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Created August 14, 2012 21:59
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Thorax latest
(function() {
var root = this,
Backbone = root.Backbone,
Handlebars = root.Handlebars,
_ = root._,
$ = root.$,
//support zepto.forEach on jQuery
if (!$.fn.forEach) {
$.fn.forEach = function(iterator, context) {
$, function(index) { || this, this, index);
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
Thorax = exports;
} else {
Thorax = root.Thorax = {};
Thorax.VERSION = '2.0.0b1';
var handlebarsExtension = 'handlebars',
handlebarsExtensionRegExp = new RegExp('\\.' + handlebarsExtension + '$'),
viewNameAttributeName = 'data-view-name',
viewCidAttributeName = 'data-view-cid',
viewPlaceholderAttributeName = 'data-view-tmp',
viewHelperAttributeName = 'data-view-helper',
elementPlaceholderAttributeName = 'data-element-tmp';
function registryGet(object, type, name, ignoreErrors) {
if (!object[type][name] && !ignoreErrors) {
throw new Error(type + ': ' + name + ' does not exist.');
} else {
return object[type][name];
_.extend(Thorax, {
templatePathPrefix: '',
//view instances
_viewsIndexedByCid: {},
_templates: {},
template: function(name, value, ignoreErrors) {
var pathPrefix = Thorax.templatePathPrefix;
//append templatePathPrefix if getting
if (!value) {
name = pathPrefix + name;
//always remove handlebars extension wether setting or getting
name = name.replace(handlebarsExtensionRegExp, '');
//append the template path prefix if it is missing
if (pathPrefix && pathPrefix.length && name && name.substr(0, pathPrefix.length) !== pathPrefix) {
name = pathPrefix + name;
if (!value) {
return registryGet(this, '_templates', name, ignoreErrors);
} else {
return Thorax._templates[name] = typeof value === 'string' ? Handlebars.compile(value) : value;
Thorax.Util = {
getViewInstance: function(name, attributes) {
if (typeof name === 'string') {
var klass = Thorax.view(name);
return klass.cid ? _.extend(klass, attributes || {}) : new klass(attributes);
} else if (typeof name === 'function') {
return new name(attributes);
} else {
return name;
getValue: function (object, prop) {
if (!(object && object[prop])) {
return null;
return _.isFunction(object[prop])
? object[prop].apply(object,, 2))
: object[prop];
extendConstructor: function(obj, key, callback) {
var oldConstructor = obj[key];
var newConstructor = function() {
callback.apply(this, [oldConstructor].concat(Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)));
_.extend(newConstructor, oldConstructor);
newConstructor.prototype = oldConstructor.prototype;
newConstructor.prototype.constructor = newConstructor;
return obj[key] = newConstructor;
//'selector' is not present in $('<p></p>')
//TODO: investigage a better detection method
is$: function(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'object' && ('length' in obj);
expandToken: function(input, scope) {
if (input && input.indexOf && input.indexOf('{{') >= 0) {
var re = /(?:\{?[^{]+)|(?:\{\{([^}]+)\}\})/g,
ret = [];
function deref(token, scope) {
var segments = token.split('.'),
len = segments.length;
for (var i = 0; scope && i < len; i++) {
if (segments[i] !== 'this') {
scope = scope[segments[i]];
return scope;
while (match = re.exec(input)) {
if (match[1]) {
var params = match[1].split(/\s+/);
if (params.length > 1) {
var helper = params.shift();
params = { return deref(param, scope); });
if (Handlebars.helpers[helper]) {
ret.push(Handlebars.helpers[helper].apply(scope, params));
} else {
// If the helper is not defined do nothing
} else {
ret.push(deref(params[0], scope));
} else {
input = ret.join('');
return input;
tag: function(attributes, content, scope) {
var htmlAttributes = _.clone(attributes),
tag = htmlAttributes.tag || htmlAttributes.tagName || 'div';
if (htmlAttributes.tag) {
delete htmlAttributes.tag;
if (htmlAttributes.tagName) {
delete htmlAttributes.tagName;
return '<' + tag + ' ' +, function(value, key) {
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
return '';
var formattedValue = value;
if (scope) {
formattedValue = Thorax.Util.expandToken(value, scope);
return key + '="' + Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(formattedValue) + '"';
