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Created July 26, 2022 15:39
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A Node wrapper around scheduling Docker containers for NodeJS tests
const cp = require('child_process');
function runCmd(opts, containerId, cmd) {
console.log('[DEBUG withDocker] docker exec ' + containerId + ' ' + cmd);
cp.execSync('docker exec ' + containerId + ' ' + cmd, {
stdio: 'inherit',
const CONTAINERS = {};
function getContainers() {
console.log('Waiting for container to come up...');
const res = cp.execSync('docker ps');
return res.toString().split('\n').slice(1);
module.exports.withDocker = async function (opts, cb) {
outer: while (true) {
for (const container of getContainers()) {
const id = container.split(' ')[0];
if (CONTAINERS[opts.image] && CONTAINERS[opts.image].includes(id)) {
console.log('Waiting for existing container from this image to die.');
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 3000));
continue outer;
const cmd = 'docker';
const args = ['run', '-d'];
if (opts.port) {
let port = String(opts.port);
if (!port.includes(':')) {
port = `${port}:${port}`;
args.push('-p', port);
if (opts.env) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(opts.env)) {
args.push('-e', `${key}=${value}`);
if (opts.args) {
if (opts.program) {
if (Array.isArray(opts.program)) {
} else {
console.log(`[DEBUG withDocker] ${cmd} ${args.join(' ')}`);
const proc = cp.spawn(cmd, args);
let stdout = '';
proc.stdout.on('data', (m) => {
stdout += m.toString();
let stderr = '';
proc.stderr.on('data', (m) => {
stderr += m.toString();
proc.on('exit', (s) => {
if (s == '0') {
console.log({ stdout, stderr });
let running = false;
while (!running) {
const containerId = stdout.slice(0, 12);
const containers = getContainers();
for (const container of containers) {
const id = container.split(' ')[0];
if (id && id == containerId) {
running = true;
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1500));
const containerId = stdout.slice(0, 12);
if (!CONTAINERS[opts.image]) {
CONTAINERS[opts.image] = [];
try {
if (opts.wait) {
await opts.wait(containerId);
} else if (opts.cmds) {
let first = true;
while (true) {
if (!first) {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1500));
first = false;
try {
runCmd(opts, containerId, opts.cmds[0]);
} catch (e) {
/* pass */
opts.cmds = opts.cmds.slice(1);
if (opts.cmds) {
for (const c of opts.cmds) {
runCmd(opts, containerId, c);
await cb();
} finally {
console.log('Killing container');
cp.execSync('docker kill ' + containerId, { stdio: 'inherit' });
console.log('Killed container');
CONTAINERS[opts.image] = CONTAINERS[opts.image].filter(
(c) => c === containerId
module.exports.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 360_000;
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