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Forked from crtr0/
Created July 18, 2012 18:52
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Application = Thorax.Application.create()
# convenience for debugging
window.Application = Application
# main view controller
parent: Application
'': 'index'
'edit/:id': 'edit'
'create' : 'create'
index: ->
eventsView = EventsView.create
eventsCollection: Events.instance()
@setView eventsView
edit: (id) ->
events = Events.instance()
event = events.find (event) ->
event.get('id') is id
@setView EditView.create model: event
create: ->
@setView CreateView.create()
MyEvent = Application.model 'event'
defaults: {
name: ""
Events = Application.collection 'events'
model: MyEvent
url: '/events'
EventsView = Application.view 'events'
edit: (event) ->
model = $(
Backbone.history.navigate 'edit/' + model.get('id'), trigger: true
create: ->
model = new MyEvent()
Backbone.history.navigate 'create', trigger: true
template: """
<h1>Event List</h1>
{{#collection eventsCollection tag="ul"}}
<li>{{#button "edit" class="btn"}}Edit{{/button}} {{name}}</li>
{{#button "create" class="btn"}}New{{/button}}
EditView = Application.view 'edit'
events: ->
'submit form': (event) ->
@serialize event, (attributes, release) =>
template: """
<h1>Editing {{name}}</h1>
{{input name="name"}}
<input type="submit">
{{#link ""}}Go Back{{/link}}
CreateView = Application.view 'create'
events: ->
'submit form': (event) ->
@serialize event, (attributes, release) =>
Events.instance().create attributes, success: ->
Backbone.history.navigate '', trigger: true
template: """
<h1>New Event</h1>
{{input name="name"}}
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
{{#link ""}}Go Back{{/link}}
# spin until data loaded
$ ->
Application.setView Application.View.create
template: "Loading"
Events.instance().fetch success: ->
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