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Created August 14, 2012 21:57
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Thorax collection latest
(function() {
var root = this,
Backbone = root.Backbone,
Handlebars = root.Handlebars,
Thorax = root.Thorax,
_ = root._,
$ = root.$,
_fetch = Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch,
_reset = Backbone.Collection.prototype.reset,
_configure = Thorax.View.prototype._configure,
_on = Thorax.View.prototype.on,
_extend = Thorax.View.extend,
collectionCidAttributeName = 'data-collection-cid',
collectionNameAttributeName = 'data-collection-name',
collectionEmptyAttributeName = 'data-collection-empty',
modelCidAttributeName = 'data-model-cid',
modelNameAttributeName = 'data-model-name',
Thorax.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Thorax.Model || Backbone.Model,
isEmpty: function() {
if (this.length > 0) {
return false;
} else {
return this.length === 0 && this.isPopulated();
isPopulated: function() {
return this._fetched || this.length > 0 || (!this.length && !Thorax.Util.getValue(this, 'url'));
fetch: function(options) {
options = options || {};
var success = options.success;
options.success = function(collection, response) {
collection._fetched = true;
success && success(collection, response);
return _fetch.apply(this, arguments);
reset: function(models, options) {
this._fetched = !!models;
return, models, options);
Thorax.Util.createRegistry(Thorax, '_collections', 'collection', 'Collection');
function addEvents(target, source) {
_.each(source, function(callback, eventName) {
if (_.isArray(callback)) {
callback.forEach(function(cb) {
target.push([eventName, cb]);
}, this);
} else {
target.push([eventName, callback]);
function generateOnWrapper(parent) {
return function(eventName, callback) {
if (eventName === 'collection' && typeof callback === 'object') {
addEvents(this._collectionEvents, callback);
} else {
return parent.apply(this, arguments);
_.extend(Thorax.View, {
_collectionEvents: [],
on: generateOnWrapper(Thorax.View.on),
extend: function() {
var child = _extend.apply(this, arguments);
Thorax.Util._cloneEvents(this, child, '_collectionEvents');
return child;
_.extend(Thorax.View.prototype, {
on: generateOnWrapper(Thorax.View.prototype.on),
_configure: function(options) {
this._collectionEvents = [];
return, options);
Thorax.CollectionView = Thorax.HelperView.extend({
_setCollectionOptions: function(collection, options) {
return _.extend({
fetch: true,
success: false,
errors: true
}, options || {});
_bindCollection: function(collection) {
this.collection = collection;
if (collection) {
collection.cid = collection.cid || _.uniqueId('collection');
this.$el.attr(collectionCidAttributeName, collection.cid);
if ( {
this.options = this._setCollectionOptions(collection, this.options);, collection, this.parent._collectionEvents);, collection, this.parent.constructor._collectionEvents);
collection.trigger('set', collection);
if (Thorax.Util.shouldFetch(collection, this.options)) {
} else {
//want to trigger built in event handler (render())
//without triggering event on collection
//if we rendered with item views model changes will be observed
//by the generated item view but if we rendered with templates
//then model changes need to be bound as nothing is watching
if (!this.options['item-view']) {
this.on(collection, 'change', function(model) {
this.$el.find('[' + modelCidAttributeName + '="' + model.cid +'"]').remove();
this.appendItem(model, collection.indexOf(model));
}, this);
return this;
_loadCollection: function(collection) {
//appendItem(model [,index])
//appendItem(html_string, index)
//appendItem(view, index)
appendItem: function(model, index, options) {
//empty item
if (!model) {
var itemView;
options = options || {};
//if index argument is a view
if (index && index.el) {
index = this.$el.children().indexOf(index.el) + 1;
//if argument is a view, or html string
if (model.el || typeof model === 'string') {
itemView = model;
model = false;
} else {
index = index || this.collection.indexOf(model) || 0;
itemView = this.renderItem(model, index);
if (itemView) {
if (itemView.cid) {
//if the renderer's output wasn't contained in a tag, wrap it in a div
//plain text, or a mixture of top level text nodes and element nodes
//will get wrapped
if (typeof itemView === 'string' && !itemView.match(/^\s*\</m)) {
itemView = '<div>' + itemView + '</div>'
var itemElement = itemView.el ? [itemView.el] : _.filter($(itemView), function(node) {
//filter out top level whitespace nodes
return node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE;
if (model) {
$(itemElement).attr(modelCidAttributeName, model.cid);
var previousModel = index > 0 ? - 1) : false;
if (!previousModel) {
} else {
//use last() as appendItem can accept multiple nodes from a template
this.$el.find('[' + modelCidAttributeName + '="' + previousModel.cid + '"]').last().after(itemElement);
this._appendViews(null, function(el) {
el.setAttribute(modelCidAttributeName, model.cid);
this._appendElements(null, function(el) {
el.setAttribute(modelCidAttributeName, model.cid);
