
let Position(ox, oy) = other;
Position(x + ox, y + oy)
enum Color {
impl Color {
fn other(&self) -> Color {
match *self {
Black => White,
White => Black
fn get_bit(data: u64, pos: int) -> bool {
data & (1u64 << pos) != 0
fn get_index(pos: Position) -> int {
let Position(x, y) = pos;
x + 8 * y
fn set(x: u64, pos: int) -> u64 {
x | (1u64 << pos)
impl Board {
static fn new() -> Board {
let black = 0u64;
let white = 0u64;
set(black, get_index(Position(4, 3)));
set(black, get_index(Position(3, 4)));
set(white, get_index(Position(3, 3)));
set(white, get_index(Position(4, 4)));
Board { black: black, white: white }
fn get(&self, pos: Position) -> Option<Color> {
let index = get_index(pos);
if get_bit(, index) {
return Some(Black);
} else if get_bit(self.white, index) {
return Some(White);
} else {
return None;
fn is_occupied(&self, pos: Position) -> bool {
let index = get_index(pos);
get_bit( & self.white, index)
fn get_stones(&self, side: Color) -> u64 {
match side {
Black =>,
White => self.white
Get moves that are available to side.
fn get_moves(&self, side: Color) -> @List<Position> {
let other = side.other();
let mut moves: @List<Position> = @Nil;
for int::range(0, 8) |y| {
for int::range(0, 8) |x| {
let pos = Position(x, y);
moves = match self.get(pos) {
Some(color) if (color as int == other as int) => {
append(moves, self.get_moves_around_stone(side, pos))
_ => moves
return moves;
Given a spot (x, y) that contains a stone of side.other(), find moves available
to side.
fn get_moves_around_stone(&self, side: Color, pos: Position) -> @List<Position> {
let mut moves: @List<Position> = @Nil;
for int::range(-1, 2) |dy| {
for int::range(-1, 2) |dx| {
let my_stones = self.get_stones(side);
let other_stones = self.get_stones(side.other());
let mut current_pos = pos.add(Position(dx, dy));
let this_move = current_pos;
if (current_pos.in_bounds() ||
!self.is_occupied(current_pos)) {
current_pos = pos.add(Position(-dx, -dy));
while (current_pos.in_bounds() &&
get_bit(other_stones, get_index(current_pos))) {
current_pos = current_pos.add(Position(-dx, -dy));
if (current_pos.in_bounds() &&
get_bit(my_stones, get_index(current_pos))) {
moves = append(moves, @Cons(this_move , @Nil));
return moves;
fn make_move(&self, side: Color, pos: Position) -> Board {
assert pos.in_bounds();
let Position(x, y) = pos;
let mut flip_stones = set(0, get_index(pos));
for int::range(-1, 2) |dy| {
for int::range(-1, 2) |dx| {
let mut offset = 1;
let mut test = Position(x + offset * dx, y + offset * dy);
while test.in_bounds() {
match self.get(test) {
Some(col) if col as int == side.other() as int => {
offset += 1;
test = Position(x + offset * dx, y + offset * dy);
Some(col) if (offset != 1 && col as int == side as int) => {
for int::range(1, offset) |offset_replay| {
let old_pos = Position(x + offset_replay * dx,
y + offset_replay * dy);
flip_stones = set(flip_stones, get_index(old_pos));
_ => break
match side {
Black => Board { black: | flip_stones,
white: self.white ^ (!flip_stones)},
White => Board { white: self.white | flip_stones,
black: ^ (!flip_stones)}
mod board;
mod player;
use io::*;
use board;
use player;
fn read() -> ~str {
let input = io::stdin().read_line();
io::stderr().write_line(fmt!("READ: %s", input));
return input;
fn write(s: &str) {
io::stderr().write_line(fmt!("WRITE: %s", s));
fn debug(s: &str) {
io::stderr().write_line(fmt!("DEBUG: %s", s));
fn main() {
let bot = player::Player::new(board::Black);
write("Init done");
debug("rust running");
loop {
let input = read();
let split = str::split_char(input, ' ');
assert split.len() == 3;
let ints =|s| int::from_str(*s).get());
let (move_x, move_y, time) = (ints[0], ints[1], ints[2]);
write("2 3");
use board;
struct Player {
mut board: board::Board,
color: board::Color
impl Player {
static fn new(side: board::Color) -> Player {
Player { board: board::Board::new(), color: side }
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