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Last active February 13, 2019 21:36
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Cinder NDI audio Sender
//in header
CinderNDIaudioSenderRef ndiSendRef;
//in cpp
//use as regular cinder audio chain but set a name for devices to distinguish. Also works with multichannel.
ndiSendRef = ctx->makeNode(new CinderNDIaudioSender("ciNDIAudio", ci::audio::Node::Format().channels(2)));
console() << ndiSendRef->getName() << " has " << 2 << " channels and is initialized" << std::endl;
inNode >> ndiSendRef >> ctx->getOutput();
console() << "ndiSendRef " << ndiSendRef->getName() << " sampleRate " << ndiSendRef->getSampleRate() << " getFramesPerBlock " << ndiSendRef->getFramesPerBlock() << " numChan " << ndiSendRef->getNumChannels() << std::endl;
#include "CinderNDIaudioSender.h"
#include <Processing.NDI.Recv.h>
CinderNDIaudioSender::CinderNDIaudioSender( const std::string name, const Format &format )
: mName( name ) , Node(format)
if( ! NDIlib_is_supported_CPU() ) {
ci::app::Platform::get()->console() << "Failed to initialize NDI because of unsupported CPU!" << std::endl;
if( ! NDIlib_initialize() ) {
ci::app::Platform::get()->console() << "Failed to initialize audoi NDI!" << std::endl;
else ci::app::Platform::get()->console() << "NDI Initialized" << std::endl;
mNdiInitialized = true;
if (getChannelMode() != ChannelMode::SPECIFIED)
setNumChannels(format.getChannels());//defaults to 2
if( mNdiSender ) {
NDIlib_send_destroy( mNdiSender );
mNdiInitialized = false;
void CinderNDIaudioSender::setup()
if( mNdiInitialized ) {
NDIlib_send_create_t NDI_send_create_desc = { mName.c_str(), nullptr, false, false };
mNdiSender = NDIlib_send_create( &NDI_send_create_desc );
void CinderNDIaudioSender::process(ci::audio::Buffer *buf)
//if (buf!=nullptr) {
if (NDIlib_send_get_no_connections(mNdiSender, 0)) {
NDIlib_tally_t NDI_tally;
NDIlib_send_get_tally(mNdiSender, &NDI_tally, 0);
NDIlib_audio_frame_v2_t NDI_audio_frame;
NDI_audio_frame.sample_rate = getSampleRate();
NDI_audio_frame.no_channels = buf->getNumChannels();
NDI_audio_frame.no_samples =buf->getNumFrames();
NDI_audio_frame.p_data = buf->getData();
NDI_audio_frame.channel_stride_in_bytes = buf->getNumFrames() * sizeof(float);
const NDIlib_audio_frame_v2_t afNdi = NDI_audio_frame;
NDIlib_send_send_audio_v2 (mNdiSender, &afNdi);
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "cinder/app/App.h"
#include "cinder/app/AppBase.h"
#include "cinder/audio/Node.h"
#include "cinder/audio/Context.h"
typedef std::shared_ptr<class CinderNDIaudioSender> CinderNDIaudioSenderRef;
class CinderNDIaudioSender : public ci::audio::Node {
CinderNDIaudioSender( const std::string name , const Format &format = Format());
void setup();
void process(ci::audio::Buffer *buf);
bool mNdiInitialized = false;
NDIlib_send_instance_t mNdiSender;
std::string mName;
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