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The source code of so5extra's implementation of Asio's based thread_pool dispatcher for SObjectizer-5.6
* \file
* \brief Implementation of Asio's Thread Pool dispatcher.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
#pragma once
#include <so_5_extra/error_ranges.hpp>
#include <so_5/disp_binder.hpp>
#include <so_5/send_functions.hpp>
#include <so_5/disp/reuse/work_thread_activity_tracking.hpp>
#include <so_5/disp/reuse/data_source_prefix_helpers.hpp>
#include <so_5/stats/repository.hpp>
#include <so_5/stats/messages.hpp>
#include <so_5/stats/std_names.hpp>
#include <so_5/stats/impl/activity_tracking.hpp>
#include <so_5/details/invoke_noexcept_code.hpp>
#include <so_5/details/rollback_on_exception.hpp>
#include <so_5/details/abort_on_fatal_error.hpp>
#include <so_5/outliving.hpp>
#include <asio/io_context.hpp>
#include <asio/io_context_strand.hpp>
#include <asio/post.hpp>
namespace so_5 {
namespace extra {
namespace disp {
namespace asio_thread_pool {
namespace errors {
//! Asio IoService is not set for asio_thread_pool dispatcher.
const int rc_io_context_is_not_set =
} /* namespace errors */
// disp_params_t
* \brief Parameters for %asio_thread_pool dispatcher.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
class disp_params_t
: public ::so_5::disp::reuse::work_thread_activity_tracking_flag_mixin_t< disp_params_t >
using activity_tracking_mixin_t = ::so_5::disp::reuse::
work_thread_activity_tracking_flag_mixin_t< disp_params_t >;
public :
//! Default constructor.
disp_params_t() = default;
friend inline void
disp_params_t & a, disp_params_t & b ) noexcept
using std::swap;
static_cast< activity_tracking_mixin_t & >(a),
static_cast< activity_tracking_mixin_t & >(b) );
swap( a.m_thread_count, b.m_thread_count );
swap( a.m_io_context, b.m_io_context );
//! Setter for thread count.
disp_params_t &
thread_count( std::size_t count )
m_thread_count = count;
return *this;
//! Getter for thread count.
thread_count() const
return m_thread_count;
//! Use external Asio io_context object with dispatcher.
* Usage example:
* \code
* int main() {
* asio::io_context svc;
* so_5::launch( [&](so_5::environment_t & env) {
* namespace asio_tp = so_5::extra::disp::asio_thread_pool;
* auto disp = asio_tp::create_private_disp(
* env, "asio_tp",
* asio_tp::disp_params_t{}.use_external_io_context(
* so_5::outliving_mutable(svc) ) );
* ...
* } );
* }
* \endcode
disp_params_t &
::asio::io_context & service )
m_io_context = std::shared_ptr< ::asio::io_context >(
std::addressof( service ),
// Empty deleter.
[](::asio::io_context *) {} );
return *this;
//! Use external Asio io_context object with dispatcher.
* \note
* Ownership of this io_context object must be shared with
* others.
disp_params_t &
std::shared_ptr< ::asio::io_context > service )
m_io_context = std::move(service);
return *this;
//! Use own Asio io_context object.
* Note this object will be dynamically created at the start
* of the dispatcher. And will be destroyed with the dispatcher object.
* A created io_context can be accessed later via io_context() method.
disp_params_t &
m_io_context = std::make_shared< ::asio::io_context >();
return *this;
//! Get the io_context.
std::shared_ptr< ::asio::io_context >
io_context() const noexcept
return m_io_context;
private :
//! Count of working threads.
* Value 0 means that actual thread will be detected automatically.
std::size_t m_thread_count = { 0 };
//! Asio's io_context which must be used with this dispatcher.
std::shared_ptr< ::asio::io_context > m_io_context;
namespace impl {
class actual_dispatcher_iface_t;
// basic_dispatcher_iface_t
* \brief The very basic interface of %asio_thread_pool dispatcher.
