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Created January 24, 2019 15:57
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The first working version of very simple (and not fair) implementation of Dining Philosopher problem with threads and CSP-like channels
#include <dining_philosophers/common/fork_messages.hpp>
#include <dining_philosophers/common/random_generator.hpp>
#include <dining_philosophers/csp_based/trace_maker/all.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
void fork_process(
so_5::mchain_t fork_ch )
// State of the fork.
bool taken = false;
// Receive and handle all messages until the channel will be closed.
so_5::receive( so_5::from( fork_ch ),
[&]( so_5::mhood_t<msg_take> cmd ) {
if( taken )
so_5::send< msg_busy >( cmd->m_who );
taken = true;
so_5::send< msg_taken >( cmd->m_who );
[&]( so_5::mhood_t<msg_put> ) {
if( taken )
taken = false;
} );
void philosopher_process(
trace_maker_t & tracer,
so_5::mchain_t control_ch,
so_5::mchain_t self_ch,
std::size_t philosopher_index,
so_5::mchain_t left_fork_ch,
so_5::mchain_t right_fork_ch,
int meals_count )
enum class take_result_t { no_result, taken, busy };
int meals_eaten{ 0 };
thinking_type_t thinking_type{ thinking_type_t::normal };
random_pause_generator_t pause_generator;
while( meals_eaten < meals_count )
tracer.thinking_started( philosopher_index, thinking_type );
// Simulate thinking by suspending the thread.
std::this_thread::sleep_for( pause_generator.think_pause( thinking_type ) );
// For the case if we can't take forks.
thinking_type = thinking_type_t::hungry;
// Try to get the left fork.
tracer.take_left_attempt( philosopher_index );
so_5::send< msg_take >( left_fork_ch, self_ch->as_mbox(), philosopher_index );
// Request sent, wait for a reply.
take_result_t take_result{ take_result_t::no_result };
so_5::receive( self_ch, so_5::infinite_wait,
[&take_result]( so_5::mhood_t<msg_taken> ) {
take_result = take_result_t::taken;
[&take_result]( so_5::mhood_t<msg_busy> ) {
take_result = take_result_t::busy;
} );
if( take_result_t::taken == take_result )
// Left fork is taken.
// Try to get the right fork.
tracer.take_right_attempt( philosopher_index );
so_5::send< msg_take >( right_fork_ch, self_ch->as_mbox(), philosopher_index );
// Request sent, wait for a reply.
take_result = take_result_t::no_result;
so_5::receive( self_ch, so_5::infinite_wait,
[&take_result]( so_5::mhood_t<msg_taken> ) {
take_result = take_result_t::taken;
[&take_result]( so_5::mhood_t<msg_busy> ) {
take_result = take_result_t::busy;
} );
if( take_result_t::taken == take_result )
// Both fork are taken. We can eat.
tracer.eating_started( philosopher_index );
// Simulate eating by suspending the thread.
std::this_thread::sleep_for( pause_generator.eat_pause() );
// One step closer to the end.
// Right fork should be returned after eating.
so_5::send< msg_put >( right_fork_ch );
// Next thinking will be normal, not 'hungry_thinking'.
thinking_type = thinking_type_t::normal;
// Left fork should be returned in any case.
so_5::send< msg_put >( left_fork_ch );
// Notify about the completion of the work.
tracer.philosopher_done( philosopher_index );
so_5::send< philosopher_done_t >( control_ch, philosopher_index );
void run_simulation(
so_5::environment_t & env,
const names_holder_t & names ) noexcept
const auto table_size = names.size();
const auto join_all = []( std::vector<std::thread> & threads ) {
for( auto & t : threads )
trace_maker_t tracer{
random_pause_generator_t::trace_step() };
// Create forks.
std::vector< so_5::mchain_t > fork_chains;
std::vector< std::thread > fork_threads( table_size );
for( std::size_t i{}; i != table_size; ++i )
// Personal channel for fork.
fork_chains.emplace_back( so_5::create_mchain(env) );
// Run fork as a thread.
fork_threads[ i ] = std::thread{ fork_process, fork_chains.back() };
// Chain for acks from philosophers.
auto control_ch = so_5::create_mchain( env );
// Create philosophers.
std::vector< std::thread > philosopher_threads( table_size );
for( std::size_t i{}; i != table_size; ++i )
// Personal channel for philosopher.
auto philo_ch = so_5::create_mchain( env );
// Run philosopher as a thread.
philosopher_threads[ i ] = std::thread{
fork_chains[ i ],
fork_chains[ (i + 1) % table_size ],
5 };
// Wait while all philosophers completed.
so_5::receive( so_5::from( control_ch ).handle_n( table_size ),
[&names]( so_5::mhood_t<philosopher_done_t> cmd ) {
fmt::print( "{}: done\n", names[ cmd->m_philosopher_index ] );
} );
// Wait for completion of philosopher threads.
join_all( philosopher_threads );
// Close channels for all forks.
for( auto & ch : fork_chains )
so_5::close_drop_content( ch );
// Wait for completion of fork threads.
join_all( fork_threads );
// Show the result.
// Stop the SObjectizer.
int main()
const names_holder_t names{
"Socrates", "Plato", "Aristotle", "Descartes", "Spinoza", "Kant",
"Schopenhauer", "Nietzsche", "Wittgenstein", "Heidegger", "Sartre"
so_5::launch( [&]( so_5::environment_t & env ) {
run_simulation( env, names );
} );
catch( const std::exception & ex )
std::cerr << "Error: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
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