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Last active February 27, 2022 16:04
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type Graph[A] = Map[A, Set[A]]
def bfs[A](graph: Graph[A], start: A, end: A): Option[List[A]] =
import scala.collection.immutable.ListSet
def bfsTR(remaining: List[A], visited: ListSet[A]): Option[List[A]] =
remaining match
case Nil => None
case h :: t if visited(h) => bfsTR(t, visited)
case h :: _ if h == end => Some((visited + h).toList)
case h :: t => bfsTR(t ++ graph(h).toList, visited + h)
bfsTR(List(start), ListSet.empty)
// Try to traverse `graph` from `start` to `end`
def search[A](graph: Graph[A], start: A, end: A): Boolean =
bfs(graph, start, end).isDefined
def test[A](graph: Graph[A], start: A, end: A): Unit =
println(s"${start} -> ${end}: ${bfs(graph, start, end)}")
/ \
| |
F - G
val g: Graph[String] =
"A" -> Set("B", "C"),
"B" -> Set("D"),
"C" -> Set("E"),
"D" -> Set.empty,
"E" -> Set("F"),
"F" -> Set("G"),
"G" -> Set.empty
test(g, "A", "G")
test(g, "B", "D")
test(g, "B", "G")
test(g, "C", "F")
$ scala-cli --scala 3.1.1
A -> G: Some(List(A, B, C, D, E, F, G))
B -> D: Some(List(B, D))
B -> G: None
C -> F: Some(List(C, E, F))
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