* This class contains a minimum that is necessary for implementation
* of dispatcher_handle class.
* \since
* v.1.3.0
class basic_dispatcher_iface_t
: public std::enable_shared_from_this<actual_dispatcher_iface_t>
public :
virtual ~basic_dispatcher_iface_t() noexcept = default;
//! Create a binder for that dispatcher.
* The binder will use an external strand object.
virtual disp_binder_shptr_t
binder_with_external_strand( ::asio::io_context::strand & ) = 0;
//! Create a binder for that dispatcher.
* The binder will use an internal (automatically created)
* strand object.
virtual disp_binder_shptr_t
binder_with_own_strand() = 0;
//! Get reference to io_context from that dispatcher.
virtual ::asio::io_context &
io_context() const noexcept = 0;
using basic_dispatcher_iface_shptr_t =
std::shared_ptr< basic_dispatcher_iface_t >;
class dispatcher_handle_maker_t;
} /* namespace impl */
// dispatcher_handle_t
* \brief A handle for %asio_thread_pool dispatcher.
* \since
* v.1.3.0
class SO_5_NODISCARD dispatcher_handle_t
friend class impl::dispatcher_handle_maker_t;
//! A reference to actual implementation of a dispatcher.
impl::basic_dispatcher_iface_shptr_t m_dispatcher;
impl::basic_dispatcher_iface_shptr_t dispatcher ) noexcept
: m_dispatcher{ std::move(dispatcher) }
//! Is this handle empty?
empty() const noexcept { return !m_dispatcher; }
public :
dispatcher_handle_t() noexcept = default;
//! Get a binder for that dispatcher.
* This method requires a reference to manually created strand
* object for protection of agents bound via binder returned.
* A user should create this strand object and ensure the right
* lifetime of it.
* Usage example:
* \code
* using namespace so_5::extra::disp::asio_thread_pool;
* asio::io_context io_ctx;
* asio::io_context::strand agents_strand{ io_ctx };
* so_5::environment_t & env = ...;
* auto disp = make_dispatcher( env, "my_disp", io_ctx );
* env.introduce_coop( [&]( so_5::coop_t & coop ) {
* coop.make_agent_with_binder< some_agent_type >(
* disp.binder( agents_strand ),
* ... );
* coop.make_agent_with_binder< another_agent_type >(
* disp.binder( agents_strand ),
* ... );
* ...
* } );
* \endcode
* \attention
* An attempt to call this method on empty handle is UB.
::asio::io_context::strand & strand ) const
return m_dispatcher->binder_with_external_strand( strand );
//! Get a binder for that dispatcher.
* This method requires creates an internal strand object by itself.
* Usage example:
* \code
* using namespace so_5::extra::disp::asio_thread_pool;
* asio::io_context io_ctx;
* so_5::environment_t & env = ...;
* auto disp = make_dispatcher( env, "my_disp", io_ctx );
* env.introduce_coop( [&]( so_5::coop_t & coop ) {
* // This agent will use its own strand object.
* coop.make_agent_with_binder< some_agent_type >(
* disp.binder(),
* ... );
* // This agent will use its own strand object.
* coop.make_agent_with_binder< another_agent_type >(
* disp.binder(),
* ... );
* ...
* } );
* \endcode
* \attention
* An attempt to call this method on empty handle is UB.
* \since
* v.1.3.0
binder() const
return m_dispatcher->binder_with_own_strand();
//! Get reference to io_context from that dispatcher.
* \attention
* An attempt to call this method on empty handle is UB.
::asio::io_context &
io_context() noexcept
return m_dispatcher->io_context();
//! Is this handle empty?
operator bool() const noexcept { return empty(); }
//! Does this handle contain a reference to dispatcher?
operator!() const noexcept { return !empty(); }
//! Drop the content of handle.
reset() noexcept { m_dispatcher.reset(); }
namespace impl {
// demands_counter_t
* \brief Type of atomic counter for counting waiting demands.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
using demands_counter_t = std::atomic< std::size_t >;
// actual_dispatcher_iface_t
* \brief An actual interface of thread pool dispatcher.
