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Created August 14, 2012 19:18
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Thorax form validations
based on
var validationAttributeNamePrefix = 'data-validate-',
errorMessageAttributeName = 'data-error-message',
numericRegex = /^[0-9]+$/,
integerRegex = /^\-?[0-9]+$/,
decimalRegex = /^\-?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/,
emailRegex = /^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,6}$/i,
alphaRegex = /^[a-z]+$/i,
alphaNumericRegex = /^[a-z0-9]+$/i,
alphaNumericDashRegex = /^[a-z0-9_-]+$/i;
Thorax.Validations = {
regex: function(pattern, value) {
var regex = new RegExp(pattern);
return Boolean(regex.exec(value));
method: function(methodName, value) {
return this[methodName].call(this, value);
required: function(shouldValidate, value) {
return Boolean(shouldValidate) ? trim(value) !== '' : true;
email: function(shouldValidate, value) {
return Boolean(shouldValidate) ? Boolean(value.match(emailRegex)) : true;
matches: function(matchingFieldName, value) {
var matchingValue = this.$('input[name="' + matchingFieldName + '"]').val();
return matchingValue === value;
length: function(length, value) {
return value.length === length;
'min-length': function(minLength, value) {
return value.length >= minLength;
'max-length': function(maxLength, value) {
return value.length <= maxLength;
min: function(minValue, value) {
return parseInt(value, 10) >= minValue;
max: function(maxValue, value) {
return parseInt(value, 10) <= maxValue;
alpha: function(shouldValidate, value) {
return Boolean(shouldValidate) ? Boolean(value.match(alphaRegex)) : true;
'alpha-numeric': function(shouldValidate, value) {
return Boolean(shouldValidate) ? Boolean(value.match(alphaNumericRegex)) : true;
'alpha-numeric-dash': function(shouldValidate, value) {
return Boolean(shouldValidate) ? Boolean(value.match(alphaNumericDashRegex)) : true;
numeric: function(shouldValidate, value) {
return Boolean(shouldValidate) ? Boolean(value.match(numericRegex)) : true;
integer: function(shouldValidate, value) {
return Boolean(shouldValidate) ? Boolean(value.match(integerRegex)) : true;
var Validations = Thorax.Validations;
Validations.regex.message = 'Did not match the required pattern';
Validations.method.message = 'Did not match the required pattern';
Validations.required.message = 'Required';
Validations.matches.message = 'Must match {{validation}}'; = 'Must contain a valid email address';
Validations['min-length'].message = 'Must be at least {{validation}} characters in length';
Validations['max-length'].message = 'Must not exceed {{validation}} characters in length';
Validations.length = 'Must be exactly {{validation}} characters in length';
Validations.min.message = 'Must contain a number greater than {{validation}}';
Validations.max.message = 'Must contain a number less than {{validation}}';
Validations.alpha.message = 'Must only contain alphabetical characters';
Validations['alpha-numeric'].message = 'Must only contain alpha-numeric characters';
Validations['alpha-numeric-dash'].message = 'Must only contain alpha-numeric characters, underscores, and dashes';
Validations.numeric.message = 'Must contain only numbers';
Validations.integer.message = 'Must contain an integer'
var _getInputValue = Thorax.View.prototype._getInputValue;
_.extend(Thorax.View.prototype, {
_getInputValue: function(input, options, errors) {
var $input = $(input);
if (options && options.validate) {
_.each(Validations, function(validation, attributeName) {
var validationValue = $input.attr(validationAttributeNamePrefix + attributeName);
if (validationValue) {
var valid = Validations[attributeName].call(this, validationValue, input.value),
if (typeof valid === 'string') {
message = valid;
valid = false;
if (!valid) {
message = message || $input.attr(errorMessageAttributeName) || Validations[attributeName].message;
label =, $input);
id = $input.attr('id');
element: $input,
name: $input.attr('name'),
label: label,
id: id,
message: Thorax.View.expandToken(message, {
label: label,
id: id,
validation: validationValue,
value: input.value
}, this);
return, input, options, errors);
var trimRegex = /^s+|s+$/g;
function trim(str) {
return str.replace(trimRegex, '');
function labelNameFromInput($input) {
var id = $input.attr('id');
if (id) {
var label = this.$('label[for="' + id + '"]');
if (label) {
return label.text();
return $input.attr('name');
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