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Created August 14, 2012 19:48
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Save eastridge/3352206 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Thorax admin app frontend
# - fix module loading problem when creating new modules (can't visit route on freshly created module)
# - persist location between editor and application window
# - needs to work on reload
# - needs to work on editor close
prefix = '/admin'
savedEditor = localStorage?.getItem 'thorax-admin-editor'
window.Application = Application = new Thorax.Application editor: savedEditor or 'browser'
socket = io.connect window.location.protocol + '//' +
socket.on 'reload', (data) ->
Application.trigger 'reload'
ThoraxConfig = Application.Model.extend
typeFromPath: (path) ->
type = ''
_.each @attributes.paths, (value, key) ->
if path.substr(0, value.length) is value
type = key
return type
thoraxConfig = new ThoraxConfig
modifyLumbarJSON: true
"Browser": "browser"
"Sublime Text": "subl"
"TextMate": "mate"
lib: "js/lib"
views: "js/views"
collections: "js/collections"
models: "js/models"
routers: "js/routers"
styles: "styles"
templates: "templates"
Application.View.registerHelper 'relative-path', (moduleName, type, path) ->
relativePath = path.substring thoraxConfig.attributes.paths[type].length + 1
if relativePath.substr(0, moduleName.length + 1) is moduleName + '/'
relativePath.substring moduleName.length + 1
LumbarConfig = Application.Model.extend
urlRoot: prefix + '/lumbar.json'
protectedModuleNames: ['base']
parse: (attributes) ->
#race condition on templates, templatesCollectionFromViewPath needs them before parse is done
@_templates = attributes.templates
modules: new Application.Collection _.collect attributes.modules, (module, name) =>
new Module name: name, raw: module
raw: attributes
templatesCollectionFromViewPath: (path) ->
new Application.Collection _.collect @_templates[path] || [], (templatePath) ->
path: templatePath
getModuleByName: (moduleName) ->
@attributes.modules.find (module) -> is moduleName
setRoutesForModule: (moduleName, routes) ->
foundModule = @getModuleByName moduleName
routesCollection = foundModule.attributes.routes
routesCollection.reset foundModule.routesModelsFromRawRoutes routes
@attributes.raw.modules[moduleName].routes = routes
addViewToModule: (moduleName, viewName) ->
foundModule = @getModuleByName moduleName
model = new Application.Model
moduleName: moduleName
templates: lumbarConfig.templatesCollectionFromViewPath viewName
src: viewName
foundModule.attributes.views.add model
@attributes.raw.modules[moduleName].scripts.push src: viewName
addModelToModule: (moduleName, modelName) ->
foundModule = @getModuleByName moduleName
foundModule.attributes.models.add new Application.Model raw: src: modelName
@attributes.raw.modules[moduleName].scripts.push src: modelName
addCollectionToModule: (moduleName, collectionName) ->
foundModule = @getModuleByName moduleName
foundModule.attributes.collections.add new Application.Model raw: src: collectionName
@attributes.raw.modules[moduleName].scripts.push src: collectionName
addLibraryToModule: (moduleName, libraryName) ->
foundModule = @getModuleByName moduleName
foundModule.attributes.lib.add new Application.Model raw: src: libraryName
@attributes.raw.modules[moduleName].scripts.push src: libraryName
addTemplate: (view, templates) ->
@attributes.raw.templates[view] = @attributes.raw.templates[view] || {}
@attributes.raw.templates[view] = templates
save: -> doesn't serialize empty keys properly, so send as a string
type: 'POST'
url: this.urlRoot
data: payload: JSON.stringify @attributes.raw
dataType: 'text'
lumbarConfig = new LumbarConfig
Module = Application.Model.extend
initialize: (attributes) ->
if @attributes.raw.routes
@attributes.routes = new Application.Collection @routesModelsFromRawRoutes @attributes.raw.routes
@attributes.routes = new Application.Collection
@attributes.views = new Application.Collection
@attributes.collections = new Application.Collection
@attributes.models = new Application.Collection
@attributes.lib = new Application.Collection
@attributes.styles = new Application.Collection
@attributes.routers = new Application.Collection