* \since
* v.1.3.0
class actual_dispatcher_iface_t : public basic_dispatcher_iface_t
public :
//! Notification about binding of yet another agent.
virtual void
agent_bound() noexcept = 0;
//! Notification about unbinding of an agent.
virtual void
agent_unbound() noexcept = 0;
//! Get a reference for counter of pending demands.
virtual demands_counter_t &
demands_counter() noexcept = 0;
// actual_dispatcher_shptr_t
using actual_dispatcher_shptr_t =
std::shared_ptr< actual_dispatcher_iface_t >;
// thread_local_ptr_holder_t
* \brief A helper for declaration of static and thread_local pointer
* in a header file.
* If non-template class will define a static member in a header file
* then there is a possibility to get a link-time error about multiple
* definition of that member. But if a static member is defined for
* template class then there won't be such problem.
* A typical usage intended to be:
* \code
* class some_useful_class_t : public thread_local_ptr_holder_t<some_useful_class_t> {
* ...
* };
* \endcode
* \since
* v.1.0.2
template< class T >
class thread_local_ptr_holder_t
private :
//! Value of the pointer which need to be stored.
static thread_local T * m_ptr;
protected :
//! Access to the current value of the pointer.
static T *
ptr() noexcept { return m_ptr; }
//! Setter for the pointer.
static void
set_ptr( T * p ) noexcept { m_ptr = p; }
template< class T >
thread_local T * thread_local_ptr_holder_t<T>::m_ptr = nullptr;
// work_thread_t
* \brief Base type for implementations of work thread wrappers.
* Work thread wrapper creates an instance of some type on the stack
* of the new thread. Then the pointer of this instance is stored in
* thread_local variable (as a pointer to work_thread_t). This pointer
* then can be retrieved later by demand handlers to get access to
* some dispatcher-specific data.
* It is assumed that there will be two derived classes:
* 1. One for the case when thread activity should not be tracked.
* 2. Another for the case when thread activity must be tracked.
* These derived classes will reuse some functionality from
* work_thread_t. And should implement on_demand() method for
* actual demands processing.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
class work_thread_t : private thread_local_ptr_holder_t< work_thread_t >
private :
//! ID of the work thread.
* Gets its value in the constructor and doesn't changed later.
current_thread_id_t m_thread_id;
protected :
// Constructor and destructor are accessible for derived classes only.
: m_thread_id( query_current_thread_id() )
// Just to make compilers happy.
virtual ~work_thread_t() = default;
//! Actual processing of the demand.
* Must be implemented in derived classes.
virtual void
on_demand( execution_demand_t demand ) noexcept = 0;
//! ID of the work thread.
thread_id() const noexcept
return m_thread_id;
public :
//! Lauch processing of demand on the context of current thread.
* Creates an instance of Derived class, stores pointer to it into
* a thread_local static variable, then calls method.
* \attention
* Terminates the whole application if an exception will be thrown.
* \tparam Derived Type of an object to be created on the stack.
* \tparam Args Types of arguments for Derived's constructor.
template< typename Derived, typename... Args >
static void
//! SObjectizer Environment for which work thread was created.
environment_t & env,
//! Asio IoService to be run on the context of that thread.
::asio::io_context & io_svc,
//! Arguments to Derived's constructor.
Args &&... args )
// We don't expect any errors here.
// But if something happens then there is no way to
// recover and the whole application should be aborted.
Derived actual_handler{ std::forward<Args>(args)... };
// actual_handler must be accessible via thread_local variable.
set_ptr( &actual_handler );
// Prevent return from io_context::run() if there is no
// more Asio's events.
auto work = ::asio::make_work_guard( io_svc );;
catch( const std::exception & x )
::so_5::details::abort_on_fatal_error( [&] {
SO_5_LOG_ERROR( env, log_stream ) {
log_stream << "An exception caught in work thread "
"of so_5::extra::disp::asio_thread_pool dispatcher."
