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Created August 31, 2018 11:01
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pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract Gate {
bytes8 private password;
address public entrant;
address private mainContract;
uint public tryLimit=0;
struct User {
bytes8 username;
bytes8 password;
uint public win_pos;
function Gate(uint _win_pos, bytes8 _password) public{
mainContract = msg.sender;
win_pos = _win_pos;
password = _password;
modifier isLimit() {
require(tryLimit<3); tryLimit++; _;
modifier gateKeeperOne() {
User user;
user.password=bytes8(msg.sender) << 2;
user.username=bytes8(msg.sender) << 5; _;
modifier gateKeeperTwo() {
require(msg.gas % 8191 < 700); require(msg.gas % 8191> 200);
modifier gateKeeperThree(bytes8 _gateKey) {
require(_gateKey == password);
function enter(bytes8 _gateKey) public isLimit gateKeeperOne gateKeeperTwo gateKeeperThree(_gateKey) returns(bool) {
entrant = tx.origin;
return true;
function submit() public returns (bool){
GameBuilder build=GameBuilder(mainContract);
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