if @attributes.raw.styles
@attributes.styles = new Application.Collection _.collect @attributes.raw.styles, (style) ->
if typeof style is 'string' then {raw: {src: style}} else {raw: style}
@attributes.styles = new Application.Collection
@attributes?.raw?.scripts?.forEach (script) =>
item = if typeof script is 'string' then {src: script} else script
if item.src
type = thoraxConfig.typeFromPath item.src
if type
model = new Application.Model raw: item
if type is 'views'
model.attributes.moduleName =
model.attributes.templates = lumbarConfig.templatesCollectionFromViewPath model.attributes.raw.src
@attributes[type].add model
routesModelsFromRawRoutes: (rawRoutes) ->
_.collect rawRoutes, (method, route) ->
new Application.Model
method: method
route: route
generator = new Application.View
writeFile: (path, content) ->
$.post prefix + '/file?path=' + path, content: content
createFile: (options) ->
filename = thoraxConfig.attributes.paths[options.type + 's'] + '/' + + '.js'
output = @templates[options.type](options)
@writeFile filename, output
if options.type is 'view'
if options['create-template']
templateFileName = thoraxConfig.attributes.paths.templates + '/' + + '.handlebars'
@writeFile templateFileName,
lumbarConfig.addTemplate filename, [templateFileName]
lumbarConfig.addViewToModule options.module, filename
else if options.type is 'model'
lumbarConfig.addModelToModule options.module, filename
else if options.type is 'collection'
lumbarConfig.addCollectionToModule options.module, filename
else if options.type is 'lib'
lumbarConfig.addLibaryToModule options.module, filename
createModule: (moduleName, routes, viewsToCreate) ->
module = new Module(name: moduleName, raw: {})
lumbarConfig.attributes.modules.add module
routerOutput = @templates.router name: moduleName, methods: @generateRouterMethods moduleName, routes, viewsToCreate
routerPath = thoraxConfig.attributes.paths.routers + '/' + moduleName + '.js'
@writeFile routerPath, routerOutput
styleSheetPath = thoraxConfig.attributes.paths.styles + '/' + moduleName + '.styl'
@writeFile styleSheetPath, ''
module.attributes.styles.add new Application.Model(raw: {src: styleSheetPath})
lumbarConfig.attributes.raw.modules[moduleName] = {
scripts: [
{src: routerPath}
styles: [
{src: styleSheetPath}
lumbarConfig.setRoutesForModule moduleName, routes
viewsToCreate.forEach (viewToCreate) =>
type: 'view'
module: moduleName
name: moduleName + '/' + viewToCreate
'create-template': 'on'
generateRouterMethods: (moduleName, routes, viewsToCreate) ->
methods = routes, (method, path) ->
signature = path.match(/\:[\w]+/g)?.map((item) -> item.replace(/\:/, '')).join(', ').replace(/\-/g, '_')
method = if method.match(/\-/) then '"' + method + '"' else method
output = " #{method}: function(#{signature || ''}) {\n"
if viewsToCreate.indexOf method isnt -1
output += " var view = new (Application.view('#{moduleName}/#{method}'));\n"
output += " Application.setView(view);\n"
output += " }"
collection: Handlebars.compile """
Application.collection('{{name}}', {
model: Handlebars.compile """
Application.model('{{name}}', {
router: Handlebars.compile """
view: Handlebars.compile """
Application.view('{{name}}', {
events: {
lib: Handlebars.compile ""
Application.view 'text-editor'
tabSize: 2
fontSize: 14
js: "javascript"
ccs: "css"
coffee: "coffee"
json: "json"
handlebars: "html"
initialize: ->
edit: ->
@editor = ace.edit @$('pre')[0]
@editor.setTheme 'ace/theme/twilight'
@editor.setFontSize @config.fontSize
@editor.setPrintMarginColumn 9999
@$('pre').css 'font-size': @config.fontSize + 'px'
session = @editor.getSession()
session.setTabSize @config.tabSize
session.setUseSoftTabs true
session.setMode "ace/mode/" + (@modesIndexedByFileExtension[@file.split(/\./).pop()] or 'text')
session.setValue @text
save: (callback) ->
saveFile @file, @editor.getSession().getValue(), callback
template: """
MainView = Application.view 'main'
'change select.editor': (event) ->
Application.editor = $(
localStorage?.setItem 'thorax-admin-editor', Application.editor
rendered: ->
@$('select.editor').val Application.editor
initialize: ->
@editors = _.collect thoraxConfig.attributes.editors, (value, key) ->
value: value
key: key