" Exception: "
<< x.what() << std::endl;
} );
catch( ... )
::so_5::details::abort_on_fatal_error( [&] {
SO_5_LOG_ERROR( env, log_stream ) {
log_stream << "An unknown exception caught in work thread "
"of so_5::extra::disp::asio_thread_pool dispatcher."
<< std::endl;
} );
//! An interface method for passing a demand to processing.
static void
handle_demand( execution_demand_t demand )
ptr()->on_demand( std::move(demand) );
// work_thread_without_activity_tracking_t
* \brief An implementation of work thread stuff for the case when
* thread activity tracking is not needed.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
class work_thread_without_activity_tracking_t final : public work_thread_t
public :
work_thread_without_activity_tracking_t() = default;
~work_thread_without_activity_tracking_t() override = default;
protected :
virtual void
on_demand( execution_demand_t demand ) noexcept override
demand.call_handler( thread_id() );
// work_thread_activity_collector_t
* \brief Type of collector of work thread activity data.
* Objects of this class store also an ID of work thread. This ID is
* necessary for so_5::stats::messages::work_thread_activity message.
* Because of that a work thread must call setup_thread_id() method
* before use of activity collector.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
class work_thread_activity_collector_t
private :
//! ID of thread for which activity stats is collected.
current_thread_id_t m_thread_id;
//! Collected activity stats.
::so_5::stats::activity_tracking_stuff::internal_lock >
public :
* \brief Setup ID of the current work thread.
* \attention
* Must be called as soon as possible after the start of the work thread.
setup_thread_id( current_thread_id_t tid )
m_thread_id = std::move(tid);
* \brief Get the ID of the thread.
* \attention
* Returns actual value only after call to setup_thread_id.
thread_id() const noexcept { return m_thread_id; }
* \brief Mark start point of new activity.
activity_started() noexcept
* \brief Mark completion of the current activity.
activity_finished() noexcept
* \brief Get the current stats.
take_activity_stats() noexcept
::so_5::stats::work_thread_activity_stats_t result;
result.m_working_stats = m_work_activity.take_stats();
return result;
// work_thread_with_activity_tracking_t
* \brief An implementation of work thread stuff for the case when
* thread activity tracking must be used.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
class work_thread_with_activity_tracking_t final : public work_thread_t
private :
//! Activity statistics.
outliving_reference_t< work_thread_activity_collector_t > m_activity_stats;
public :
outliving_reference_t< work_thread_activity_collector_t > activity_stats )
: m_activity_stats(activity_stats)
// Collector must receive ID of this thread.
m_activity_stats.get().setup_thread_id( thread_id() );
~work_thread_with_activity_tracking_t() override = default;
protected :
virtual void
on_demand( execution_demand_t demand ) noexcept override
demand.call_handler( thread_id() );
// class basic_binder_impl_t
* \brief Basic part of implementation of a binder for %asio_thread_pool
* dispatcher.
* \since
* v.1.3.0
class basic_binder_impl_t
: public disp_binder_t
, public event_queue_t
public :
//! Initializing constructor.
//! The actual dispatcher to be used with that binder.
actual_dispatcher_shptr_t dispatcher )
: m_dispatcher{ std::move(dispatcher) }
agent_t & /*agent*/ ) override
// There is no need to do something.
agent_t & /*agent*/ ) noexcept override
// There is no need to do something.
agent_t & agent ) noexcept override
// Dispatcher should know about yet another agent bound.
// Agent should receive its event_queue.
agent.so_bind_to_dispatcher( *this );
agent_t & /*agent*/ ) noexcept override
// Dispatcher should know about yet another agent unbound.
protected :
//! The actual dispatcher.
actual_dispatcher_shptr_t m_dispatcher;
// binder_template_t
* \brief An implementation of a binder for %asio_thread_pool dispatcher.
* This binder is also an event_queue for the agents bound via that binder.
