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Last active November 17, 2017 21:02
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Deploy Script for My Node.JS app for zero-downtime (single server - no revert - only latest commit)
## SEE:
# 0. Folder Structure
# -> /var/www/project_root
# -> source
# -> current -> symlink to latest release
# -> versions
# -> sha-of-commit
# -> logs
# -> config
# -> pm2c.json
# __Initial Requirement__ (do it manually everytime)
# 0. pm2, node must be installed.
# 1. git clone the project and change its name to source.
# 2. add .env file or other config.
# 3. do npm install first time only for caching.
## CASE-1: User want to deploy new commit (using deploy command)
# 1. cd into source dir and get the commit sha of version you want.
# 2. if (dir doesn't exist with same commit)
# -> create a new dir in project_root/versions, do npm prune & npm install & npm run build.
# -> delete last symlink and create new symlink to this version.
# 3. Manually do pm2 reload/restart/start appname.
## CASE-2: User want to revert (or want to redeploy to specific commit) NOT POSSIBLE CURRENTLY.
# 1. get the commit from source dir according to revert number or default 1.
# 2. perform steps from CASE-1.
## CASE-3: User changed the .env file in source dir.
# 1. first delete the whole versions folder and do deploy.
# 1. deploy: Simply deploy using the latest commit from source folder.
set -e;
# latest_commit=$(git rev-parse --verify --short HEAD);
# nth_commit=$(git rev-parse --verify --short @{$2});
log() {
# ref:
# set color green and bold text.
tput bold; tput setaf 2; echo " ○ $@"; tput sgr0;
abort() {
echo " $@" 1>&2
exit 1
deploy() {
# deploy to the latest version.
local ref=$1; # args of this function.
local path=$ROOT_PATH;
log "deploying";
log "stashing all local changes if any";
cd $path/source && git stash -u;
test $? -eq 0 || abort stashed failed;
# Fetch source.
log "pulling updates";
cd $path/source && git pull --all;
test $? -eq 0 || abort pull failed;
# Get latest commit sha
log "getting latest sha commit";
local latest_sha=$(git rev-parse --short --verify HEAD);
# if directory doesn't exist
if ! [ -d "$path/versions/$latest_sha" ]; then
log "creating new sha dir on $path/versions"
mkdir -p $path/versions/$latest_sha;
test $? -eq 0 || abort directory created unsuccessful
# using rsync instead of cp for fast copy. Don't forget trailing slash.
rsync -aHW --stats $path/source/ $path/versions/$latest_sha;
test $? -eq 0 || abort copy unsuccessful
log "doing npm install and npm run build. Make sure .env file is there in source.";
cd $path/versions/$latest_sha && npm install --unsafe-perm && npm run build || (rm -rf $path/versions/$latest_sha && abort npm install and build failed)
# remove previous symlink to current and create the new one.
ln -sfn $path/versions/$latest_sha $path/current
test $? -eq 0 || abort symlink failed
# finally deploy.
#### END ####
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