if (!options.silent) {
this.parent.trigger('rendered:item', this, this.collection, model, itemElement, index);
return itemView;
reset: function() {
render: function() {
if (this.collection) {
if (this.collection.isEmpty()) {
this.$el.attr(collectionEmptyAttributeName, true);
} else {
this.collection.forEach(function(item, i) {
if (!this.options.filter || this.options.filter &&
(typeof this.options.filter === 'string'
? this.parent[this.options.filter]
: this.options.filter).call(this.parent, item, i)
) {
this.appendItem(item, i);
}, this);
this.parent.trigger('rendered:collection', this, this.collection);
renderEmpty: function() {
var context = (this.emptyContext && this.emptyContext()) || {};
if (this.options['empty-view']) {
var view = Thorax.Util.getViewInstance(this.options['empty-view'], context);
if (this.options['empty-template']) {
view.render(this.renderTemplate(this.options['empty-template'], context));
} else {
return view;
} else {
var emptyTemplate = this.options['empty-template'] || ( && this._loadTemplate( + '-empty', true));
return emptyTemplate && this.renderTemplate(emptyTemplate, context);
renderItem: function(model, i) {
if (this.options['item-view']) {
var viewOptions = {
model: model
//itemContext deprecated
if (this.itemContext) {
viewOptions.context = this.itemContext;
if (this.options['item-template']) {
viewOptions.template = this.options['item-template'];
var view = Thorax.Util.getViewInstance(this.options['item-view'], viewOptions);
return view;
} else {
var itemTemplate = this.options['item-template'] || ( && this.parent._loadTemplate( + '-item', true));
if (!itemTemplate) {
throw new Error('collection helper in View: ' + ( || this.parent.cid) + ' requires an item template.');
return this.renderTemplate(itemTemplate, (this.itemContext && this.itemContext(model, i)) || model.attributes);
appendEmpty: function() {
var emptyContent = this.renderEmpty();
emptyContent && this.appendItem(emptyContent, 0, {
silent: true
this.parent.trigger('rendered:empty', this, this.collection);
function bindCollectionEvents(collection, events) {
events.forEach(function(event) {
this.on(collection, event[0], function() {
return event[1].apply(this, arguments);
}, this);
}, this);
collection: {
add: function(model, collection) {
if (collection.length === 1) {
if(this.$el.length) {
if (this.$el.length) {
var index = collection.indexOf(model);
if (!this.options.filter || this.options.filter &&
(typeof this.options.filter === 'string'
? this.parent[this.options.filter]
: this.options.filter).call(this.parent, model, index)
) {
this.appendItem(model, index);
remove: function(model, collection) {
this.$el.find('[' + modelCidAttributeName + '="' + model.cid + '"]').remove();
for (var cid in this.children) {
if (this.children[cid].model && this.children[cid].model.cid === model.cid) {
delete this.children[cid];
if (collection.length === 0) {
if (this.$el.length) {
this.$el.attr(collectionEmptyAttributeName, true);
reset: function(collection) {
error: function(message) {
if (this.options.errors) {
this.trigger('error', message);
this.parent.trigger('error', message);
Handlebars.registerViewHelper('collection', Thorax.CollectionView, function(collection, view) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
view = collection;
collection = this._view.collection;
if (collection) {
_.extend(view.options, {
'item-template': view.template && view.template !== Handlebars.VM.noop ? view.template : view.options['item-template'],
'empty-template': view.inverse && view.inverse !== Handlebars.VM.noop ? view.inverse : view.options['empty-template'],
'item-view': view.options['item-view'],
'empty-view': view.options['empty-view'],
filter: view.options['filter']
//empty helper
Handlebars.registerViewHelper('empty', function(collection, view) {
var empty, noArgument;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
view = collection;
collection = false;
noArgument = true;
var _render = view.render;
view.render = function() {
if (noArgument) {
empty = !this.parent.model || (this.parent.model && !this.parent.model.isEmpty());
} else if (!collection) {
empty = true;
} else {
empty = collection.isEmpty();
if (empty) {
this.parent.trigger('rendered:empty', this, collection);
return, this.template);
} else {
return, this.inverse);
//no model binding is necessary as model.set() will cause re-render
if (collection) {
function collectionRemoveCallback() {
if (collection.length === 0) {
function collectionAddCallback() {
if (collection.length === 1) {
function collectionResetCallback() {
view.on(collection, 'remove', collectionRemoveCallback);
view.on(collection, 'add', collectionAddCallback);
view.on(collection, 'reset', collectionResetCallback);
//$(selector).collection() helper
$.fn.collection = function(view) {
var $this = $(this),
collectionElement = $this.closest('[' + collectionCidAttributeName + ']'),
collectionCid = collectionElement && collectionElement.attr(collectionCidAttributeName);
if (collectionCid) {
view = view || $this.view();
if (view) {
return view.collection;
return false;
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