* There is no such thing as event_queue for %asio_thread_pool dispacher.
* All execution demands will be stored inside Asio IoServce and dispatched
* for execution via asio::post mechanism. But SObjectizer requires
* an implementation of event_queue which must be used for agents bound
* to %asio_thread_pool dispatcher. This class implements this event_queue
* concepts.
* This templates implements CRTP and should be parametrized by
* derived type. The derived type should provide method:
* \code
* ::asio::io_context::strand & strand() noexcept;
* \endcode
* \since
* v.1.3.0
template< typename Derived >
class binder_template_t
: public basic_binder_impl_t
auto &
self_reference() noexcept
return static_cast< Derived & >( *this );
public :
using basic_binder_impl_t::basic_binder_impl_t;
push( execution_demand_t demand ) override
demands_counter_t & counter = m_dispatcher->demands_counter();
// Another demand will wait for processing.
asio::post( self_reference().strand(),
[d = std::move(demand), &counter]() mutable {
// Another demand will be processed.
// Delegate processing of the demand to actual
// work thread.
work_thread_t::handle_demand( std::move(d) );
} );
// binder_with_external_strand_t
* \brief An implementation of binder that uses an external strand object.
* \since
* v.1.3.0
class binder_with_external_strand_t final
: public binder_template_t< binder_with_external_strand_t >
using base_type = binder_template_t< binder_with_external_strand_t >;
public :
actual_dispatcher_shptr_t dispatcher,
outliving_reference_t< ::asio::io_context::strand > strand )
: base_type{ std::move(dispatcher) }
, m_strand{ strand }
::asio::io_context::strand &
strand() noexcept { return m_strand.get(); }
private :
//! Strand to be used with this event_queue.
outliving_reference_t< ::asio::io_context::strand > m_strand;
// binder_with_own_strand_t
* \brief An implementation of binder that uses an own strand object.
* This own strand object will be a part of the binder object.
* \since
* v.1.3.0
class binder_with_own_strand_t final
: public binder_template_t< binder_with_own_strand_t >
using base_type = binder_template_t< binder_with_own_strand_t >;
public :
actual_dispatcher_shptr_t dispatcher )
: base_type{ std::move(dispatcher) }
, m_strand{ m_dispatcher->io_context() }
::asio::io_context::strand &
strand() noexcept { return m_strand; }
private :
//! Strand to be used with this event_queue.
::asio::io_context::strand m_strand;
// basic_dispatcher_skeleton_t
* \brief Basic stuff for all implementations of dispatcher.
* Derived classes should implement the following virtual methods:
* - data_source();
* - launch_work_threads();
* - wait_work_threads().
* \since
* v.1.0.2
class basic_dispatcher_skeleton_t : public actual_dispatcher_iface_t
protected :
class disp_data_source_t;
friend class disp_data_source_t;
disp_params_t params )
: m_thread_count( params.thread_count() )
, m_io_context( params.io_context() )
::asio::io_context::strand & strand ) override
return { std::make_shared< binder_with_external_strand_t >(
outliving_mutable(strand) )
binder_with_own_strand() override
return { std::make_shared< binder_with_own_strand_t >(
shared_from_this() )
::asio::io_context &
io_context() const noexcept override { return *m_io_context; }
agent_bound() noexcept override
agent_unbound() noexcept override
demands_counter_t &
demands_counter() noexcept override
return m_demands_counter;
protected :
environment_t & env,
std::string_view data_sources_name_base )
data_source().set_data_sources_name_base( data_sources_name_base );
data_source().start( outliving_mutable(env.stats_repository()) );
[&] { launch_work_threads(env); },
[this] { data_source().stop(); } );
::so_5::details::invoke_noexcept_code( [this] {
// Stopping Asio IO service.
} );
::so_5::details::invoke_noexcept_code( [this] {
// Waiting for complete stop of all work threads.
// Stopping data source.
