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Created March 9, 2012 20:35
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Play2 Form handling of json with missing property vs null
import org.specs2.mutable._
import play.api.test._
import play.api.test.Helpers._
import play.api.libs.json.Json
class JsonBindingSpec extends Specification {
val missingProperty = Json parse """{}"""
val nullValue = Json parse """{"foo":null}"""
val stringValue = Json parse """{"foo":"bar"}"""
"The JSON form processor" should {
"bind a missing property to None" in {
form.bind(missingProperty).get must_== None
"bind a null value to Some(None)" in {
form.bind(nullValue).get must_== Some(None)
"bind a 'bar' value to Some(Some(bar))" in {
form.bind(stringValue).get must_== Some(Some("bar"))
val form = Form(
single("foo" -> maybe(optional(text))))
// This needs to be implemented in a way that it returns None on a missing property,
// but Some[A] when the property exists, even if the value is a null
def maybe[A](mapping: Mapping[A]): Mapping[Option[A]] = OptionalMapping(mapping)
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