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Created December 5, 2016 17:33
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#!/usr/bin/env python
__all__ = ["monotonic_time"]
import ctypes, os
CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 4 # see <linux/time.h>
class timespec(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('tv_sec', ctypes.c_long),
('tv_nsec', ctypes.c_long)
librt = ctypes.CDLL('', use_errno=True)
clock_gettime = librt.clock_gettime
clock_gettime.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(timespec)]
def monotonic_time():
t = timespec()
if clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW , ctypes.pointer(t)) != 0:
errno_ = ctypes.get_errno()
raise OSError(errno_, os.strerror(errno_))
return t.tv_sec + t.tv_nsec * 1e-9
if __name__ == "__main__":
print monotonic_time()
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