}).join(' ') + '>' + (typeof content === 'undefined' ? '' : content) + '</' + tag + '>';
htmlAttributesFromOptions: function(options) {
var htmlAttributes = {};
if (options.tag) {
htmlAttributes.tag = options.tag;
if (options.tagName) {
htmlAttributes.tagName = options.tagName;
if (options['class']) {
htmlAttributes['class'] = options['class'];
if ( { =;
return htmlAttributes;
createRegistry: function(object, cacheName, methodName, klassName) {
object[cacheName] = {};
object[methodName] = function(name, value, ignoreErrors) {
if (!value) {
return registryGet(object, cacheName, name, ignoreErrors);
} else {
if (value.cid && ! { = name;
return object[cacheName][name] = value;
} else {
if (!value.prototype) {
value = object[klassName].extend(value);
} = name; = name;
return object[cacheName][name] = value;
Thorax.View = Backbone.View.extend({
_configure: function(options) {
Thorax._viewsIndexedByCid[this.cid] = this;
this.children = {};
this._renderCount = 0;
//this.options is removed in Thorax.View, we merge passed
//properties directly with the view and template context
_.extend(this, options || {});
//compile a string if it is set as this.template
if (typeof this.template === 'string') {
this.template = Handlebars.compile(this.template);
} else if ( && !this.template) {
//fetch the template
this.template = Thorax.template(, null, true);
_ensureElement : function() {;
if ( {
this.$el.attr(viewCidAttributeName, this.cid);
_addChild: function(view) {
this.children[view.cid] = view;
if (!view.parent) {
view.parent = this;
return view;
destroy: function(options) {
options = _.defaults(options || {}, {
children: true
delete Thorax._viewsIndexedByCid[this.cid];
_.each(this.children, function(child) {
if (options.children) {
child.parent = null;
if (options.children) {
this.children = {};
render: function(output) {
if (typeof output === 'undefined' || (!_.isElement(output) && !$(output) && !(output && output.el) && typeof output !== 'string' && typeof output !== 'function')) {
if (!this.template) {
//if the name was set after the view was created try one more time to fetch a template
if ( {
this.template = Thorax.template(, null, true);
if (!this.template) {
throw new Error('View ' + ( || this.cid) + '.render() was called with no content and no template set on the view.');
output = this.renderTemplate(this.template);
} else if (typeof output === 'function') {
output = this.renderTemplate(output);
//accept a view, string, Handlebars.SafeString or DOM element
this.html((output && output.el) || (output && output.string) || output);
return output;
context: function() {
return this;
_getContext: function(attributes) {
return _.extend({}, Thorax.Util.getValue(this, 'context'), attributes || {}, {
cid: _.uniqueId('t'),
_view: this
renderTemplate: function(file, data, ignoreErrors) {
var template;
data = this._getContext(data);
if (typeof file === 'function') {
template = file;
} else {
template = this._loadTemplate(file);
if (!template) {
if (ignoreErrors) {
return ''
} else {
throw new Error('Unable to find template ' + file);
} else {
return template(data);
_loadTemplate: function(file, ignoreErrors) {
return Thorax.template(file, null, ignoreErrors);
ensureRendered: function() {
!this._renderCount && this.render();
html: function(html) {
if (typeof html === 'undefined') {
return this.el.innerHTML;
} else {
var element = this.$el.html(html);
return element;
Thorax.Util.createRegistry(Thorax, '_views', 'view', 'View');
Handlebars.registerHelper('super', function() {
var parent = this._view.constructor && this._view.constructor.__super__;
if (parent) {
var template = parent.template;
if (!template) {
if (! {
throw new Error('Cannot use super helper when parent has no name or template.');
template = Thorax.template(;
if (typeof template === 'string') {
template = Handlebars.compile(template);
return new Handlebars.SafeString(template(this));
} else {
return '';
Handlebars.registerHelper('template', function(name, options) {
var context = _.extend({}, this, options ? options.hash : {});
var output =, name, context);
return new Handlebars.SafeString(output);
//view helper
var viewTemplateOverrides = {};
Handlebars.registerHelper('view', function(view, options) {