@frame = new Application.Layout attributes: class: 'display-frame'
Application.bind 'reload', =>
if @applicationWindow and @frame.getView() is @applicationWindow
openApplication: ->
@applicationWindow = new (Application.view 'application-window')
@frame.setView @applicationWindow
openEditor: (file) ->
@$('.view-editor .navbar-text').html file
$.get "#{prefix}/file?path=#{file}", (content) =>
@editorView = new Application.view('text-editor')(file: file, text: content)
@frame.setView @editorView
closeEditor: (event) ->
saveEditor: (event) ->
event.preventDefault() =>
createModule: (event) ->
new CreateModuleModal model: new Module(raw: {})
toggleInspector: (event) ->
_.defer =>
target = $(
toggled = target.hasClass 'active'
target.html if toggled then 'Inspector is On' else 'Inspector is Off'
@applicationWindow.setInspectorMode toggled
template: """
<div class="navbar-placeholder"></div>
<div class="navbar navbar-fixed-top">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="container">
<div class="view-application">
<div class="nav pull-right">
<form class="form-inline">
<button class="btn btn-small" data-toggle="button" data-call-method="toggleInspector">Inspector is Off</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-small" data-call-method="createModule">Create Module</button>
<label class="navbar-text">Open files with:</label>
<select class="editor">
{{#each editors}}
<option value="{{value}}">{{key}}</option>
<span class="brand">{{}}</span>
{{collection modules item-view="module-menu" tag="ul" class="nav"}}
<div class="view-editor">
<div class="nav pull-right">
<button class="btn btn-danger" data-call-method="closeEditor">Close</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary" data-call-method="saveEditor">Save</button>
<span class="brand">Editing</span>
<label class="navbar-text"></label>
{{view frame}}
mainView = new MainView
editOrCreate = (event) ->
target = $(
moduleName = target.parents('[data-module-name]').attr 'data-module-name'
createType = target.attr 'data-create-type'
editModuleRoutes = target.attr 'data-edit-module-routes'
if createType
new CreateFileModal module: moduleName, type: createType
else if editModuleRoutes
new EditRoutesModal model: lumbarConfig.attributes.modules.find (module) -> is moduleName
openFile target.attr('href')
openFile = (path) ->
if Application.editor is 'browser'
mainView.openEditor path
$.get "#{prefix}/open?editor=#{Application.editor}&path=#{path}"
saveFile = (path, content, callback) ->
$.post "#{prefix}/file?path=#{path}", content: content, callback
Application.view 'module-menu'
tagName: 'li'
attributes: ->
class: 'dropdown'
'click ul.dropdown-menu li a': editOrCreate
context: (model) ->
if isnt 'base'
routerUrl = thoraxConfig.attributes.paths.routers + '/' + + '.js'
_.extend {}, model.attributes,
routerUrl: routerUrl
template: """
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">{{name}} <b class="caret"></b></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
{{#if routerUrl}}
<li class="nav-header">Routes</li>
<li><a href="#" data-edit-module-routes="{{name}}">Edit Routes</a></li>
<li><a href="{{routerUrl}}">Router - {{relative-path name "routers" routerUrl}}</a></li>
{{^empty views}}
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="nav-header">Views</li>
{{collection views item-view="file-menu-item"}}
{{^empty models}}
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="nav-header">Models</li>
{{#collection models tag="li"}}
<a href="{{raw.src}}">{{relative-path name "models" raw.src}}</a>
{{^empty collections}}
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="nav-header">Collections</li>
{{#collection collections tag="li"}}
<a href="{{raw.src}}">{{relative-path name "collections" raw.src}}</a>
{{^empty lib}}
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="nav-header">Libraries</li>
{{#collection lib tag="li"}}
<a href="{{raw.src}}">{{relative-path name "lib" raw.src}}</a>
{{^empty styles}}
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="nav-header">Styles</li>
{{#collection styles tag="li"}}
<a href="{{raw.src}}">{{relative-path name "lib" raw.src}}</a>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="nav-header">Create</li>
