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Last active April 20, 2020 22:25
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# PWM tester
# Sigrok configuration
$sigrokcli = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\sigrok\sigrok-cli\sigrok-cli.exe'
$samplerate = "24mhz"
$samples = "120000"
# Open and close the COM port as fast as possible
function writeline([string]$text) {
$com = new-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort COM6,115200,None,8,One
# Probably smarter way to do this!
function stddev([int[]]$vals) {
$sum = [float]0.0;
foreach ($e in $vals) { $sum += $e }
$avg = $sum / [float]$vals.length
$sum = [float]0.0;
foreach ($e in $vals) { $sum += ($e - $avg) * ($e - $avg) }
$sum = $sum / [float]$vals.length
$rho = [math]::sqrt($sum)
return $rho
writeline("z") # Reset the chip
sleep 5
writeline("r {0}" -f 1000)
$freqs = 25000 # 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000
foreach ($f in $freqs) {
#";Testing frequency: {0}`n" -f [string]$f;
writeline("f {0}" -f $f)
sleep 1
for ($i=0; $i -lt 1000; $i=$i+10) {
#"Testing PWM: {0}`n" -f [string]$i;
writeline("a {0} {1}" -f '8', $i)
writeline("a {0} {1}" -f '9', [string](1000-[int]$i))
sleep 1
(((& $sigrokcli -d fx2lafw -C D5=p -O csv --samples $samples -c samplerate=$samplerate) | Select-Object -Skip 3 ) -replace ' ', '') > run.csv
$csv = import-csv -path run.csv -delimiter ','
$cnt = $csv.length
# Skip any 0s to find first full edge
$x = 0;
$cyclecnt = 0;
$pdttl = 0;
$hittl = 0;
$pl = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[float]
$hl = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[float]
while ( $csv[$x].logic -eq 0 ) { $x++ }
for ($x=$x; $x -lt $cnt; $x++) {
$h = $csv[$x].nanoseconds
# Look for low
for ($x=$x; ($csv[$x].logic -eq 1) -and ($x -lt $cnt); $x++ ) { }
if ($x -lt $cnt) {
# Found 1->0 transition, record it
$l = $csv[$x].nanoseconds
$timehigh = $l - $h
# Now look for 0->1 so we can get period
for ($x=$x; ($csv[$x].logic -eq 0) -and ($x -lt $cnt); $x++ ) { }
if ($x -lt $cnt) {
$period = $csv[$x].nanoseconds - $h
$pdttl += $period
$hittl += $timehigh
#"Period {0} TimeHigh {1}" -f [string]$period, [string]$timehigh
if ($cyclecnt -le 0) {
"{0},{1},0,0,0,0,0" -f [string]$f, [string]$i
} else {
$pdavg = $pdttl / $cyclecnt
$hiavg = $hittl / $cyclecnt
$ps = stddev($pl)
$hs = stddev($hl)
"{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}" -f [string]$f, [string]$i, [string]$cyclecnt, [int]$pdavg, [int]$hiavg, [int]$ps, [int]$hs
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