} );
protected :
* \brief Get the count of work threads to be created.
thread_count() const noexcept { return m_thread_count; }
* \brief Get access to actual data source instance for that
* dispatcher.
virtual disp_data_source_t &
data_source() noexcept = 0;
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-virtual-dtor"
* \brief Data source for run-time monitoring of whole dispatcher.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
class disp_data_source_t
: public ::so_5::stats::manually_registered_source_t
//! Dispatcher to work with.
basic_dispatcher_skeleton_t & m_dispatcher;
//! Basic prefix for data sources.
::so_5::stats::prefix_t m_base_prefix;
protected :
//! Access to data source prefix for derived classes.
const ::so_5::stats::prefix_t &
base_prefix() const noexcept { return m_base_prefix; }
public :
disp_data_source_t( basic_dispatcher_skeleton_t & disp )
: m_dispatcher( disp )
virtual void
distribute( const mbox_t & mbox ) override
const auto agents_count = m_dispatcher.m_agents_bound.load(
std::memory_order_acquire );
const auto demands_count = m_dispatcher.m_demands_counter.load(
std::memory_order_acquire );
send< ::so_5::stats::messages::quantity< std::size_t > >(
agents_count );
// Note: because there is no way to detect on which thread a
// demand will be handled, the total number of waiting
// demands is destributed for the whole dispatcher.
send< ::so_5::stats::messages::quantity< std::size_t > >(
demands_count );
std::string_view name_base )
using namespace ::so_5::disp::reuse;
m_base_prefix = make_disp_prefix(
&m_dispatcher );
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
//! Count of work threads.
const std::size_t m_thread_count;
//! IO Service to work with.
const std::shared_ptr< ::asio::io_context > m_io_context;
//! Count of agents bound to that dispatcher.
std::atomic< std::size_t > m_agents_bound{ 0u };
//! Count of waiting demands.
demands_counter_t m_demands_counter;
//! Start all working threads.
virtual void
//! SObjectizer Environment for which threads will be created.
environment_t & env ) = 0;
//! Wait for finish of all threads.
* It is a blocking call. The current thread will be stopped until
* all work thread will finish their work.
virtual void
wait_work_threads() noexcept = 0;
// dispatcher_skeleton_without_thread_activity_tracking_t
* \brief Extension of basic dispatcher skeleton for the case when
* work thread activity is not collected.
* This class contains disp_data_source_t instance and implements
* virtual method data_source() for accessing this instance.
* It also provides static method run_work_thread() which must be called
* at the beginnig of work thread.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
class dispatcher_skeleton_without_thread_activity_tracking_t
: public basic_dispatcher_skeleton_t
public :
disp_params_t params )
: basic_dispatcher_skeleton_t( std::move(params) )
protected :
virtual disp_data_source_t &
data_source() noexcept { return m_data_source; }
//! Implementation of main function for a work thread.
static void
environment_t & env,
::asio::io_context & io_svc,
dispatcher_skeleton_without_thread_activity_tracking_t & /*self*/,
std::size_t /*index*/ )
work_thread_t::run< work_thread_without_activity_tracking_t >(
env, io_svc );
private :
//! Actual data source instance.
disp_data_source_t m_data_source{ *this };
// dispatcher_skeleton_with_thread_activity_tracking_t
* \brief Extension of basic dispatcher skeleton for the case when
* work thread activity must be collected.
* This class defines its own actual_disp_data_source_t type and
* contains an instance of that type. There is also implementation
* of data_source() virtual method for accessing this instance.
