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Created October 31, 2012 09:59
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Python - Hangman Game
# Hangman game
import random
class HangMan(object):
# Hangman game
hang = []
hang.append(' +---+')
hang.append(' | |')
hang.append(' |')
hang.append(' |')
hang.append(' |')
hang.append(' |')
man = {}
man[0] = [' 0 |']
man[1] = [' 0 |', ' | |']
man[2] = [' 0 |', '/| |']
man[3] = [' 0 |', '/|\\ |']
man[4] = [' 0 |', '/|\\ |', '/ |']
man[5] = [' 0 |', '/|\\ |', '/ \\ |']
pics = []
words = '''ant baboon badger bat bear beaver camel cat clam cobra cougar coyote
crow deer dog donkey duck eagle ferret fox frog goat goose hawk lion lizard llama
mole monkey moose mouse mule newt otter owl panda parrot pigeon python rabbit ram
rat raven rhino salmon seal shark sheep skunk sloth snake spider stork swan tiger
toad trout turkey turtle weasel whale wolf wombat zebra'''.split()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
i, j = 2, 0[:])
for ls in
pic, j = self.hang[:], 0
for m in ls:
pic[i + j] = m
j += 1
def pickWord(self):
return self.words[random.randint(0, len(self.words) - 1)]
def printPic(self, idx, wordLen):
for line in[idx]:
def askAndEvaluate(self, word, result, missed):
guess = input()
if guess == None or len(guess) != 1 or (guess in result) or (guess in missed):
return None, False
i = 0
right = guess in word
for c in word:
if c == guess:
result[i] = c
i += 1
return guess, right
def info(self, info):
def start(self):
print('Welcome to Hangman !')
word = list(self.pickWord())
result = list('*' * len(word))
print('The word is: ', result)
success, i, missed = False, 0, []
while i < len(
print('Guess the word: ', end='')
guess,right = self.askAndEvaluate(word, result, missed)
if guess == None:
print('You\'ve already entered this character.')
if result == word:'Congratulations ! You\'ve just saved a life !')
success = True
if not right:
self.printPic(i, len(word))
print('Missed characters: ', missed)
if not success:'The word was \''+''.join(word)+'\' ! You\'ve just killed a man, yo !')
a = HangMan().start()
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ambolatunji commented Oct 23, 2018

Nicely done sir..

@ line 75... print('The word is: ', result) ----->> print('The word is: ', result, '\n','HINT: ', 'The word is a name of an animal')

so as to give a hint of what they are guessing sir

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can u give me project report for this project

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hey can you please

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Thanks! it help me in my project

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Thanks! it help me in my project

hi muneeb
can you tall me about your project plzz

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Thanks! it help me in my project

hi muneeb can you tall me about your project plzz

It's just a simple hangman game.

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