if (!view) {
return '';
var instance = Thorax.Util.getViewInstance(view, options ? options.hash : {}),
placeholder_id = instance.cid + '-' + _.uniqueId('placeholder');
this._view.trigger('child', instance);
if (options.fn) {
viewTemplateOverrides[placeholder_id] = options.fn;
var htmlAttributes = Thorax.Util.htmlAttributesFromOptions(options.hash);
htmlAttributes[viewPlaceholderAttributeName] = placeholder_id;
return new Handlebars.SafeString(, htmlAttributes));
Thorax.HelperView = Thorax.View.extend({
_ensureElement: function() {
Thorax.View.prototype._ensureElement.apply(this, arguments);
this.$el.attr(viewHelperAttributeName, this._helperName);
context: function() {
return this.parent.context.apply(this.parent, arguments);
//ensure nested inline helpers will always have this.parent
//set to the view containing the template
function getParent(parent) {
while (parent._helperName) {
parent = parent.parent;
return parent;
Handlebars.registerViewHelper = function(name, viewClass, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 2) {
options = {};
callback = arguments[1];
viewClass = Thorax.HelperView;
Handlebars.registerHelper(name, function() {
var args = _.toArray(arguments),
options = args.pop(),
viewOptions = {
template: options.fn,
inverse: options.inverse,
options: options.hash,
parent: getParent(this._view),
_helperName: name
}; && ( =;
options.hash['class'] && (viewOptions.className = options.hash['class']);
options.hash.className && (viewOptions.className = options.hash.className);
options.hash.tag && (viewOptions.tagName = options.hash.tag);
options.hash.tagName && (viewOptions.tagName = options.hash.tagName);
var instance = new viewClass(viewOptions);
this._view.children[instance.cid] = instance;
this._view.trigger.apply(this._view, ['helper', name].concat(args));
this._view.trigger.apply(this._view, ['helper:' + name].concat(args));
var htmlAttributes = Thorax.Util.htmlAttributesFromOptions(options.hash);
htmlAttributes[viewPlaceholderAttributeName] = instance.cid;
callback.apply(this, args);
return new Handlebars.SafeString(Thorax.Util.tag(htmlAttributes, ''));
var helper = Handlebars.helpers[name];
return helper;
//called from View.prototype.html()
Thorax.View.prototype._appendViews = function(scope, callback) {
(scope || this.$el).find('[' + viewPlaceholderAttributeName + ']').forEach(function(el) {
var placeholder_id = el.getAttribute(viewPlaceholderAttributeName),
cid = placeholder_id.replace(/\-placeholder\d+$/, ''),
view = this.children[cid];
//if was set with a helper
if (_.isFunction(view)) {
view =;
if (view) {
//see if the {{#view}} helper declared an override for the view
//if not, ensure the view has been rendered at least once
if (viewTemplateOverrides[placeholder_id]) {
} else {
callback && callback(view.el);
}, this);
//element helper
Handlebars.registerHelper('element', function(element, options) {
var cid = _.uniqueId('element'),
htmlAttributes = Thorax.Util.htmlAttributesFromOptions(options.hash);
htmlAttributes[elementPlaceholderAttributeName] = cid;
this._view._elementsByCid || (this._view._elementsByCid = {});
this._view._elementsByCid[cid] = element;
return new Handlebars.SafeString(, htmlAttributes));
Thorax.View.prototype._appendElements = function(scope, callback) {
(scope || this.$el).find('[' + elementPlaceholderAttributeName + ']').forEach(function(el) {
var cid = el.getAttribute(elementPlaceholderAttributeName),
element = this._elementsByCid[cid];
if (_.isFunction(element)) {
element =;
callback && callback(element);
}, this);
//$(selector).view() helper
$.fn.view = function(options) {
options = _.defaults(options || {}, {
helper: true
var selector = '[' + viewCidAttributeName + ']';
if (!options.helper) {
selector += ':not([' + viewHelperAttributeName + '])';
var el = $(this).closest(selector);
return (el && Thorax._viewsIndexedByCid[el.attr(viewCidAttributeName)]) || false;
//contain a result set to a given view
$.fn.filterToView = function(view) {
return this.not(function() {
var parents = $(this).parents('[' + viewCidAttributeName + ']');
return _.any(parents, function(parent) {
return parent.getAttribute(viewCidAttributeName) != view.cid;
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