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Last active September 14, 2016 01:56
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class IOEffect x where
runIOEffect :: x a -> IO a
data M a where
Pure :: a -> M a
Ap :: M (a -> b) -> M a -> M b
Bind :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
M :: IOEffect x => x a -> M a
instance Functor M where
fmap f s = Bind s (\a -> Pure $ f a)
instance Applicative M where
pure a = Pure a
(<*>) f a = Ap f a
instance Monad M where
(>>=) a mb = Bind a mb
runM :: M a -> IO a
runM (Pure a) = return a
runM (Ap f a) = (runM f) <*> (runM a)
runM (Bind s fs) = (runM s) >>= (\a -> runM (fs a))
runM (M xa) = runIOEffect xa
data ConsoleIO a where
WriteIO :: String -> ConsoleIO ()
ReadLineIO :: ConsoleIO String
instance IOEffect ConsoleIO where
runIOEffect (WriteIO s) = putStr s
runIOEffect ReadLineIO = getLine
program :: M ()
program = do
M $ WriteIO "Enter a number: "
x <- M ReadLineIO
M $ WriteIO "Enter another one: "
y <- M ReadLineIO
let z = show (read x * read y)
M $ WriteIO $ x ++ " * " ++ y ++ " = " ++ z ++ "\n"
main :: IO ()
main = runM program
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