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Last active June 25, 2017 02:57
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  • Save easychen/0a56528341a2a4f4360cb98958fa005a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save easychen/0a56528341a2a4f4360cb98958fa005a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
foreach( glob( '*.html' ) as $k => $htmlfile )
echo "File: $htmlfile \r\n";
$reg = '/this\.feeds\s+=\s+(.+?)\}\s+,\s+1000/is';
$content = file_get_contents( $htmlfile );
if( preg_match( $reg , $content , $out ) )
if($data = json_decode( trim($out[1]) , 1 ))
foreach ( $data as $kkk => $item )
$keys = array();
$keys[] = 'pic_url';
//$keys[] = 'oripic_url';
$keys[] = 'rt_pic_url';
//$keys[] = 'rt_oripic_url';
foreach( $keys as $key )
if( strlen( $item[$key] ) > 0 && (substr( $item[$key] , 0 , 7 ) == 'http://' || substr( $item[$key] , 0 , 8 ) == 'https://' ) )
$info = explode( '.' , basename( $item[$key] ));
$ext = end( $info );
if( !in_array( $ext , array( 'png' , 'jpg' , 'jpeg' , 'gif' ) ) )
$ext = 'jpg';
@mkdir( 'img/' . $k . '/' , 0777 , true );
$newfile = 'img/' . $k . '/' . $item['cid'] . '.'.$key.'.' .$ext;
echo "Image: " . $item[$key] . "\r\n" ;
if( copy( $item[$key] , $newfile ) )
$data[$kkk][$key] = $newfile;
// 处理原图
if( $key == 'rt_pic_url' )
$new_ofile = 'img/' . $k . '/' . $item['cid'] . '.'.$key.'.rtori.' .$ext;
$nurl = str_replace( '/wap180/' , '/large/', $item[$key] );
echo "Image: " . $nurl . "\r\n" ;
if( copy( $nurl , $new_ofile ) )
$data[$kkk]['rt_oripic_url'] = $new_ofile;
// 处理原图
if( $key == 'pic_url' )
$new_ofile = 'img/' . $k . '/' . $item['cid'] . '.'.$key.'.ori.' .$ext;
$nurl = str_replace( '/wap180/' , '/large/', $item[$key] );
echo "Image: " . $nurl . "\r\n" ;
if( copy( $nurl , $new_ofile ) )
$data[$kkk]['oripic_url'] = $new_ofile;
echo "...done\r\n";
echo "...error \r\n";
echo "@Page $k \r\n";
$content = str_replace( $out[1] , json_encode( $data ) , $content );
file_put_contents( $htmlfile , $content );
echo "All Done!";
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