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Created April 12, 2021 10:09
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simple stats function implementations
import Data.List
mean x = (sum x) / (fromIntegral $ length x)
med xs = med' $ sort xs
med' [x] = x
med' [x, y] = (x + y) / 2
med' xs = med' $ drop 1 $ take (length xs - 1) xs
mode :: (RealFrac a) => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
mode xs = foldr f [] $ map mf groups
groups = group $ sort xs
mf :: [a] -> (a, Int)
mf = (\x -> (head x, length x))
f :: Num a => (a, Int) -> [(a, Int)] -> [(a, Int)]
f (x, n) [] = [(x, n)]
f (x, n) acc @ ((xa, na):_) =
if n > na then [(x, n)]
else if n == na then (x, n):acc
else acc
range xs = (maximum xs) - (minimum xs)
iqr xs = (quartile 3 xs) - (quartile 1 xs)
quartile n = quartile' n . sort
quartile' :: (RealFrac a) => Int -> [a] -> a
quartile' 0 xs = minimum xs
quartile' 4 xs = maximum xs
quartile' n xs =
q = (fromIntegral n) / 4 * (fromIntegral $ 1 + length xs) - 1
idx = (floor q) :: Int
off = (q - (fromIntegral idx))
in ((1 - off) * (xs!!idx) + off * xs!!(idx + 1))
variance :: RealFrac a => [a] -> a
variance xs =
m = mean xs
sq x = x * x
in (/ (fromIntegral $ length xs)) $ sum $ map (sq . (\x -> x - m)) xs
-- sample variance
varianceS:: RealFrac a => [a] -> a
varianceS xs =
m = mean xs
sq x = x * x
in (/ ((fromIntegral $ length xs) -1)) $ sum $ map (sq . (\x -> x - m)) xs
stddev = sqrt . variance
-- sample stddev
stddevS = sqrt . varianceS
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