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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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(defn path-info
"Returns the relative path of the request."
(or (:path-info request)
(:uri request)))
(defn authentication-failed []
{:status 401
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json;charset=UTF-8"}
:body (json/write-str {:error "Unknown username or password."})})
(defn authenticated [{session :session config :config}]
{:status 200
:session session
:headers {"location" "/app/view"}})
(defn ajax-login
[& {:keys [login-uri credential-fn] :as wf-config}]
(fn [{:keys [request-method headers params] :as request}]
;;util/gets is from friend utils, it's like get, but can take multiple maps and returns the first non-nil value
(when (and (= (util/gets :login-uri wf-config (::friend/auth-config request)) (path-info request))
(= :post request-method)
(.startsWith (get headers "content-type") "application/json"))
(if-let [{:keys [username password] :as creds} (get-in request [:params :json-params])]
(if-let [user-record (and username password
((util/gets :credential-fn wf-config (::friend/auth-config request))
(with-meta creds {::friend/workflow :ajax-login})))]
(let [resp (friend/merge-authentication request (workflows/make-auth user-record))]
(authenticated (if (get-in params [:json-params :remember])
(assoc-in resp [:session :session_remember] true)
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