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Last active September 21, 2022 08:30
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Simple PHP Webhook for Dialogflow v2 - Actions on Google
class Webhook {
public $decodedWebhook = null;
public $googleUserId = false;
// Other
public $hasResponded = false;
private $platforms = array('PLATFORM_UNSPECIFIED');
// Response To Dialogflow
public $expectUserResponse = true; // Default, expect a user's response
private $items = array();
private $suggestions = array();
public $conversationToken = "{\"state\":null,\"data\":{}}";
public $speech = 'Sorry, that action is not available on this platform.';
public $displayText = 'Sorry, that action is not available on this platform.';
// Constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function __construct($projectId) {
// Get the type of request this is
$requestType = $this->getTypeOfRequest($projectId);
if ($requestType == 'webhook') {
return; // Otherwise, return nothing
// Other Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determines the type of request this is @return STRING: webhook | other
private function getTypeOfRequest($projectId) {
// If this is a POST request, likely it's Google, but let's check to confirm
try {
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$action = json_decode($json, true);
if ($action == '' or $action == null) {
return 'other';
// Confirm that this request matches the projectID
$this->decodedWebhook = $action; // Make the webhook JSON available to the class
return 'webhook';
catch (Exception $e) {
return 'other';
return 'other'; // Else, just return something else
// Processes the webhook from google for the user to access @return void
private function processWebHook() {
// If there is a user ID, add it to the global scope for access
if ( isset($this->decodedWebhook['originalRequest']['data']['user']['userId']) ) {
$this->googleUserId = $this->decodedWebhook['originalRequest']['data']['user']['userId'];
// Respond to DialogFlow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Builds an item for the carousel
public function build_carouselItem($title, $description, $imageUrl, $imageAlt, $dialogKey = '', $dialogSynonyms = '' ) {
return array(
'info' => array(
'key' => $dialogKey,
'synonyms' => $dialogSynonyms,
'title' => $title,
'description' => $description,
'image' => array(
'imageUri' => $imageUrl,
'accessibilityText' => $imageAlt,
public function build_carousel($simpleResponseText, $items) {
// There must be a simple response before a carousel, so create one now
$this->build_simpleResponse($simpleResponseText, $simpleResponseText);
$carousel = array(
'carouselSelect' => array(
'items' => $items
$this->items[] = $carousel;
// Builds a BasicCard Object
public function build_basicCard(
$imageDisplayOptions = 'DEFAULT'
) {
// There must be a simple response before a card, so create one now
$this->build_simpleResponse($simpleResponseText, $simpleResponseText);
// Construct the basic card JSON
$basicCard = array(
'basicCard' => array(
'title' => $title,
'subtitle' => $subtitle,
'formattedText' => $formattedText,
'image' => $imageObject,
'buttons' => array($buttonObject),
'imageDisplayOptions' => $imageDisplayOptions,
$this->items[] = $basicCard;
// Builds the image attribute for a structure like the basic card
public function build_image($url, $accessibilityText, $height = null, $width = null) {
$image = array(
'url' => $url,
'accessibilityText' => $accessibilityText,
'height' => $height,
'width' => $width,
return $image;
// needs 1 simpleResponse before and suggestions or marked as final response
public function build_media($url, $name, $description = "null", $imageUrl) {
$objects = array();
$mediaObject = array(
'name' => $name,
'description' => $description,
"largeImage"=> array(
'url'=> $imageUrl
) ,
'contentUrl' => $url);
$objects[] = $mediaObject;
$file = array(
'mediaResponse' => array(
'mediaType' => "AUDIO",
'mediaObjects' => $objects
$this->items[] = $file;
// Builds the button attribute for a structure
public function build_button($title, $url) {
return array(
'title' => $title,
'openUrlAction' => array(
'url' => $url,
// Builds a simple response item
public function build_simpleResponse($textToSpeech, $displayText) {
$response = array(
'simpleResponse' => array(
'textToSpeech' => $textToSpeech,
'displayText' => $displayText
$this->items[] = $response;
// Build a suggestion item
public function build_suggestions($displayText) {
$this->suggestions[] = array('title' => $displayText);
// Builds a SSML response item
public function build_ssmlResponse($ssml, $displayText) {
$response = array(
'simpleResponse' => array(
'ssml' => $ssml,
'displayText' => $displayText
$this->items[] = $response;
// Builds an audio response item (just a SSML with audio)
public function build_audioResponse($url, $displayText) {
// Loop through the URLs if they are an array and build the ssml as necessary
$ssml = ' <speak> ';
if ( is_array($url) ) {
foreach($url as $u) {
$ssml .= "<audio src = '" . $u . "' /> ";
else {
$ssml .= "<audio src = '" . $url . "' /> ";
$ssml .= '</speak>';
$response = array(
'simpleResponse' => array(
'ssml' => $ssml,
'displayText' => $displayText
$this->items[] = $response;
// Responds immediately with an array of the user's choosing, printed as JSON
public function respond_fullJson($jsonString) {
// Prevent duplicate responses
if ($this->hasResponded) return;
$this->hasResponded = true;
echo $json;
// Responds immediately with a simple text/string message
public function respond_simpleMessage($textToSpeak, $stringToDisplay = '') {
// Prevent duplicate responses
if ($this->hasResponded) return;
$this->hasResponded = true;
// If this hasn't been defined, set it to the same text as the speech (accessibility)
if ($stringToDisplay == '') {
$stringToDisplay = $textToSpeak;
echo json_encode(array(
"speech" => $textToSpeak,
"displayText" => $stringToDisplay,
// Sends the response to Dialogflow
public function respond() {
// Prevent duplicate responses
if ($this->hasResponded) return;
$this->hasResponded = true;
// Set google as default for now
$integrations = array(
'google' => array(
'richResponse' => array(
'items' => $this->items,
"suggestions" => $this->suggestions
'expectUserResponse' => $this->expectUserResponse
$fulfillmentMessages = array();
$response = array(
'fulfillmentText' => $this->speech,
'payload' => $integrations
echo json_encode($response);
// Redefine fallback / default text for speech (in case a user doesn't have a google device)
public function setFallbackText($text) {
$this->speech = $text;
// DialogFlow Data Retrieval --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the full decoded webhook array for the user
public function getDecodedWebhook() {
return $this->decodedWebhook;
// Returns the raw input for the user (if it's from dialogflow: it's a json string)
public function getRawInput() {
return file_get_contents('php://input');
// Gets the intent passed with the webhook
public function get_intent() {
return $this->decodedWebhook['queryResult']['action'];
// Returns the language
public function get_language() {
return $this->decodedWebhook['queryResult']['languageCode'];
// Returns the timestamp
public function get_timestamp() {
return $this->decodedWebhook['timestamp'];
// Returns the user's query
public function get_query() {
return $this->decodedWebhook['queryResult']['queryText'];
// Returns a full array of the parameters passed with the webhook
public function get_parameters() {
return $this->decodedWebhook['queryResult']['parameters'];
// Returns a specific parameter, or false if no parameter exists
public function get_parameter($parameter) {
if (isset($this->decodedWebhook['queryResult']['parameters'][$parameter])) {
return $this->decodedWebhook['queryResult']['parameters'][$parameter];
return false;
// Ends the conversation by not expecting a response from the user
public function endConversation() {
$this->expectUserResponse = false;
public function addPlatform($platformEnum) {
#$this-platform[] = $platforms;
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