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Last active January 23, 2023 21:35
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  • Save earthflower/8c42ff1f66ec702dce03e4c96b59d2f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import React, { useState, createContext } from 'react';
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs';
import { map, filter, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
const ResultContext = createContext();
const WebViewContext = createContext();
function MyComponent() {
const [result, setResult] = useState(null);
const handleMessage = async (event) => {
// create observables for different events
const add$ = fromEvent(event, 'message').pipe(
filter(e => === 'add'),
map(e =>,
const subtract$ = fromEvent(event, 'message').pipe(
filter(e => === 'subtract'),
map(e =>,
// subscribe to the observables and wait for the next message
try {
const addValue = await add$.toPromise();
const subtractValue = await subtract$.toPromise();
setResult(addValue - subtractValue);
} catch (e) {
return (
<ResultContext.Provider value={result}>
<WebViewContext.Provider value={webviewRef}>
<WebView onMessage={handleMessage} source={{ uri: '' }} />
<button onPress={() => webviewRef.current.postMessage({ type: 'add', value: 10 })}>
Add 10
const webviewRef = React.createRef();
export { MyComponent, ResultContext, WebViewContext };
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In this example, I added a button that when pressed will call a method postMessage on the webView ref, by passing an object with type and value, which will trigger the add method in the webView

Please note that this code is just a sample and has not been tested. It's a good starting point but you may need to make adjustments to match your use case.
It also assumes that the message received from webView has structure of {type: 'add'|'subtract', value: number}
It also assumes that the webView has implemented an add method that can handle the message sent from the app.

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