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Created August 21, 2022 08:34
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  • Save earthchie/9a7492e1343ee8ba116edda90c3f72e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const ethers = require('ethers');
async function app() {
const privateKey = '...'; // bridge wallet, has permission to mint and burn
const abi = [
'event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)',
'function mint(address receiver, uint256 amount)',
'function burn(address account, uint256 amount)'
const providerA = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(''); // BSC TESTNET
const providerB = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(''); // MUMBAI
const walletA = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, providerA);
const walletB = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, providerB);
const contractA = new ethers.Contract('0x..contract_address_chain_A...', abi, walletA);
const contractB = new ethers.Contract('0x..contract_address_chain_B...', abi, walletB);
console.log('Standing by...');
contractA.on('Transfer', async function(from, to, value){
if(to === walletA.address){
console.log('[A->B] incoming from ', from, 'amount', ethers.utils.formatUnits(value));
await contractA.burn(to, value);
console.log('burn on chain A success!');
await, value);
console.log('mint on chain B success!');
contractB.on('Transfer', async function(from, to, value){
if(to === walletA.address){
console.log('[B->A] incoming from ', from, 'amount', ethers.utils.formatUnits(value));
await contractB.burn(to, value);
console.log('burn on chain B success!');
await, value);
console.log('mint on chain A success!');
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