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Erk- /
Last active September 16, 2023 23:23
Play directly from spotify (or other mopidy sources)

Play directly from spotify


This guide helps you setup a configuration like: mopidy -> icecast -> listner (bot) Where you can use mopidy to play from a wide selection of sources for example Spotify. At the moment I know of no Discord bots capable of controlling an mpd/mopidy server so the adding of playlists have to go through a webinterface or similar. In this guide I will focus on setting up Spotify. The full config files will also be in the gist.



leevigraham / Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names on
Last active January 31, 2023 19:54
Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names

Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names on OSX

We're going to generate a key per project which includes multiple fully qualified domains. This key can be checked into the project repo as it's intended for local development but never used on production servers.

Save ssl.conf to your my_project directory.

Open ssl.conf in a text editor.

Edit the domain(s) listed under the [alt_names] section so that they match the local domain name you want to use for your project, e.g.