* It provides static method run_work_thread() which must be called
* at the beginnig of work thread.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
class dispatcher_skeleton_with_thread_activity_tracking_t
: public basic_dispatcher_skeleton_t
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-virtual-dtor"
* \brief Actual data source type for dispatcher with
* work thread activity tracking.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
class actual_disp_data_source_t
: public disp_data_source_t
private :
//! Collectors for run-time stats for every thread.
std::unique_ptr< work_thread_activity_collector_t > >
public :
basic_dispatcher_skeleton_t & disp,
std::size_t thread_count )
: disp_data_source_t( disp )
, m_collectors( thread_count )
for( auto & c : m_collectors )
c = std::make_unique< work_thread_activity_collector_t >();
virtual void
distribute( const mbox_t & mbox ) override
disp_data_source_t::distribute( mbox );
for( std::size_t i = 0; i != m_collectors.size(); ++i )
distribute_stats_for_work_thread_at( mbox, i );
* \note \a index is not checked for validity!
work_thread_activity_collector_t &
collector_at( std::size_t index ) noexcept
return *(m_collectors[index]);
private :
const mbox_t & mbox,
std::size_t index )
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << base_prefix().c_str() << "/wt-" << index;
const ::so_5::stats::prefix_t prefix{ ss.str() };
auto & collector = collector_at( index );
so_5::send< ::so_5::stats::messages::work_thread_activity >(
collector.take_activity_stats() );
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
public :
disp_params_t params )
: basic_dispatcher_skeleton_t( params )
, m_actual_data_source( *this, params.thread_count() )
protected :
virtual disp_data_source_t &
data_source() noexcept override { return m_actual_data_source; }
//! Implementation of main function for a work thread.
static void
//! SObjectizer Environment for which the work thread is created.
environment_t & env,
//! Asio IoService to be used.
::asio::io_context & io_svc,
//! Dispatcher who owns this thread.
dispatcher_skeleton_with_thread_activity_tracking_t & self,
//! Ordinal number of this thread.
std::size_t index )
work_thread_t::run< work_thread_with_activity_tracking_t >(
self.m_actual_data_source.collector_at(index) ) );
private :
//! Data source instance.
actual_disp_data_source_t m_actual_data_source;
// dispatcher_template_t
* \brief Template-based implementation of dispatcher.
* Implements virual methods launch_work_threads() and wait_work_threads()
* from basic_dispatcher_skeleton_t.
* \tparam Traits Traits-type to be used.
* \tparam Basic_Skeleton A specific skeleton to be used as base type.
* It expected to be dispatcher_skeleton_with_thread_activity_tracking_t or
* dispatcher_skeleton_without_thread_activity_tracking_t.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
typename Traits,
typename Basic_Skeleton >
class dispatcher_template_t final : public Basic_Skeleton
//! SObjectizer Environment to work in.
outliving_reference_t< environment_t > env,
//! Value for creating names of data sources for
//! run-time monitoring.
std::string_view data_sources_name_base,
//! Parameters for the dispatcher.
disp_params_t params )
: Basic_Skeleton{ std::move(params) }
this->start( env.get(), data_sources_name_base );
~dispatcher_template_t() noexcept override
//! An alias for actual thread type.
using thread_t = typename Traits::thread_type;
//! An alias for unique_ptr to thread.
using thread_unique_ptr_t = std::unique_ptr< thread_t >;
//! Working threads.
std::vector< thread_unique_ptr_t > m_threads;
virtual void
environment_t & env ) override
using namespace std;
m_threads.resize( this->thread_count() );
::so_5::details::do_with_rollback_on_exception( [&] {
for( std::size_t i = 0u; i != this->thread_count(); ++i )
m_threads[ i ] = this->make_work_thread( env, i );
[&] {
::so_5::details::invoke_noexcept_code( [&] {
// Shutdown all started threads.
for( auto & t : m_threads )
if( t )
// No more started threads.
} );
} );
virtual void
wait_work_threads() noexcept override
for( auto & t : m_threads )
environment_t & env,
std::size_t index )
Basic_Skeleton * self = this;
return std::make_unique< thread_t >(
[&env, io_svc = &this->io_context(), self, index]()
Basic_Skeleton::run_work_thread( env, *io_svc, *self, index );
} );
// dispatcher_handle_maker_t
class dispatcher_handle_maker_t
public :
static dispatcher_handle_t
make( actual_dispatcher_shptr_t disp ) noexcept
return { std::move( disp ) };
} /* namespace impl */
// default_thread_pool_size
* \brief A helper function for detecting default thread count for
* thread pool.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
inline std::size_t
auto c = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
if( !c )
c = 2;
return c;
// default_traits_t
* \brief Default traits of %asio_thread_pool dispatcher.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
struct default_traits_t
//! Type of thread.
using thread_type = std::thread;
// make_dispatcher
* \brief A function for creation an instance of %asio_thread_pool dispatcher.
