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Created August 13, 2009 17:54
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For calling phone numbers with Google Voice using Ubiquity for Firefox
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* For calling Google Voice numbers
* Version 0.3.1
* See:
var noun_type_googlevoiceconfig = {
_name: "google voice config",
hasKey: function() {
return Application.prefs.has("google_voice_key");
setKey: function(key) {
if (!Application.prefs.has("google_voice_key")) {
Application.prefs.setValue("google_voice_key", key);
} else {
var new_key = Application.prefs.get("google_voice_key");
new_key.value = key;
return new_key.value;
getKey: function(text, html) {
var suggestions = [];
var key = Application.prefs.get("google_voice_key");
return key.value;
setPhone: function(phone) {
if (!Application.prefs.has("google_voice_phone")) {
Application.prefs.setValue("google_voice_phone", phone);
} else {
var new_phone = Application.prefs.get("google_voice_phone");
new_phone.value = phone;
return new_phone.value;
hasPhone: function() {
return Application.prefs.has("google_voice_phone");
getPhone: function(text,html) {
var suggestions = [];
var phone = Application.prefs.get("google_voice_phone");
return phone.value;
function cleanNumber(phonenum) {
phonenum = phonenum.replace(/[A-Ca-c]/g,"2").replace(/[D-Fd-f]/g,"3").replace(/[G-Ig-i]/g,"4").replace(/[J-Lj-l]/g,"5").replace(/[M-Om-o]/g,"6").replace(/[P-Sp-s]/g,"7").replace(/[T-Vt-v]/g,"8").replace(/[W-Zw-z]/g,"9");
phonenum = phonenum.replace(/[^0-9]/g,"");
if (phonenum.substring(0,1) == "1")
phonenum = phonenum.substring(1,phonenum.length);
return phonenum;
function formatNumber(phonenum) {
var formatted = phonenum;
if (phonenum.length == 10)
formatted = "("+phonenum.substring(0,3)+") "+phonenum.substring(3,6)+"-"+phonenum.substring(6,10);
return formatted;
// todo: set a default number and add an optional "from" argument for alternate numbers
names: ["call", "google voice call"],
arguments: [{role: "object",
nountype: noun_arb_text,
label: "number to call"}],
description: "Calls a selected/entered number using Google Voice. You must be logged into Google Voice and have configured the Ubiquity command with the 'google voice setkey' and 'google voice setphone' commands. For numbers other than 10 digits, be sure to include the country code.",
author: {name: "earth2marsh", email: ""},
license: "MIT",
preview: function(pb, {object: {text}}) {
if (noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.hasKey()) {
var gvkey = noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.getKey();
pb.innerHTML = (text
? (<><b>Calling:</b> {formatNumber(cleanNumber(text))}<br /><br />
<b>From:</b> {formatNumber(noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.getPhone())}<br /><br /><br />
<i><b>Having trouble?</b></i><ol><li>Check that you are logged in to <a href=''>Google Voice</a></li><li>then verify your configuration with 'google voice configcheck'.</li></ol> </>)
: this.description);
pb.innerHTML = "You must be logged into <a href=''>Google Voice</a> and have configured this command with 'google voice setkey' and 'google voice setphone'.";
execute: function({object: {text}}) {
var tocall = cleanNumber(text);
var prefix = "";
if (tocall.length == 10)
prefix = "+1";
if (noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.hasKey()) {
var gvkey = noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.getKey();
//need to do error checking on number"", { _rnr_se: gvkey, number: prefix+tocall, phone: '+1'+noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.getPhone()} );
displayMessage(_("Calling: "+formatNumber(tocall)+" With: "+formatNumber(noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.getPhone())));
} else {
displayMessage(_("No number to call or not configured."));
names: ["google voice setphone"],
arguments: [{role: "object",
nountype: noun_arb_text,
label: "Your phone number ###-###-####."}],
description: "Google Voice will call you at this number.",
author: {name: "earth2marsh", email: ""},
license: "MIT",
preview: function(pb, {object: {text}}) {
pb.innerHTML = (text
? (<>Your phone number: {formatNumber(cleanNumber(text))}</>)
: this.description);
execute: function({object: {text}}) {
if (text) {
displayMessage( "Google Voice will call you at " + formatNumber(cleanNumber(text)) );
displayMessage("No phone number entered.");
names: ["google voice setkey"],
arguments: [{role: "object",
nountype: noun_arb_text,
label: "Finds and stores your Google Voice key."}],
description: "You must already be logged in to Google Voice!",
author: {name: "earth2marsh", email: ""},
license: "MIT",
preview: function(pb, {object: {text}}) {
pb.innerHTML = "Looking up your key...";
"", // URL
null, // post data
function(doc) { // success callback
var gvkey = jQuery("input[name='_rnr_se']", doc).attr("value");
if (gvkey) {
pb.innerHTML = "Your key is: " + gvkey + "<br />Press enter to save it.";
pb.innerHTML = "Error: Check that you are logged in to <a href=''>Google Voice</a>.";
execute: function({object: {text}}) {
"", // URL
null, // post data
function(doc) { // success callback
var gvkey = jQuery("input[name='_rnr_se']", doc).attr("value");
if (gvkey) {
displayMessage("Google Voice Key stored!");
displayMessage("Error: Check that you are logged in to Google Voice.");
names: ["google voice configcheck"],
arguments: [{role: "object",
nountype: noun_arb_text,
label: "Displays configuration information."}],
description: "Displays Google Voice command configuration information.",
author: {name: "earth2marsh", email: ""},
license: "MIT",
preview: function(pb, {object: {text}}) {
var message = "";
if (noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.hasPhone()) {
var yourphone = noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.getPhone();
message = "<b>Calls you at:</b> "+formatNumber(yourphone)+"<br /><i>use 'google voice setphone' to change</i><br /><br />";
message = "<b>Error:</b> you have not set a number for receiving calls. Use 'google voice setphone'.<br /><br />";
if (noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.hasKey()) {
var yourkey = noun_type_googlevoiceconfig.getKey();
message = message + "<b>Your key is:</b> "+yourkey+"<br /><i>to reset, log in to <a href=''>Google Voice</a> and use the 'google voice setkey' command</i><br />";
message = message + "<b>Error:</b> no Google Voice key set. <i>Log in to <a href=''>Google Voice</a> and then use the 'google voice setkey' command.</i><br />";
pb.innerHTML = message + "<br />Need help? Check that you're logged into Google Voice, then follow the <i><a href=''>troubleshooting steps</a>.</i>";
execute: function({object: {text}}) {
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