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Last active October 22, 2020 15:57
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comparing tensorflow mnist inference rate using gRPC vs REST
import pickle
import numpy as np
import time
import requests
import subprocess
import re
from grpc.beta import implementations
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_serving.apis import predict_pb2
from tensorflow_serving.apis import prediction_service_pb2
# returns the network IN traffic size for a given container
def get_network_i(container_name):
command = 'docker stats --no-stream --format "table {{.NetIO}}" %s' % container_name
proc = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', command], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
object = proc.communicate()
output = object[0]
return float(re.sub("[^0-9.]", "", str.split(str.split(output, "\n")[1], '/')[0]))
def prepare_grpc_request(model_name, signature_name, data):
request = predict_pb2.PredictRequest() = model_name
request.model_spec.signature_name = signature_name
tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(data, dtype=None))
return request
host = 'localhost'
grpc_container_name = 'tf_serving_mnist1'
rest_container_name = 'tf_serving_mnist2'
grpc_port = '8500'
rest_port = '8501'
batch_size = 100
num_of_requests = 1000
model_name = 'model'
signature_name = 'predict_images'
input_name = 'images'
image_path = "./mnist_image.pkl"
with open(image_path, 'rb') as f:
image = pickle.load(f)
print("input shape: %s" % str(np.shape(image)))
batch = np.repeat(image, batch_size, axis=0).tolist()
print("creating batch. Now shape is: %s" % str(np.shape(batch)))
image_cnt = num_of_requests * batch_size
print("total number of images to be sent: %d" % image_cnt)
channel = implementations.insecure_channel(host, int(grpc_port))
stub = prediction_service_pb2.beta_create_PredictionService_stub(channel)
# gRPC
print("starting gRPC test...")
print ("warming up....")
request = prepare_grpc_request(model_name, signature_name, batch)
stub.Predict(request, timeout=600)
grpc_start_net = get_network_i(grpc_container_name)
total_start = time.time()
for _ in range(num_of_requests):
request = prepare_grpc_request(model_name, signature_name, batch)
response = stub.Predict(request, timeout=600)
total_duration = float(time.time() - total_start)
grpc_rate = image_cnt / total_duration
grpc_end_net = get_network_i(grpc_container_name)
grpc_net = grpc_end_net - grpc_start_net
"Duration: %f secs -- requests: %d -- images: %d -- batch size: %d -- rate: %f img/sec -- net: %s"
% (total_duration, num_of_requests, image_cnt, batch_size, grpc_rate, grpc_net))
print("starting REST test...")
json = {
"signature_name": signature_name,
"instances": batch
print ("warming up....")
req = requests.Request('post', "http://%s:%s/v1/models/model:predict" % (host, rest_port), json=json)
rest_start_net = get_network_i(rest_container_name)
total_start = time.time()
for _ in range(num_of_requests):
response ="http://%s:%s/v1/models/model:predict" % (host, rest_port), json=json)
total_duration = float(time.time() - total_start)
rest_rate = image_cnt / total_duration
rest_end_net = get_network_i(rest_container_name)
rest_net = rest_end_net - rest_start_net
"Duration: %f secs -- requests: %d -- images: %d -- batch size: %d -- rate: %f img/sec -- net: %s"
% (total_duration, num_of_requests, image_cnt, batch_size, rest_rate, rest_net))
"Inference rate ratio (REST/gRPC): %f" % (rest_rate / grpc_rate))
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