* Usage examples:
* \code
* // Dispatcher which uses own Asio IoContext and default traits.
* namespace asio_tp = so_5::extra::disp::asio_thread_pool;
* asio_tp::disp_params_t params;
* params.use_own_io_context(); // Asio IoContext object will be created here.
* // This object will be accessible later via
* // private_dispatcher_t::io_context() method.
* auto disp = asio_tp::make_dispatcher(
* env,
* "my_asio_tp",
* std::move(disp_params) );
* // Dispatcher which uses external Asio IoContext and default traits.
* asio::io_context & io_svc = ...;
* namespace asio_tp = so_5::extra::disp::asio_thread_pool;
* asio_tp::disp_params_t params;
* params.use_external_io_context( io_svc );
* auto disp = asio_tp::make_dispatcher(
* env,
* "my_asio_tp",
* std::move(disp_params) );
* // Dispatcher which uses own Asio IoContext and custom traits.
* struct my_traits
* {
* using thread_type = my_custom_thread_type;
* };
* namespace asio_tp = so_5::extra::disp::asio_thread_pool;
* asio_tp::disp_params_t params;
* params.use_own_io_context();
* auto disp = asio_tp::make_dispatcher< my_traits >(
* env,
* "my_asio_tp",
* std::move(disp_params) );
* \endcode
* \par Requirements for traits type
* Traits type must define a type which looks like:
* \code
* struct traits
* {
* // Name of type to be used for thread class.
* using thread_type = ...;
* };
* \endcode
* \par Requirements for custom thread type
* By default std::thread is used as a class for working with threads.
* But user can specify its own custom thread type via \a Traits::thread_type
* parameter. A custom thread type must be a class which looks like:
* \code
* class custom_thread_type {
* public :
* // Must provide this constructor.
* // F -- is a type of functional object which can be converted
* // into std::function<void()>.
* template<typename F>
* custom_thread_type(F && f) {...}
* // Destructor must join thread if it is not joined yet.
* ~custom_thread_type() noexcept {...}
* // The same semantic like std::thread::join.
* void join() noexcept {...}
* };
* \endcode
* This class doesn't need to be DefaultConstructible, CopyConstructible,
* MoveConstructible, Copyable or Moveable.
* \tparam Traits Type with traits for a dispatcher. For the requirements
* for \a Traits type see the section "Requirements for traits type" above.
* \since
* v.1.0.2
template< typename Traits = default_traits_t >
inline dispatcher_handle_t
//! SObjectizer Environment to work in.
environment_t & env,
//! Value for creating names of data sources for
//! run-time monitoring.
const std::string_view data_sources_name_base,
//! Parameters for the dispatcher.
disp_params_t disp_params )
const auto io_svc_ptr = disp_params.io_context();
if( !io_svc_ptr )
"io_context is not set in disp_params" );
if( !disp_params.thread_count() )
disp_params.thread_count( default_thread_pool_size() );
using so_5::stats::activity_tracking_stuff::create_appropriate_disp;
auto disp = create_appropriate_disp<
// Type of result pointer.
// Actual type of dispatcher without thread activity tracking.
impl::dispatcher_skeleton_without_thread_activity_tracking_t >,
// Actual type of dispatcher with thread activity tracking.
impl::dispatcher_skeleton_with_thread_activity_tracking_t > >(
std::move(disp_params) );
return impl::dispatcher_handle_maker_t::make( std::move(disp) );
} /* namespace asio_thread_pool */
} /* namespace disp */
} /* namespace extra */
} /* namespace so_5 */
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