<li><a href="#" data-create-type="view">View</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-create-type="model">Model</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-create-type="collection">Collection</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-create-type="lib">Library</a></li>
Application.view 'file-menu-item'
tagName: 'li'
'click li a': editOrCreate
template: """
<a href="{{raw.src}}">{{relative-path moduleName "views" raw.src}}</a>
{{^empty templates}}
{{#collection templates tag="ul"}}
<li><a href="{{path}}">{{relative-path ../moduleName "templates" path}}</a></li>
inspectorIsVisible = false
Application.view 'application-window'
tagName: 'iframe'
src: '/'
template: ""
getWindow: ->
reload: ->
navigate: (url, options) ->
@getWindow().Backbone.history.navigate url, options
#hack, need to get live() to work on iframe window
currentMode = @inspectorActive
setTimeout =>
@setInspectorMode !currentMode
@setInspectorMode currentMode
, 1500
initialize: ->
@boundViewClick = _.bind @viewClick, @
viewClick: (event) ->
console.log 'inspectorIsVisible',inspectorIsVisible
if !inspectorIsVisible
new InspectorModal target: $(
setInspectorMode: (active) ->
@inspectorActive = active
el = @getWindow().$('[data-view-cid]')
el[if active then 'on' else 'off'] 'click', @boundViewClick
InspectorModal = Application.view 'inspector-popover'
destroyed: ->
inspectorIsVisible = false
hide: ->
inspectorIsVisible = false
@$el.modal 'hide'
show: ->
inspectorIsVisible = true
@$el.modal backdrop: false
@$el.modal 'show'
initialize: ->
$('body').append @$el
@closestView = @target.closest('[data-view-name]').attr('data-view-name')
@closestModel = @target.closest('[data-model-name]').attr('data-model-name')
@closestCollection = @target.closest('[data-collection-name]').attr('data-collection-name')
if @closestView
templates = lumbarConfig.attributes.raw.templates[thoraxConfig.attributes.paths.views + '/' + @closestView + '.js']
templatePath = thoraxConfig.attributes.paths.templates + '/' + @closestView + '.handlebars'
if templates.indexOf templatePath isnt -1
@closestTemplate = @closestView
@$el.on 'hidden', => @destroy()
editTemplate: ->
filePath = thoraxConfig.attributes.paths.templates + '/' + @closestTemplate + '.handlebars'
openFile filePath
editView: ->
filePath = thoraxConfig.attributes.paths.views + '/' + @closestView + '.js'
openFile filePath
editModel: ->
openFile thoraxConfig.attributes.paths.models + '/' + @closestModel + '.js'
editCollection: ->
openFile thoraxConfig.attributes.paths.models + '/' + @closestCollection + '.js'
template: """
<div class="modal">
<div class="modal-header">
<div class="modal-body">
{{#if closestView}}
<p><strong>View:</strong> {{closestView}} <button class="btn" data-call-method="editView">Edit</button></p>
{{#if closestTemplate}}
<p><strong>Template:</strong> {{closestTemplate}} <button class="btn" data-call-method="editTemplate">Edit</button></p>
{{#if closestModel}}
<p><strong>Model:</strong> {{closestModel}} <button class="btn" data-call-method="editModel">Edit</button></p>
{{#if closestCollection}}
<p><strong>Collection:</strong> {{closestCollection}} <button class="btn" data-call-method="editCollection">Edit</button></p>
<div class="modal-footer">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal" value="Close">
EditRoutesModal = Application.view 'edit-routes-modal'
'submit form': (event) ->
@serialize event, (attributes, release) =>
if attributes.route
routes = {}
_.each attributes.route, (route) ->
routes[route.path] = route.method
lumbarConfig.setRoutesForModule, routes
hide: ->
@$el.modal 'hide'
show: ->
@$el.modal 'show'
initialize: ->
$('body').append @$el
@$el.on 'hidden', => @destroy()
createRoute: (event) ->
@model.attributes.routes.add new Application.Model route: '', method: ''
@$('tbody > tr:last-child td:first-child input')[0].focus()
removeRoute: (event) ->
model = $(
collection = $(
collection.remove model
visitRoute: (event) ->
route = $(
mainView.applicationWindow?.navigate route, trigger: true
template: """
<div class="modal">
<form class="form-vertical">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3>Edit "{{name}}" Routes</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
