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XXH3 sve implementation
/// Adapted from Haojian Zhuang's code.
.arch armv8-a+sve
#include "asmdefs.h"
// Since SVE support in C compilers is fairly new and not very optimized, the SVE routines
// are written in assembly.
/// Perform a single round of XXH_accumulate_512().
/// \acc = XXH3_accumulate_512_round(\acc, LDR(x1, \memoffs), LDR(x2, \memoffs))
/// The code is specialized to the various SVE vector sizes to avoid loading from memory.
.macro ACCRND acc, memoffs:vararg
// load input
ld1d {z4.d}, p7/z, [x1, \memoffs]
// load secret
ld1d {z5.d}, p7/z, [x2, \memoffs]
// mixed = secret EOR input
eor z5.d, p7/m, z5.d, z4.d
// swapped = SWAP(input)
tbl z4.d, {z4.d}, z7.d
// mixed_lo = mixed AND 0xffffffff (technically (u64)(u32) mixed)
uxtw z6.d, p7/m, z5.d
// mixed_hi = mixed >> 32
lsr z5.d, p7/m, z5.d, #32
// mixed_lo = mixed_hi * mixed_lo + swapped (distributive property)
mad z5.d, p7/m, z6.d, z4.d
// acc += mixed_lo
add \acc, p7/m, \acc, z5.d
/// Compatible with XXH3_accumulate()
/// void XXH3_aarch64_sve_acc(
/// xxh_u64 *XXH_RESTRICT acc, // x0
/// const xxh_u8 *XXH_RESTRICT input, // x1
/// const xxh_u8 *XXH_RESTRICT secret, // x2
/// size_t nbBlocks, // x3
/// XXH3_f_accumulate_512 {ignored} // x4
/// );
/// Clobbers x0-x4, z0-z7, p7
ENTRY (XXH3_aarch64_sve_acc)
// if nbBlocks is 0, return
cbz x3, L(acc.ret)
// set z7 to [ 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, ... ] for tbl to swap adjacent lanes
index z7.d, #0, #1 // z7 = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... ]
eor z7.d, z7.d, #1 // z7 = [ 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4... ]
// Determine the SVE vector size so the loop can be unrolled.
cntd x4
cmp x4, #2 // 128 bits exact
b.eq L(acc.sve128)
cmp x4, #8 // 256-384 bits
b.lo L(acc.sve256)
// FALLTHROUGH: 512+ bits
// SVE512 and larger (e.g. Fujitsu A64FX)
// This is the simplest version as it only requires one iteration per stripe.
// Limit to 512 bits.
ptrue p7.d, VL8
// Load accumulators into z0
ld1d {z0.d}, p7/z, [x0] // svuint64_t xacc = read512(acc)
1: // do {
prfm pldl1strm, [x1, #512] // XXH_PREFETCH(input + 512) // XXX: does this benefit?
ACCRND z0.d, #0, MUL VL // 0 // xacc = XXH3_accumulate_512(...)
add x1, x1, #64 // input += XXH3_STRIPE_LEN
add x2, x2, #8 // secret += XXH3_SECRET_CONSUME_RATE
subs x3, x3, #1 // nbBlocks-- 1b // } while (nbBlocks != 0)
// Store back
st1d {z0.d}, p7, [x0] // write512(acc, xacc)
L(acc.ret): // reuse this ret for the zero check above
// SVE128 (e.g. Cortex-X2)
// Pretty much the same code as before but it stores the accumulator in multiple
// registers to avoid reloads from memory.
ptrue p7.d
// Load accumulators into z0-z3.
ld1d {z0.d}, p7/z, [x0]
ld1d {z1.d}, p7/z, [x0, #1, MUL VL]
ld1d {z2.d}, p7/z, [x0, #2, MUL VL]
ld1d {z3.d}, p7/z, [x0, #3, MUL VL]
prfm pldl1strm, [x1, #512]
// Perform rounds on each of the accumulators
ACCRND z0.d, #0, MUL VL // 0
ACCRND z1.d, #1, MUL VL // 16
ACCRND z2.d, #2, MUL VL // 32
ACCRND z3.d, #3, MUL VL // 48
add x1, x1, #64
add x2, x2, #8
subs x3, x3, #1 1b
// Store back
st1d {z0.d}, p7, [x0]
st1d {z1.d}, p7, [x0, #1, MUL VL]
st1d {z2.d}, p7, [x0, #2, MUL VL]
st1d {z3.d}, p7, [x0, #3, MUL VL]
// SVE256 and SVE384
// It is unlikely that anyone will use SVE384 in practice, but this codepath is made compatible anyways.
// Limit the vector size to 256 bits
ptrue p7.d, VL4
// Don't use MUL VL, instead force it to a 32 byte offset
mov w4, #32 >> 3
// Load accumulators into z0-z1.
ld1d {z0.d}, p7/z, [x0]
ld1d {z1.d}, p7/z, [x0, x4, LSL #3]
prfm pldl1strm, [x1, #512]
// Perform rounds on each of the accumulators
ACCRND z0.d, #0, MUL VL // 0
ACCRND z1.d, x4, LSL #3 // 32
add x1, x1, #64
add x2, x2, #8
subs x3, x3, #1 1b
// Store back
st1d {z0.d}, p7, [x0]
st1d {z1.d}, p7, [x0, x4, LSL #3]
END (XXH3_aarch64_sve_acc)
.section ".note.GNU-stack", "" // Ensures that this won't mark the stack as executable
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