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Last active October 23, 2020 06:09
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  • Save earvinpiamonte/d40068e11f589489ec11029e3d896c9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My .bash_aliases for Linux
alias html='cd /var/www/html && clear'
alias downloads='cd ~/Downloads && clear'
alias c='clear'
alias ..="cd .."
alias ...="cd ../.."
alias speed='speedtest'
alias chrome="google-chrome $1"
alias yeet='shutdown now'
alias freem='free -m'
alias hosts='code /etc/hosts'
alias sas='service apache2 status'
alias sar='service apache2 restart'
alias android="Android/android-studio/bin/./"
alias gradelewBunleRelease="./gradlew bundleRelease"
alias gradelewAssembleRelease="./gradlew assembleRelease"
alias art="artisan"
alias homesteadmake="php vendor/bin/homestead make"
alias copy-to-clip="xclip -selection clipboard"
alias clean-screenshots="cd ~/Pictures/screenshots && rm Screenshot* && echo Done! && cd -"
function artisan() {
php artisan "$@"
# Display first line of a file
function readTop(){
echo $(head -n 1 "$1")
# Display current public IP address using
function ipify(){
ip=$(curl -s
echo $ip
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