{{#collection routes tag="tbody"}}
<td><input type="text" id="route-{{cid}}" name="route[{{cid}}][path]" value="{{route}}"></td>
<td><input type="text" id="method-{{cid}}" name="route[{{cid}}][method]" value="{{method}}"></td>
<td><button class="btn btn-mini" data-call-method="visitRoute">Visit</button></td>
<td><button class="btn btn-danger btn-mini" data-call-method="removeRoute">Remove</button></td>
<td colspan="4">No Routes</td>
<button class="btn btn-success" data-call-method="createRoute">Create Route</button>
<div class="modal-footer">
<input type="button" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" value="Close">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Save Changes">
CreateModuleModal = Application.view 'create-module-modal'
'submit form': (event) ->
@serialize event, (attributes, release) =>
if attributes.route
viewsToCreate = []
routes = {}
_.each attributes.route, (route) ->
routes[route.path] = route.method
if route['create-view'] and route['create-view'] is 'on'
viewsToCreate.push route.method
generator.createModule, routes, viewsToCreate
hide: ->
@$el.modal 'hide'
show: ->
@$el.modal 'show'
initialize: ->
$('body').append @$el
@$el.on 'hidden', => @destroy()
createRoute: (event) ->
@model.attributes.routes.add new Application.Model route: '', method: ''
@$('tbody > tr:last-child td:first-child input')[0].focus()
removeRoute: (event) ->
model = $(
collection = $(
collection.remove model
template: """
<div class="modal">
<form class="form-vertical">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3>Create Module</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
<label for="name-{{cid}}"><strong>Module Name</strong></label>
<input type="text" id="name-{{cid}}" name="name">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
<th>Create View?</th>
{{#collection routes tag="tbody"}}
<td><input type="text" id="route-{{cid}}" name="route[{{cid}}][path]" value="{{route}}"></td>
<td><input type="text" id="method-{{cid}}" name="route[{{cid}}][method]" value="{{method}}"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" id="create-view-{{cid}}" name="route[{{cid}}][create-view]" checked="checked"></td>
<td><button class="btn btn-danger btn-mini" data-call-method="removeRoute">Remove</button></td>
<td colspan="4">No Routes</td>
<button class="btn btn-success" data-call-method="createRoute">Create Route</button>
<div class="modal-footer">
<input type="button" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" value="Close">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Create Module">
CreateFileModal = Application.View.extend
events: ->
'submit form': (event) ->
@serialize event, (attributes, release) =>
name =\/$/, '')
if name isnt ''
module: @module
type: @type
name: name
'create-template': attributes['create-template'] and attributes['create-template'] is 'on'
'keyup input[name="name"]': (event) ->
target = $(
oldVal = target.val()
newVal = oldVal.replace(/([^a-z\/\-]+|^\/)/g, '').replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/')
if oldVal isnt newVal
target.val newVal
initialize: ->
@isView = @type is 'view'
@name = if @type is 'lib' then 'Library' else @type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + @type.slice(1);
$('body').append @$el
@$el.on 'hidden', => @destroy()
@$('input[type="text"]').val(@module + '/').focus()
hide: ->
@$el.modal 'hide'
show: ->
@$el.modal 'show'
template: """
<div class="modal">
<form class="form-horizontal">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3>Create new {{name}}</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="name-{{cid}}"><b>Name</b></label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="text" name="name" id="name-{{cid}}">
{{#if isView}}
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="create-template-{{cid}}">Create template?</label>
<div class="controls">
<input class="checkbox" checked="checked" type="checkbox" name="create-template" id="create-template-{{cid}}">
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Create">
$ ->
lumbarConfig.fetch success: ->
mainView.setModel lumbarConfig
Application.setView mainView
$('body').append Application.el
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